Why should I bother?

So, at this point I hardly need gear from any of the random dungeon queues, so why should I use them?

Obviously I can run them on alts, but on my main, I really have to wonder why there’s no incentive to do the content. I’m not gonna get a gear upgrade from them, and the Azerite reward is so miniscule that it’s barely making a difference. (Speaking of Azerite, is there a cap? And if so what is it?)

So, all that being said, I’m wondering something. Could we see better rewards for random heroic queues? Like a loot bag that had a chance to drop epic tier gear?

I personally would run more heorics and random group content if I stood a chance to improve my gear, or get a worthwhile amount of Azerite, or even a worthwhile amount of gold. Maybe some Reputation tokens for a random faction from BfA. Something other than the drop in the bucket that’s offered now.


So basically you want raider/Mythic gear for just thinking about playing?


I do believe I suggested multiple ways to encourage people to use the random dungeon queue. What I want is more people to use the random heroic queue. But the rewards for doing so are so minuscule right now that it’s not worth the time spent in the dungeon to anyone who’s already out-geared from that level of gameplay.

Or perhaps you’d rather pick one point and focus on that so heavily that you can’t see the other suggestions made, or even think for yourself enough to make your own suggestion. Which would basically just make you a troll, and not really worth anyone’s time to pay attention to.


LFR and Warfronts reward higher, but their entry requirements are higher.

You’re giving me your attention.

While I have it = If you only care about gear, there are far better options out there and DPS is abundant. Why should DPS have an incentive to roll through content that gives no gear for them? It’s not for the lore, i can tell you that much.

But hey, best of luck. If they start throwing 385/410 gear at people doing Heroics I’ll probably do one instead of LFR and Mythics.

Allow me to also quote from my initial post to illustrate my point here.

And these would only be my own suggestions, My purpose in posting to the forums is to get many people to offer suggestions, and maybe catch the attention of someone who has the power to enact a change.

But hey, like you said, I’m just focused on gear right? That’s all I care about.

And all those things you can achieve through World Quests.

You’re making me squint real hard right now…


You shouldnt. A better question is why do you think you should do them if you don’t need anything from them? Why other people do them doesn’t matter. Clearly they think there is something in them they want, but that doesn’t mean it is, or should be, the same with you.

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I want the people who need the queue to use the queue. I don’t need any more of this “I’m only here for the daily reward, go go go go” mentality.


Yes I know, and if it’s pulling me away from the dungeons, then it’s likely doing the same for other players. Would it be so bad to get a daily reward from doing dungeons that is comparable to world quests?

It’s a part of the game that’s still relevant to the current content, that players are getting drawn away from because the incentive for doing them is too low compared to other options.

You’re going to get those people reguardless of what the reward is. But the more people you have using the queue, the better chance you have of getting a good group. Also, if this is a prevalent issue for you, you’d still have the option to not use it, just as always.

No matter what happens, there’s gonna be players who just want to rush to the end. But in my experience there’s far more people who are perfectly fine going slower if that’s what people need. And the more players you have using the system, the more likely that the bad apples will get weeded out. Assuming that the /ignore functionality still works to keep from queuing with players you don’t want to deal with.

No no no no omg if you want better loot run higher end content, that’s how every single game works,
Easy content = lower reward
Harder content = better reward

Enough with this welfare gear

When you out gear content you move on to more difficult content wow I know shocking


Oh look, another person who read one line in my post and ignored the rest.

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Not really. It’s just heroic. There’s more of a chance of just getting too many snarky elitists.

Ah yes… the age old, “don’t like it, don’t use it” argument for a feature that some have to use, due to quest requirements, gear upgrades, etc. :roll_eyes:

When it comes to adding a high end daily reward, that changes. See Legion.

Moral of the story: if you want better rewards, run the content that rewards it. Each tier of content is meant for different levels and different groups of people.

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This is where having valor and justice points was nice. Gave even your geared raiders a reason to run a dungeon each day since there was always something nice to purchase with valor points.


Yeah, I know it’s a tired excuse, but I don’t really know a better way to deal with it if you’re finding it to be a prevalent issue. The only thing you can do is either tolerate it or find another way to gear. Which is certainly an option with the world quests. (I have several pieces that I got from WQ or Warfronts.

Unfortunately I wasn’t active during Legion, so I don’t have any firsthand experience with this.

That was a nice reward system, but we don’t have anything like that any more. Maybe War resources for daily rewards?

Or they can leave it alone and we don’t have to even concern ourselves with this issue.

Just as you’ve said: if you don’t want to do it, then don’t do it. It doesn’t reward what you need. So move up to higher content and leave the lower content to those who actually need it for quests and the like.

Which makes sense now. You don’t know the toxicity that existed when the AP rewards were high and raiders trash talked others, forced the “go go go” mentality in those places and the amount of arguments that occurred on this forum over it.

We really don’t need that again.

Just move up to higher content. A heroic dungeon shouldn’t be rewarding such higher end stuff.

But… why? I think that’s the part you glossed over unless I haven’t gotten that far. The idea from what I gather is that you do a level of difficulty, you get pretty much as high as you can from that, then you move onto the next and so on. You’re supposed to leave behind heroic dungeons as you move onto bigger and better things and then you go back once in awhile on alts.

The only exception seems to be tanks and healers with their dumb satchels, but honestly any time blizz gives players an incentive to go back it just ticks people off because players that outgear that difficulty make it into a nightmare. Tanks that aren’t even tanks, players rushing through even though it’s almost new content for part of the group, etc. Remember in Legion when you could get legendary currency from Heroic dungeons? There were a lot of frustrated players who just wanted to enjoy their dungeon clashing with players who just wanted it to be over as soon as possible.

So no… I think leave the levels of difficulty for players to spread out.


I’d prefer WoW focus less on giving out incentives for trivial queueable content.


These people arent ignoring the rest of your suggestions, they are stating by ommision that they think those are bad ideas. You can get better gear, more rep, more gold, ect, from higher level content.

Not needing gear from random heroics is a sign that you need to move on to the next level.


You shouldn’t.

Do the darkshore warfront 400, Ivus when it is patrol time at darkshore, etc (Ivus has been like a candy store for me, always have a seal too :wink: )

Mission board for rep, daily emissary for rep, Incursion for rep.

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Get on the treadmill and run the harder difficulties.