My prot pally is getting benched because of a guild merger. One of our tanks keeps his job (not me) and one of their tanks keeps their job.
The remaining two are getting downsized because of redundancies in the current organizational charts. In order to increase corporate synergies for a high return on investment on the capital investment between our two organizations, we were both given our walking papers from the head of the guild tanking HR department.
I considered going ret, but I honestly cannot stand the ret playstyle. Then I remembered I have a 60 war with 180ish ilvl who would greatly benefit from 9.1 catchup mechanics. I would be doing mostly fury (or arms if that is better for PvE this patch) with a prot offspec. Venthyr covenant.
Tell me oh denizens of the WoW Warrior forums why should I go warrior instead of hunter or mage?
Sell me in 100 words or less on the value of rage!
Tell me oh denizens of the WoW Warrior forums why should I go warrior instead of hunter or mage?
Sell me in 100 words or less on the value of rage!
thunderclap goes stomp stomp haha
It does suck being replace on your main role, but i do hope the guild merger will go well for you and your guildies at the end bud, i have heard too many bad things about guild merging from my experience with guilds.
Fury venthyr with the ven lego will be the go to for prog raid for sure in next patch, so you got that cover.
In term of answering why you should main a warrior, well fun is subjective since everyone has different taste/opinion about it. But if you like being manly, grunting a lot, swing big weapons and yelling, then you will enjoy the class. In reality, just play what funner for you friend, having fun with the class you play is the best morale boost you can get to encouraging yourself into improving your gameplay and skill and go far in your wow career.
But warrior is pretty badass for sure
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Arms isnât better for raiding in 9.1, especially if youâre Venthyr. The Execute buffs specifically excluded Venthyr, so rest assured, youâd be in the BiS Fury raiding covenant. For Prot offspec, your covenant really doesnât matter unless youâre main speccing it for some serious progression (Mythic raiding, or high key pushes). At the very least, the soulbinds received some buffs, and you would be perfectly fine tanking heroic/early Mythic/KSM-tier keys (with gear).
Granted, warriors are pretty fortunate in that all four of our covenants are good enough for all content. Thereâs just choices that are optimal, or benefit other aspects (NF=AoE, Necro = Utility for others, etc.).
Prot warriors are great tanks when you learn how to maximize your cds and especially reprisal (mandatory for prot)
Arms is the king melee in pvp, pair up with a healer and you are a unstoppable force
Fury I canât speak on as I have not played it much this expansion due to its huge nerds in self healing. There is hope in 9.1 that it will be viable in pvp
Haha Bladestorm and mortal wounds goes brrrrrrr.
Warrior is high paced fun.
So Warrior is actually in a pretty balanced/good spot across all specs. In general youâll see a warrior in every raid comp due to the buff we provide, however you are more likely to see a prot/fury warrior in M+.
Arms is still pretty much the king of PvP, I think it will remain that way. Itâs been a bit lacking in terms of PvE content as of late, but still viable pending on the player. Your utility allows you to cleave and single target on the fly, but can be clunky at times with gaps where you have to wait to start your rotation again. Arms is reliable in pretty much all forms of content though, and is never really a wrong choice regardless of content preference.
Fury are PvE monsters where you are nonstop mashing buttons. Probably the most balanced dps spec in the game. We have some of, if not the best sustained damage. Tons of AoE options, but fall off quite a bit in single target numbers. As far as PvE goes fury was, and still seems to be, the better of the two DPS choices for instanced content. Itâs still wait and see how much giving mortal wounds to the spec will help in PvP as fury had other reasons as to why it wasnât as good in PvP scenarios.
Prot has been buffed multiple times now, and is arguably right on par with all the other tanks, including DH. They provide some of the best mitigation options in the game with reliable cooldowns and straightforward options. Their dps is pretty solid to boot, and it never feels like you have any real downtime from being in the action.
The big issue with Warrior right now is outside of our raid buff, we arenât bringing much utility to the plate like a lot of other âTop Tierâ dps. However, we make it up in spades by being an easily approached, yet highly reliable class in every available spec. If you like swinging big weapons, or laughing as your foes try to punch you in the face only to find their hands bleeding, Warrior is the class for you!
I would say war can do stuff on his own in raid beside being a battle shout bot like rally cry, spell reflect a lot of mechanics completely ignoring it, intervene a ally for damage reduction on him if you using that soulbind, can do much to negate damage on demand like dstance on arm.
With sinful surge, maybe fury war will be a big execute monster in condemn windows, but that remain to be seen.
Hey man!I think being a warrior is fun. If you are thinking about playing it, you can find many play style options on YouTube or icy veins. As we both know warrior can be a strong melee class depending on your gear and maybe even the way you use youâre abilities. So if you want to play it keep in mind that it has some mechanics to it like the other classes. The main abilities besides damage ones, are spell reflect, piercing howl, rallying cry, the fear shout (i donât remember the name), hamstring, beserking shout, for getting out of saps and such in pvp or whatever, and then some others. So these spells are good situational spells. They should be used at various times, depending on the situation! So I think that maybe you should play warrior because of the situational spells, the mobility and da,age it does. I help this helped. If you would like some more info, try Bajheeraâs warrior guides for arms and fury. Hope this helps again 
Hey man! I meant to send my response on this guy lol!
Good luck btw and I hope you have fun
Warriors have the most moxie out of any other class. No magic. No mind-bending powers. All they have is a big piece of metal (or two) and rage.
pick up heavy object > beat other person to death with heavy object - win
First off that sucks you lost your main tanking spot from a guild merger.
You have some options as a warrior. Arms I would say brings a lot more utility then people think. With Die By the Sword and D stance, it has solid CDs to not only keep you alive but in a pinch keep another team member alive with twisting in intervene, as well as Rallying Cry. It requires to have both RC and DbtS with the highest conduits in your soulbind slots.
Furry has less utility, yet has a lot of options when it comes to being dps. On high mobile fights, I found that Furry provides that over Arms in those kinds of fights.
I would say that warriors are in a good spot, it just depends how you and possible what your guild will need for raids.
Fury* ^ âFurryâ is something else entirely.
âDo you like to murder everything that you come across?â
100 words or less?
Condemn crits hit hard.
Condem will crit super hard
Condemn crits are BIG.
PS itâs fun.
TBH, you shouldnât unless you really like their playstyle. Hunter and Mage both out dps warrior and bring more utility like trap, poly, immunities, mobility, etc.
Thunderclap is really bad now, not even worth pressing 99% of the time.