Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

You need to see the other side of the spectrum before you blame others for having to carry you. Classic is not like retail as there are some specs who just can’t hold their own or scale really poorly in raid environments. In order to stay competitive with other guilds on the top of the server, you have to build a composition that can compete in raid damage and unfortunately, a ret paladin is a wasted slot. You bring nothing to the table that a holy paladin wouldn’t do better in that raid slot.

However, you don’t have to play in a guild that wants to compete at that level. Find a casual guild that is more in line with your mindset. You can’t complain about people that use logs as a tool for improvement and expect to be in a top guild without scrutiny as all of them do it. You’ll be hard pressed to find any guild at the top who will give a DFT or BIS plate dps gear to a ret over a warrior as you will get far more benefit out of a warrior having it.


He was Ret until he joined the new guild and did a single MC clear. He didn’t enchant his SGC, didn’t enchant anything except for the Nightfall that the guild gave to him and also probably enchanted for him.


people are braindead if they actually take healing logs seriously. Especially in MC of all things.

The things that make healing parses so good is if you one. Heal snipe with quick inefficient heals. This can be good to have if you run DW fury tanks with less tanky gear on so that he doesn’t die but usually for most stuff in BWL and especially MC its not needed.

You’re other healers need to absolutely suck booty allowing you to fit more heals in. Or simply take less healers.

People also need to do stupid stuff like stand in fire or take cleaves and whatnot to increase the healing needed.

Some healers have different jobs suited to them. You tank heal on a heavy tank damage fight? You’re going to have a very high parse usually. Your job on the same fight is to heal the little spreads of damage the raid takes? Probably a green or blue parse for you.

That is why healing parses are dumb metrics. As long as healers are preemptive healing, not going 100% oom and nobody dies then they do their job just fine.


I get that. But, if he was nightfalling, nothing he does is going to meaningfully increase his parse since he’ll be compared to other ret Paladins who are using actual weapons. It’s wasted effort.

I’d rather look at his healing parses, where it’s only his own fault for his performance.

And even then, I’m not so much looking at his parse%, since he probably doesn’t have the best healing gear, more looking for how he plays and his clustering with the other healers in his raid to see if he is trying to carry his fair share of the healing load.


checking out his guilds logs idk who in that guild is on their high horse anyways.

everyone in that guild is mediocre as heck to be that interested in nitpicking logs lol.


He was getting carried on his ret, then on his healing character. Like everyone else said, it’s not “parses” people look at. It’s effort. It’s enchants, it’s uptime in the raid, it’s consumes. You think every shaman doesn’t want to raid as ele? This guy is a whiner. He can go to guilds that don’t care, and take 8 hours to clear current content. Most people these days simply want to be efficient with group content. To do that requires more individual effort (get world buffs, consumes, enchants, addons, and know your spec). The good news is WAY more people also want this then don’t.

Your blaming their officers? Guess what, those officers probably all got 15 whispers about your terrible performance every raid from people who are all putting way more effort in then you to meet basic requirements.


People that take logs seriously are half brain dead. Just do better than you did last week. That really should be the only goal.

The people that came in here to flame him by looking at his logs are the exact type of people that suck in this community.


It’s not about increasing a parse or DPS, it’s about putting some effort into your gear. Enchants are cheap, he has an SGC and it’s not enchanted with a 10 gold +3 stats. Why would a guild give this dude that spends 0 gold on his gear and 0 gold on consumables and also does bad DPS any gear?

Why do you enchant your gear?


Original post is emotional and misinformed.

Parses are relative to your gear level. You having gear won’t make much, if any difference to your performance.

Enchants, consumables, world buffs.

Spec also plays a vital role.

If you get defensive and leave a guild the moment someone talks to you about performance, you likely won’t progress your character much further.

Best of luck.

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The reality is, OP, that playing these specs requires you to be a min/max try hard or if you’re lucky find an ultra casual guild that doesn’t care. You’ll still get grief from people who are absolute morons who think a percentile or two dps difference means you’re getting “carried” and not a “real dps,” but if you really try hard you’ll also get tons of respect and stand out.

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Because I feel naked if I have a slot missing.

Like other have said you’re not gonna have a good time if you end up in a try hard unneccessary min max guild that only cares about parses but you just want to clear content.

There are plenty of guilds out there that are clearing BWL that don’t care about usually useless stats as long as things die, so just keep looking.


The only people whose experience is ruined by logs are bad players.



Not entirely true. Often good players get to experience frustration because somebody is chasing a parse, pulls aggro and wipes the raid. XD.

Soooooo many wipe on pulls from parse hungry dps jumping in with full CDs when the tank just got parried 5 times in a row lmao.


Logs/parses in general are cancerous BS that should never have been added. They may have been for a benign purpose but they’ve turned into just another gatekeeping tool, often by people who don’t understand it.

Your example is perfectly illustrating that. No competent person uses healing parses/meters as any indicator of success. People pad DPS meters and logs and then try to show how elite they are.

Logs have ruined MMORPGs by giving people a way to pretend that they are better and gauge things that don’t need to be gauged: The only measure should be if a boss dies, and nothing else. The game should prevent logs from being recorded and published to avoid this sort of crap since it causes nothing good and only hurts people.

Find a guild that isn’t parroting meta garbage and trying to pretend to be tryhard, you’ll be much happier. Trust me.


What I’m hearing is you Join a guild that Clears content with out wipes (FOR A REASON).
And you feel you should not be held to a standard because you want to have Fun.

what does that say about you that you out geared their best healer and still did less healing… sounds like they carried you through that raid.

Join a guild that meets your needs no one forces you to stay in a guild.


As someone yet to raid in Classic (my main just hit 58) can someone answer a question for me about these parses?

What does it mean when someone “parses a 90”? I get that higher is (maybe?) better other than that I dont know what the 90 represents.

At least OP got a free Nightfall and almost full T2. Happy ending? Happy ending.


The frustration they’re dealing with there is caused by a bad tank, not by logs.

Logs are the salvation for good players, being able to point out bad players and get them replaced.

You’ll notice it’s never a top performer who has a problem with logging; it’s always the bad players who don’t enchant their gear, don’t use consumables, and play like crap.

No, but this is a good indicator:

The OP was clearly lying. Deaths are a great indicator that a healer is underperforming.

There’s also this:

The OP was SIGNIFICANTLY outhealed throughout the entirety of the raid.
Yet he says:

Most geared healer, yet lowest healing done in a raid with many, many deaths.

They were in the 90th percentile of performances, i.e. top 10% of players.


Well, it’s actually not even close to being true and just another lie from the OP.

  • He lied about using consumables, I checked three full BWL logs and he didn’t use a single consumable.

  • He lied about no one dying in the MC run, 80 deaths were recorded.

He came to the forums to lie and get sympathy for a situation he put himself in. He partially succeeded in that.