I don’t care about HE at all. But the rules for near extinct races are clear.
you mean a response you can’t argue because is right. You are focusing of “insulting” that don’t even exist because the other points can’t be countered. Passing the victim card trying to undermine the rest of my response isn’t going to work
I literally, insulted, anyone, my entire comment is about the race in the lore. If you can’t “endure” and have to cry rivers because a little joke about twilight well, thats a problem with you.
Again, grow some thick skin, I already don’t go to the spam topic about this, so if you don’t want to see what i wrote in other topics, ignore(i see that you already went in your own threat to paint a nice story, lets just hope i don’t get bombarded again by mass flags from elves just like others times)
i care little about people who want those races, i care bout those races not being in the factions.
Oh, so i was right after all
Don’t even bother, people like to ignore basic lore facts just because “anything can happen”
“what is matters if they said they were nearly extinct? this race of obviously not evil people can create more of then by killing even more elves and transforming then in those bloodsucking monsters! totally not evil!!”
What a wonderful and cheerful race to join a faction like the horde, like we don’t have murder hobos and genocides enough.
We just get rid of the undead elf who is being ruining the faction, she was the only link between more crazy undead elves, its gone.
To be fair.
Void elves have 30 or 40 people tops.
And it’s incredibly generous for a crack squad of mages/researchers.
It’s easier to become a Void Elf than it is to become a High Elf. You just gotta take a little bit of the void.
So I did some digging and found the place on WoWpedia where it references Kael’thas taking his followers.
“Kael’thas took a number of his most powerful followers to join the Alliance resistance, though the majority of his people remained behind in Quel’Thalas.”
Just says a majority of his people stayed behind. They could have said, “a small number of followers” or “A handful of followers”, but didn’t. They also just said majority which may be 51% or may be 99%. But I doubt it’s higher since they didn’t specify a small number of followers.
So there is some wiggle room for how many people followed him. 40 people? 100? 300? 3000 people?
and here´s what make me furious…blizzard opened the door of the opportunity for them maybe becoming a new race for us, since they basically just out of nowhere bringed a race that was suppose to be dead in wotlk, but then WHAT DOES BLIZZARD DO WITH THAT OPPORTUNITY? they throw away in the garbage by killing some of the representants in the alliance war story whatever boring call that nobody cares about and the san’layn didnt even showed up with the horde side, players that are not aware of everything that happens within wow within the horde probably never know san’layn showed up in bfa in their side to begin with, and thats stupid and hilarious
if they do, theyd have to be a neutral race.
Theyre too cool to give to one side.
Lets see, one single post, not max lv, talking like he knows the world, hmm, did reforce arrived?
Then don’t read. Im sure no one is forcing you to it.
you already went wide with the strawmaw, oh my.
And yet, i don’t see any single refutation, just more headcanon, fallacies and personal attacks. Yet im the one “insulting” people.
PArdon me if i have to refute the wall of texts with more wall of texts, but im sure no one is holing you hostage to read any of my posts.
But you want concision, lets see if you like this:
San’layn won’t happen because they are an evil and wicked race of undeads who, make no sense to join a faction like the horde, because the horde doesn’t want then, neither they have business in the horde, no matter how people headcanon their view.
And i add more:
Venthyr already cover the vampire fantasy and are better by not being a race of undead evil elves, and are actually relevant, they have more chance of being playable. If people still prefer the Sanl’ayn, then people didn’t rly want vampires, they want edgy elves.
Are you telling me, i am the guy who made you post something on this forum? Apparently you have searched all my past posts, and saw that i just end up in the "most polarizing ways imaginable", and seems like you just can’t take it anymore, you have to step up.
I have more than 2 thousand posts in this forum, do you rly think it is just about me antagonizing what other people want? that is another level of projection. Just go around the DK subforum you will se how i am a big supporter of the Frost spec getting their 2H back
Literally what you and others did, not focusing on the points i made, but my person, the way i write and me having a contrary opinion and trying to dismiss what i said because of that.
Its how most of discussion in forums happens, its being like this most game forums i went, like in mmochampion and even Reddit, is an easy way to talk about separate points than create entire wall of texts with no context.
Sure, a single person will drown any contribution to the subject in a forum of dunno, hundreds of people.
This one and the high elves sure suffer a lot because i am drowning then.
Except i have no claim against any individual, but i do have a claim about the subject, im free to talk about why i think San’layn will not happen, in a thread that talks about why san’layn won’t happen, just as i am free to talk about why i don’t think HE will be playable and why it should not be playable, in the dozen of threads they open daily.
you don’t see me going in in the sanl’ayn megathread neither in the High elf dozen megathreads. So i think we are good
The reason why they won’t add High elves has nothing to do with not wanting to add another “Elf” race, it’s because High elves ARE Blood elves. How are you going to tell us we’re not allowed to have another variation of one of our CORE races? We have two human races, two dreanei races, two orc races, two tauren races all on the same faction and you really think that San’layn are impossible because High elves never got added? Someone hasn’t been paying much attention.
It’s really sad that you’ve made this thread attempting to disguise it as a San’Layn topic, when in reality it’s a High elf thread.
He’s just salty he hasn’t gotten ogres yet.
Seems to think if he’s enough of a boob about it blizzard will smile on his butt.
High Elves aren’t blood elves? Aren’t they Night Elves who used arcane magic? I thought that was via the lore?
Let’s count our “Too low of a population to be a race rule” right here. We got Gnomes 80% of gnomes were wiped out when the game started. Night Elves a huge portion of their populus is also now wiped out. Blood Elves were literally introduced as not having a heavy population. Void Elves have literally the smallest population. Shall I mention more?
Darkspear Trolls are listed as almost extinct in their description.
Draenei number in the few Hundred before the crash. Lightforged Draenei where almost wiped out and draw from regular Draenei.
Player Pandaren are half the students of one school on the back of a giant turtle for each faction.
But Vampires? All you need is one to start a whole race because they can make more vampires.
That’s wrong. Some races can’t be made into vampires I think? The Worgen curse, I know for a fact doesn’t affect some races.
You get it.
Not rly, unlike the elf troup, i don’t keep spaming ogres all around, and don’t get personally offended by those things, guess im less salty than you think
oh yes, totally not an evil race, they are just cheerfully reproducing, killing more people in cold to be more populous and kill more.
Definitely a race to join the factions, not evil at all.
Grant it, with Sylvanus gone, gone is their 0.1% chance
We don’t know yet if it only affect humans and night elves, but the key point is how worgens don’t go on killing other people to transform then in undeads with the curse of bloodsucking, it is a druidic curse, nature magic in essence, and they only do to those who want to.
But DK have to inflict suffering to stay sane. Isn’t that an evil class if we are going to say how anything evil can’t be playable? Its in lore. DK can’t just go home to their families or hold a normal job at an inn or something because of that.