Why pvp players are so toxic? Are you one of them?

Sounds like drsmega or w.e his name is back lmao.

Funny. I have lots screenshots of rogues doing this.

Sometimes people get mad and say mean stuff. That’s life. As Jack Nicholson once told me:



What if it’s not illy and it’s actually dilly on an alt.

You never know.

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

All he did was trashtalk after the game which is part of competition. You should’ve handled it yourself then and there, and been done with it. Instead, ironically, what you’re doing is literally the epitome of toxicity.

Stop making threads like this is a start.

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I definitely rage in voice when I’m playing, it’s a personality fault and I’m not even really angry, It’s just a habbit I do to pump myself up. I know it makes my friends and family I play with annoyed and I know it’s something I need to work on. Now with strangers? I won’t say a word in discord

Would show up with the MVP tag psure


Even on a classic alt?

Nice try!! We know it’s you!

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Yea even on a classic alt I think, but it actually never works if I try and swap chars anyways for me so not sure if my acc just gets locked to this as well, haven’t really tried

Were you by chance emoting during the duel. I think I got a total of 1 post-game whisper all of Bfa

Take a shot!

ur average wow arena player is about as toxic as ur average dps main on OW at 3kish cr. especially if u go to GS or outside Stormwind on warmode.

That’s called unsportsmanlike conduct actually and it isn’t part of competition. It’s a weak mindset.

Getting offended over trash talking is a weak mindset.

Love the game -> corruption kawabunga trinkets bonanza -> hate the game -> hate ourselves -> hate everyone else -> quit wow -> xpac announced -> Love the game…

Its the great cycle of pvp life

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Fun fact your constant bad trolling is toxic…

People like that would whine either way lol. I’ve had that happen but me be the one and they came in 1v1 then the dude started losing. The other ran in like some white knight only for them both to lose and talk :poop: at the end :joy:

I’d really only smack talk good friends that I know could take it in stride and not be a snowflake about it.