Why Shadowlands Sucks

The content offered is pretty par for the course for WoW. It’s not designed badly. 9.0 just lasted a bit too long is all. 9.1 hasn’t actually kicked in yet. It’s literally like 30 minutes of questing then you’re done until Tuesday unless you want to farm rep for 20 minutes a day for basically vanity reasons, since the rewards are kind of irrelevant if you participate in any amount of organized content.

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Shadowlands is just plain bad.

Either get new developers for a new direction or give the players the resorcuses they use for us to make mods to the game and have dedicated servers to run them.


Also both of them are playing FF now too which has more players than WoW now. Asmon has 200k+ watching him play which is far more than 9.1 release. They hype for WoW is long gone. The fact is Blizz is just poorly run and the last few years have release unfinished products riddled with systems that are bad ideas.

People are tired, just tired of it. So now there are other games to play. 9.1 just seems like 9.0 with extra steps which is bad. SL won’t recover from this and other MMOs are looking pretty good right now.


Timegate and systems doesn’t equil good story and content.

I think blizz needs to abandon the “expanded cosmology chart” idea for stories and focus on stories that take place on azeroth and maybe outland and argus.

Ditch the systems that only last half an expansion to expansion and focus on zones And dungeons, scnarios, things that people will still be able to play threw 3 years from now.


Anyway I guess I should say why -I- think Shadowlands “sucks”:

The Great Vault.

I’ve always been a very gear motivated player. I make my goals based on making my character stronger.

Base Mythic+ drops are underwhelming, so I don’t feel compelled to spam it for upgrades.

Base Raid drops would be fine in a vacuum, but they must be compared to Vault rewards, so below the Mythic level, they’re actual garbage.

And the reason for that?

The Mythic+ Vault row gets an arbitrary ilvl boost of up to NINETEEN. It gets a bigger boost to the weekly rewards than an entire difficulty tier upgrade in raiding. For nothing. It goes beyond just “making up for the lower base drops”.

So what that means for me, is that the only reward that feels meaningful is… the 220-226 stuff I can get without much effort from the Vault. The 213s or whatever from most H Raid bosses might be temporary upgrades, but since they’re significantly below what equivalent levels of M+ Vauilt Rewards offer, it’s just that – temporary. I don’t feel good about getting them, because the intent is to replace them with Vault gear.

So, when only the Vault matters, the game for me devolves into “run a dungeon a week and wait”.

There’s no good reason one row on the Vault, meaning one form of content, should be so unapologetically stronger than the others despite supposedly being an equal “pillar”.

And that’s my issue, I think.

Although, I do acknowledge that I have issues with Blizzard’s reward balancing of M+ vs Raiding in general. I’m firmly in the camp of “As long as M+ is infinitely spammable in a world that’s otherwise based almost entirely on lockouts, it’s impossible to balance in a way that doesn’t result in one form of content or the other being blatantly the better path”. The Vault is just the current issue I have with its implementation. BfA had a different issue.


Ive been having a good time in Shadowlands. Ive always got something to do and I break that up with times I go back to older content and work on that. I set goals specific to me and work on those.

This is the answer.

WoD was the first that introduced these Disney themed leveling experiences questing on rails with NPC interaction and story telling. The result was WoD endgame world was hollow. It had nothing.

The leveling experience is fun the first or second time but doesn’t obviously work for end game content 24 months long. I can’t imagine these are cheap to implement either. So ditching this kind of stuff for more open world content that people will engage with for months is better. That seems pretty obvious to me.

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I just switched to another mmo have no reason to play classic while other mmos still have classics mentality but with better graphics.

It was really daunting as I’ve been maining WoW for years and haven’t touch another mmo as an adult but tbh I’m having fun as a casual something I can never do in WoW anymore

This is an example of a good post. Thank you for taking the time to write it up.

For those playing the home game, this is how you can be critical of something in the game by providing specific examples, how they pertain to your own play and expectations, and doing so without hyperbole or drama.

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Maybe I’m tired of sharing my own ideas. THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS, as I have mentioned, was to get new ideas, and as for the title, I felt that was the best way to draw attention to my point. It’s up to people like you to give this substance, which you are apparently either unwilling or unable to do.

Shadowlands has been a culmination of lessons learned and great ideas envisioned over the years, and it really shows! Shadowlands has completely blown away expectations and continues to provide top-notch quality gameplay and content.

A very few streamers have adopted what streamer haters would describe as an “evil troll persona”, even as those same haters turn a blind eye to how devs were directly using streamers as a PR tool, then turning around and blaming “streamers” for the unpopularity of certain “features” that devs knew in advance would result in blowback.

No. Millions of players have not turned into evil trolls. You’ve gone off the deep end with that claim.

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Raids yes, M+ yes.

Raid yes PVP no. Wow pvp has always been terrible for me. That’s why i play EVE Online to get my PVP fix.

What? I don’t understand. Do you think i don’t want to be horde? I started this game as horde. I hate most of the alliance races outright. Especially the ones that are just humans with some aspect changed. And i especially hate the alliances snide yet pacifist attitude.

I like 9.1? Sorry?

proudmoore is still way deader than it’s ever been. even thru bfa and the dreaded wod. it ain’t dead by far but it sure ain’t what is was. everyone already knows the game took a nice hit and as of right now it brought some back but not all that left. i honestly don’t find it exciting just the same thing torghast raids or keys and now forced raiding cause blizz failure to completely disable new raid gear thats not fun lol. the new area will be dead soon enough it definitely ain’t gonna keep players entertained for 6 months or longer. i’d much rather have wrath nuumbers makes the game way more fun even thru bad content.

me too reminds me of timeless aisle

Man I heard them say that about 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3? What a weird and wacky coincidence, almost like there’s a proft incentive on being sensational.

Our server has been dead for a while man, it’s tiny. Try switching to Stormrage or something (which is what I’ll be doing once I’m ready to do higher keys which KT guilds cannot offer any help with… which is literally soon lol.)

I don’t think Shadowlands “sucks” per say… but it definitely has its problems. I think it’s miles better then BFA.

What I think is funny is how ACTI/Blizz is not learning from their mistakes… here’s what I mean:

We can almost all agree that we hated Torghast in 9.0. The main reason why it is hated is because it doesn’t offer much in terms of enjoyment (and gets old FAST on top of that), and your forced to do it. Anyone will start to hate anything like that.

And then came 9.1, they took the idea of Choregast and gave us Chorthia. More repetitive tasks to do which get boring fast, and your forced to do it. It was fun for the first few days but I am sooooo over it. And it just started pretty much. As of right now, I spend the day doing the content I want to do (M+) and then the end of the day comes and I try to down my Korthia dailies on both of my mains… and the whole time I’m just like “I hate this place.” I get that updates need to happen… but Blizz needs to get more creative… learn how to make players feel good again.

Having a blast doing what?

Killing rares and looting chests in a tiny crappy looking zone? lol.

I’m sorry but this entire expansion is pitiful.

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I agree. I played wow for years and I just can’t get myself to log on anymore. I played for about 2 hours today and couldn’t wait to get off. I canceled my sub.

P.s. Blizzard has fallen from a once amazing company to this shell of itself. See ya!