Dungeon Finder is a solution to a problem that many people face, waiting around for tens of minutes staring at LFG chat or at LFG Bullitin Board advertising and seeing if anyone else is wanting to also do that dungeon.
The people that do this are pretty much AFK. They could be doing something else, I’m sure that most people would rather do something else while they’re spamming LFG/M - X every minute but they can’t because if they did they wouldn’t be able to do the dungeon unless someone whispers them directly.
Dungeon Finder solves this issue, the fact that I can do something while also being in queue for a dungeon is a god send. It’s quite hard to do something while also paying attention to LFG chat, dungeon finder solves this issue of waiting around doing nothing.
There’s also the issue of numbers, some servers are very small and don’t have any dungeons being run, I’m going to assume that the version of dungeon finder we get is cross-realm, this was done so that low pop realms can actually run dungeons even if it’s with people that aren’t on their server.
The dungeon teleport is fine, you don’t really give many reasons as to why the teleport is bad. Even if it teleports you to the dungeon and back to where you “popped your queue” how is that any different than me standing outside the instance waiting for another group other than I’m not doing anything else while I wait?
I agree, it does make the world seem smaller, I spent at least 10 minutes thinking of a reason as to why this isn’t the case but I couldn’t think of one. I was going to say that this would only be the case if you were to level only through dungeons but you could easily do that and I think most people would level this way.
I think a reason people don’t bother running questing dungeons is because of the hassle to get to the dungeon only for no one to even advertise or respond to someone actually wanting to do it. With dungeon finder you can passively look for a questing dungeon while you’re leveling and if you don’t find one or you simply out level it then you can start queuing for the next one. I think this is one of the main appeals of dungeon finder.
The idea of people leaving after the boss they want doesn’t drop the loot they wanted is a real issue. I’m sure that this has happened but I’m going to choose to believe that this will be a rare occurence. Now I’d rather this never happen but we’re bound to bump into someone toxic when interacting with that many people in a short timeframe.
Potential bad behaviour while doing dungeons in WotLK will be an issue, even if you leave you’ll be replaced shortly after and that’s probably the best solution outside of kicking the person. As for the other people that are still there, you can only hope that they follow suit and leave too, but in the end that toxic player will still have a group to run with.
Personally I don’t mind the teleport and I think it should remain and increased group control could exacerbate the toxicity, though would require 3/4 of them in the group (which is very likely with friends/guildies).
Conclusion, I think that dungeon finder has it’s place in the game, if you look at the game as a whole I think the benifits outweigh the demerits