Why remove pet scaling - this is lazy fix to scoprid

Blizzard, stop being lazy. Scorpid needed nerfed/Fixed 100% - Removing petscaling (WHY?), nerfing every rune into the ground, half the runes dont even work. What are you doing … seriously? I wanted scorpid to be nerfed as well as a hunter it was not fun. But the other pets were fine.

This is just lazy at this point. When do Locks Drain life get nerfed? When do rogues Mulilate/Abush get nerfed? Shamans? Druids? Stop going insane with nerfs and manage them week to week. Chimera shot hits less than an auto shot, Explosive shot is trash, Flanking strike hits less than a auto hit… I prefer balance, but stop nerfing into the ground, pretty much useless pets now - one spec again. zero diversity. Diablo 4 all over again. Or atleast release notes that you are reviewing this and it is a temproary fix to the scorpid issue, thats fine. Pet scaling should absolutly not be removed or an entire spec is gone. TBC pet scalaing is fine Copy/Paste.


Do you have a post or something that you could link to to give context to what you’re referring to?


They hotfixed in disabling pet scaling for hunters as a result of the pets basically soloing people vs fixing the scaling.


Scaling isn’t even the main problem with scorpid. The problem is kill command bug - scorpid poison attack doesn’t consume the stacks of KC. They should fix that bug before making drastic nerfs like pet scaling.


:headstone: R.I.P. hunters.

Yeah, drastic nerfs just feels bad. This is exactly the type of knee-jerk reaction that really takes the wind out of peoples’ sails.

It absolutely isn’t difficult to understand why.


tired of these non sens change and im not talking about scorpid poison bug but everthing else.


Issue was the scorpid. other pets are fine.


Blizzard REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HATES HUNTERS that’s why they removed hunter pet scaling.

Okay in reality they don’t have the skill,talent and want to work on the class also hunters don’t have a dev it’s whoever gets stuck to work on the class.


Blizzard needs a popcorn button with my payment info so I can get it fast for posts like this. I’m thinking hunter will be my third class, going to enjoy chimera shot in pvp dumpstering melees and the added shot in raids was a fun mechanic back in wrath I think it was, should be fun here also.

That’s adorable.


care to explain why?

Do ypu know both what that rune is and what you have to give up to use it?

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Not off the top of my head, what is that rune and what do I have to give up to use it?

85% weapon dmg, 6 second cd. Either triggers 40% of serpent sting dmg, or if you chose to use scorpid sting a chance to disarm for 10 seconds.

Its gloves so you’re giving up beast mastery 30% pet dmg.

You could try and make an argument for the disarm, but the minute the proc chance shows itself as often enough to be useful, it will immediately be nerfed. Again.

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It hits less than auto hit…


So that dude with the female human warlock avatar admitted in another thread his autos with a slow xbow were critting for 230 at I assume level 25. Assuming that number is anywhere near correct and considering I won’t have a lot of competition for weapons in BFD I think making an auto shot ignore armor in exchange for a 15% dmg penalty is a trade up, cast while moving, and serpent sting dmg on top of it probably makes it a worthwhile button to press for bursting people.

My plan is probably to use lone wolf, chimera, leg runes do seem to be kind of odd choices. I think I’ll try the sniper training but it doesn’t specify if the crit is lost instantly when you move, if so I might look at the others.

That’s okay because it’s being shot along side an auto shot and not instead of an auto shot.

At 12% of your mana sure. You do you.


12% of base mana, and I’m used to that my main is a mage. We have spells that are 70% of our base mana :). If we are down to mana costs it must not be that bad. (im thinking about pvp here)

Oh, you’re a mage. Makes sense.