Why pvp players are so toxic? Are you one of them?

Why the people still whisper after the match has finished, lmao? Any reason ? :thinking: :thinking:

I whisper to myself when I’m playing ret into spriest mage lock rdruid because when I pop wings I get coil into triple feared into triple clone and then I want to commit sudoku. And along the lines I keep getting mc.

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assuming you believe in corona virus (YEEEHAW) i cant wait till you can stop quarantining and go back to slaying gators and swamp diving so you have an outlet that isn’t being a 2k warlock or a trying 2 hard forum troll lily zzz


I still have weird trash talker in a skirmish. One of the enemies didn’t join the arena, so it was 2v1. I always feel unfair to play 2v1 arenas. So i decided to go 1v1 to that destro lock. I lost the duel , that guy was from different realm but he still create a new toon in my realm and trash talk me like " why did you 1v1 me , you think u can win me? " Lmao i was so amazed by that trash talk. I just did 1v1 because i felt it was unfair but that dude felt offended by me going 1v1 to him . It was on BFA last season where destro were S tier, lmao. PVP players always make me get the funny moments :joy: :joy:.

@Smileshadows, as you can see, no matter what your rating is, even if you are rank 1, you’ll have your critics. You remind me a lot of myself actually, I too was besting some of the top names in the arena community, on my green geared alts no less, and receieved immense flaskback for it. The thing about us is that we can take it. We can be whatever these forums need us to be.

The most interesting things about trash talkers in BFA? Guess what ? They gotta be either DH or destro lock :joy: :joy:

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you forgot assa rogue that are now sub


You forgot the holy pallys that are now ret

nah the hpal wont go ret lmao, they’re gonna go spriest or sub


kill them with kindness. that’s the easiest way to tilt a rager

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Trash talking is fun, try it sometimes.

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I actually have 10 toons, i love to play different kinds of specs and classes. My favourite class is DK but i’ve played DK alot in BFA. So i will try play a different toon in SL. Since Sub rogue is broken, i can mostly one shot people in arenas but i have stopped playing sub. Because i never liked rogue that much , just wanted to try a different class, so i’m choosing between ret and Spriest which were my favorite classes in Legion.

wat is wrong with u

What I think trash talking can be funny as long as you don’t violent or too personal.

u ever see one of those undercover cop movies where the cop breaks from being in 2 deep for 2 long or has 2 many identities and doesn’t realize hes not in the mafia?

stop this annoying bloomsday garbage u weirdo
it’s not even quality sht posting


I’ve met more uppity snide nerds in M+ runs and raiding communities. PvPers may get heated at higher MMR, but at low ratings, they’re more chill. Competitive natures come out when you don’t know the basics of keybinding and actually read your class abilities. If you can’t take personal accountability seriously, go back to slaying your dragons

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Tell that to bloom not me!


I think the roles inverted a few expansions ago. Maybe it was in MoP when PvP became universal and anyone could play with anyone, and PvE tried to step up with Challenge Modes and such. And now whatever mythic+ is more recently.

PvE used to be the bring your friends thing. Then they get a leaderboard, and can compete against eachother. Competition brings out the worst in us apparently. It’s crazy to me, the idea of being vetted before joining a group for a dungeon. Let alone that dungeon gear can compete with end-game gear.

I think it’s absolutely genius that blizzard managed to trick half the playerbase into actually playing the same content 24/7. (Which sounds like arena, but arena’s obviously organic since it’s players interacting with eachother. Can’t program human spontaneity, no matter how scripted pvp becomes.) Can you imagine if they made you run hellfire ramparts for all of tbc? If you were stuck running Violet Hold for two years to keep your toon relevant? Just trudging along behind thrall’s 30% speed ghost wolf npc to clear another DS dungeon mythic 15.

Diablo devs getting involved in wow is a horrible mistake imo. And you can see the influence they’ve had on story too. Don’t spend too long thinking about the parallels between D3’s settings and SL’s.

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Whats happening

a mental break
it’s not lookin so good for her