Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

Another delusional ret pally, don’t play a worthless spec and expect to be in a good guild lol. Your guild gave you a nightfall to be useful and continue raiding but you think you deserve loot over warriors/rogues pulling their weight? You’re a bottom feeder.


I never claimed to enchant my healing set for 1 raid in MC…that would be ridiculous. You people…are relentless…with raid logs/parses…like wild hungry dogs lol

The logs prove otherwise. It wasn’t enchanted during the raid.


Your Ret set wasn’t enchanted in any of your raids. The only enchant was on the Nightfall and I’d be willing to bet that the guild that provided you with that weapon also enchanted it for you.


Lots of toxic players out there to navigate. My Druid is lucky enough to be in a raiding guild that asked one of us Resto Druids to respec Moonkin so we would have a bit more Druid diversity in our raid group. The other 2 Resto Druids weren’t interested, so I took up the fat-chicken challenge. The guild knows that I can’t toss out DPS like Mages (as the Discord posted parses that we all get to review shows), but always rave about how my Moonkin aura is very helpful to the Mages that I am regularly grouped with & encourages me in all sorts of positive ways. Everyone in our raids is friendly, jokes around & is able to obtain gear appropriate for their raiding specs, and even off-specs if not needed by anyone else for main spec. We have Retribution Paladins, Shadow Priests, etc. We have a great time, we clear content, we get to roll for the gear we want & there isn’t any drama. I couldn’t imagine being in a guild full of the toxic, OCD DB’s you described in the opening post. We use the CEPGP loot system add-on for our 40 man raids, & just the regular WoW Need/Greed loot system for ZG & such. No muss, no fuss.


If you’re raiding as a melee dps spec…and your guild doesn’t let you roll on melee dps gear…then why raid at all?

You chose to be lower on the gearing priority list the moment you chose ret paladin.


What you mentioned sounds like a dream where I come from. Read the comments and you’ll see the hyper competitive people that fill the guilds on servers like Benediction. Where GM’s and Officers are combing through your raid logs to confront you in the middle of the night about using flash of light 10 less times than someone else…and telling you because of that you have to sit out BWL…WoW is no longer a game, but becomes something more like a real life job with a boss who gives you weekly reviews. It’s like a nightmare. To hear about a group of people in this game that just raid for fun…play unique specs…and enjoy themselves…I have to wonder if that is even real? Is it humanly possible for people to play this game and clear content as the specs they want to play without the GM and Officers combing through their raid logs/parses to find mistakes? I want to believe this is possible…I truly do…but it sounds like just a dream…I mean read some of the comments people left on this post…they’re like savage hungry dogs going through my characters info…looking for enchanting issues, potion issues, damage issues, healing issues, gear issues…anything they can sink their teeth into and use against me. In their eyes +4 stats to chest is a night and day difference in overall dps. lol


80 people died in one raid, 26 on trash.


NO, YOU’RE THE LIAR11!!!11111

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tldr bad players don’t want to be told they’re bad they just want to be carried in ignorance.


You should have been the first person to looking at your logs. You should know how and where you’re performing sub optimally and could be better. You view the tool as a toxic thing, thats your prerogative, anyone who doesn’t want to improve themselves can do as they wish just dont expect others who are responsible for a team to support your decision.

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Yes, here’s my buddy on his Moonkin in my guild.


Look at those crazy BiS items he has. He gets loot because he enchants his stuff and shows up with some consumables.

He puts in effort, he gets items, meme spec and all. Crazy concept, right?


Have you checked his raid logs? He should be kicked from the guild for not parsing.

And seeing him on the bottom of the charts hurts. This is why I favor TBC so much over vanilla. The class balance is so whack. All that effort and he just a kid playing with a toy lawn mower thinking he is doing something.

I also say this as a Classic Enhance Shaman.

lol he parsed in the purple. You parsed in the green.

Serious question… Do you know how parses work?


Do you? Overall he is on the bottom by a wide margin and the raid would benefit bringing an actual class.

Congratulations, he parsed purple among a bad class…

Hey, he’s not always at the bottom. He did 1k DPS on Vael once, somehow…

Oh, he got Burning Adrenaline, lol.

558 DPS on Broodlord!



Yes, I do. I’m not debating whether Moonkin is optimal, I’m simply saying when weighted against all the other Moonkin’s, he’s doing quite well. Which suggests he’s a good player in a crappy spec.

Kade on the other hand, has pretty poor parses when weighted against others in his situation. Which suggests he’s a weak player in a crappy spec.


You joined competitive minded guilds and you’re suprised you need to need to do well?

Your parses for dps are mediocre and even swinging a nightfall i’m sure a ret pally expert could point out where you could have improved instead,

I play enhance, I use nightfall and I generally do well when I don’t get BA first on vael. I get the gear I want and not complain about it.

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