Why remove artifact mog?

i have a two hander equipped on my frost DK and i can mog into the two swords option for the artifact. i think its just a bug for some classes

Ah well hopefully its fixed tomorrow

It’s a bug, idk if you know this or not but the last patch just about broke everything that’s not related to the online store

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This drives me nuts, at least before I could do my artifact weapon
 unwelcomed change for sure.

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I’m not sure they were removed or just merged into the standard staff appearances. On my priest I no longer see a choice for “Legion Artifact Weapons” but those appearances do show up under “Staves” (four in the yellow box).


Weirdly enough, on my paladin I still see a drop-down choice for “Legion Artifacts”, but those same appearances now also seem to merged in their respective weapon types (e.g., my Ashbringer shows under both Legion Artifacts and Two-Handed Swords).


I wasn’t able to check mogging a Staff into say a Dagger (cross weapon types). If that’s an issue I’d say it was a bug that should be reported in the Bug Forums (or in-game).

Edit: I submitted a bug report in-game pointing to this thread. The more that do that, the more likely it will get noticed/prioritized.

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For some of us its weapon type based. I can see the Mog on my feral only when using daggers, If I have My staff/Polearm Equip then I only see Staff/Polearms.

Yeah it’s missing for me as well. I just happen to have a staff on so I can still use mine.

If that was true, the guardian artifact appearance could no longer be used for transmog, as it’s designed to be dual wielding fist weapons, and guardians can’t dual wield fist weapons.

The monkey’s paw strikes again.

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The fact that it’s a little different for everyone and not reliably working OR broken almost certainly indicates a bug. There have been multiple threads in the Bugs section but no response. Blizzards official help guide still indicates artifact weapons SHOULD be ignoring general restrictions.

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Responses rarely ever happen in Bug Reports. It’s there to report the bugs so they can log them if they’re legitimate, but they don’t communicate back.

I suppose I meant more in the sense of like
not being added to the known bugs list? Although there are so many I can understand why they don’t want to do that.