Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

Sure, and that analysis can be helpful.

All I’m saying, is parses are not the end all, be all, of performance, and if people do not understand why the numbers end up as they do, they can come to incorrect conclusions.

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I’m forced to use a Nightfall Axe which kills my dps and benefits the casters dps…while a moonkin can use whatever.

You are in a suboptimal spec, doing your best to benefit your raid…do you have Asscandy or a GM Sword? Because Nightfall is not actually a terrible weapon.

I like how anything less than super-parse naxx sweatball equates to “happy go lucky no care in the world”.


When looking at logs to check on someone’s performance you should only be comparing them to others in the same raid. Someone in one raid could be getting blue parses but be performing better than someone in another raid getting purple parses, depending on world buffs and raid comps etc.


Herald of Woe

No, just showing up, not randomly going afk and not standing in stuff is happy go lucky no care in the world. There are much more measures to whether you’re an asset or not.

When the time gets rough and the team hits a wall, its the people with your mentality that are not assets.

Yeah, then Nightfall will absolutely benefit the raid more. That debuff matters.

It’s obvious you didn’t understand what you were getting yourself into playing Retribution.

It’s not a spec you can afford to play ‘casually’ without investing a lot of effort or finding the right guild. It’s honestly a torturous spec in Classic because you have to put in a very high level of effort and obtain really good equipment to be mediocre. Not only should you be using consumes (in general) you should be out-doing other people on consumes. If you were raiding as Ret, I’d be bringing every +damage consume I possibly could. I’d be rocking Mongoose, Elixir of Greater Spell Power, Elixir of Giant Strength, maybe some Eko’s, and definitely Flask of Supreme Power. Raiding as Retribution is honestly a huge commitment in terms of just farming the raw materials you need for consumes so that you aren’t being blown out of the water by other DPS who are also consuming, but have it inherently easier due to their class and can therefore consume less.
Even a Retribution paladin who is out-consuming his fellow DPS raiders is at a disadvantage.

It’s like playing Moonkin. You can give a Moonkin Choker/Staff of Shadowflame, Neltharion’s Tear, Ring of Spellpower (lots of great items) and they will still do significantly less damage than a Warlock or a Mage would. It’s not even a case of the Moonkin being ‘less skilled’ than the Mage or Warlock; the latter two classes just have a better toolset by a wide margin.

The problem with doing that is that Moonkins contribute substantially less damage. Maybe the boss your fighting ultimately does die; but you need to look at why that boss died or why your guild is successful (because I assure you, your leadership does).

When you have a Mage/Warlock core of raiders who are bringing full consumes every night, and enchanting all their gear and not seeing a ton of desirable caster gear drop…whenever you choose to give than Moonkin a big-ticket item you are telling the rest of your caster core that performance and what’s best for the guild in terms of progression isn’t important. That type of messaging if it happens often enough is what prompts people to leave guilds, because they don’t feel valued. They also tend to feel like even though they’re ‘successful’ in their current guild, they could be more successful/valued somewhere else.

I would personally never play a Retribution paladin in a guild focused on progression; because giving significant weapon and armor upgrades to Retribution paladins is a waste compared to giving them to a competent fury warrior.

Not enchanting your gear is a big deal as it’s representative of your respect for yourself and the people your raiding with.

Judgement isn’t actually all that good of a healing set; it is mostly good for Ret PvP to be honest with you and shockadin. Pointing to the fact that you have a bunch of Tier 2 as if that translates into your character being well-equipped to heal as a Holy Paladin (which is what you were brought to do) suggests you may not fully understand the value of equipment either.

There are bunch of items good Holy Paladins use that are basically cloth healer drops. Some of those are high-end BWL items you’d assuredly not have at this juncture, but others are drops you can get in raids like Zul’Gurub.


Yea but as stated many times before all these kids care about is my raid logs and parses which Nightfall does not help at all. The goal in WoW is to not help the group with utility…the goal in WoW is to worship the damage meters and get as high as you can regardless if it hurts the group or not.

Then they dont know how to read parses and understand what that debuff adds to the raid and should be attributed to your dps.

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You not caring about your performance or efforts in the raid is what hurts the group. Nobody expects a ret paladin to compete. Why accept a ret paladin that doesn’t give effort though?

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Quite honestly that tells me that the DPS in that raid had no concept of aggro management, or otherwise being or doing something they should not have been, and were only focused on parsing. If the tank(s) died that much, that is another matter altogether.

Not defending the OP whatsoever, but 80 deaths in a single raid is not a healer-parse issue.


Precisely. Blaming 80 deaths on the parsing of the healers is as asinine as DPS that blame wipes in dungeons on the healers, while they are constantly drawing aggro from the tank.

When the time gets rough and the “team hits a wall” it is usually due to a number of players in the raid and a number of factors. Pointing at parses is a lazy cop-out to cover for general suckage.

Again, if 80 deaths occur in a raid, it is almost certainly something other than a healer’s parse.

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The time gets rough when the amount of people doing the absolute bare minimum, you know, just showing up on time, not going randomly afking and staying outta stuff outnumber those who actually are assets to the raid.

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If 80 people are dying in a raid, it means that people ignore the warning when Baron gives them the bomb, or they refuse to move out of the fire because it will lower their DPS.


But you don’t have any meaningful group utility as Retribution beyond maybe carrying Nightfall. Retribution doesn’t have good group utility. Being ‘the guy can carries the Nightfall’ doesn’t mean you bring particularly meaningful utility to the raid. Nightfall is decent, but it’s value is also relative to how many casters you have in your raid. If you have a big core of melle DPS (fury warriors and rogues) Nightfall might be less impactful. My understanding is that Nightfall also isn’t as good as people thought it would be when it first came out.

If your characters utility is literally “I swing the Nightfall to keep the debuff up” then by definition giving you another weapon to use doesn’t make sense…because Nightfall is the reason for bringing you. Giving you big-ticket items like Onslaught Girdle and Quickstrike ring also doesn’t make sense, because your being brought for Nightfall…not your personal damage capacity you bring when your loaded up with good equipment. They aren’t going to give those items to you when they’d benefit a Warrior or Rogue more; because those classes are being brought exclusively for their raw damage most of the time.

If you told me “I’m a Shadow Priest, and here are logs of me doing average/respectable damage” parsing in the 80-90% for your gear level ; I would have a lot more sympathy for you.

Shadow Priest at least provide Vampiric Embrace and Shadow Weaving. If you have a large enough Warlock raiding core, a Shadow Priest can be a significant asset. Shadow Priest is another class though where you need to be bringing a ton of consumables every raid night and giving it 100%. You need to be bringing Greater Arcane Elixir, Elixir of Shadow Power, mana regen food/potions, Major Mana Potions.


bUt tEh hEaLeR pArSeS!

But yeah, 80 deaths is a case of widespread bedrock issues across much of the raid group.


You’re blaming the logs but the cold hard truth is that you’ve been showing up to raids with an attitude that suggests you want to be carried and you’re not willing to put in as much effort as the other raiders. The fact that you’re in a sub-optimal DPS spec means you should be working HARDER than everyone else to make sure you’re as useful as you can be. But you’re not. You’re not even enchanting your gear. That’s lazy, and that’s the reason people don’t want to carry you. Why should they care about you if you clearly don’t care about them?

Other questions you can ask yourself…

Do you go afk without telling anyone?
Are you responsive in Discord when called out?
Do you communicate effectively?
Are you an enjoyable person to have around? Do you bring positivity to the group?
Do you understand the mechanics? Do you bring potions?

The list goes on. I don’t know the answer to all these questions, but you do. And I suggest you take an honest look at yourself and ask yourself if you’re doing everything you possibly can to be useful.

I’ve been in plenty hardcore and semi-hardcore guilds. The hardcore guilds usually won’t take a Ret Pally or a Moonkin, but most semi-hardcore guilds would as long as the player is a cool dude that they enjoy having part of the team.

I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but it’s the truth you probably need to hear.