Why pvp players are so toxic? Are you one of them?

In a skirmish my team mate didn’t join the match , so i got to duel a Gladiator destro lock with my average geared ret. That guy is gladiator wielding all max ilvl items and my ret is only average geared with blue items farmed from event. That gladiator dude lost the duel to me and later after leaving the instance, he whispered me that i’m trash. He was the one who wanted to duel in a match , he lost the duels and he’s trash talking like that. There so many people trash talking in arenas for no reason during the prepatch. I think there should be all mute button in pvp instances.


I found your problem.


trash talk is the continuation of PvP via chat.


LOL, i never thought losers can trash talk after losing the duel. destro lock with max i lvl mounting a season 1 gladiator mount lose to a blue item ret. Maybe he felt shamed because another gladiator who was his team mate was watching the duel. i defeated so many gladiators in duels and i never trash talked them. The pvp system is bad, pvp players attitudes are bad too, lmao. How can this pvp community improve?

Anyone who gets glad nowadays think they’re hot stuff, but the reality is that they rolled a fotm class and got glad. Their ego is very fragile so beating them in a 1v1 as a less geared ret will make a huge dent in it, but never destroy it because they got glad that one time on their destro lock that could spam chaosbolt and 1 shot someone.

TLDR: Just laugh at a glad fotm player, they got big egos.


+1 dude , that dude holding 2 BIS mythic trinkets but no medallion , lmao.

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I just assume that any DH that got Elite in BFA or lock that got Gladiator that is toxic is suffering from some form of sexual dysfunction and personality disorder. Thus causing them to overcompensate with volatile aggression when someone threatens their identity via a video game.

Feel free to like my post for more unsolicited unsubstantiated medical opinions from yours truly. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


dude i just don’t like people who trash talk alot. I played wow since Legion , i never talk a bit in arenas. As far as i text was the strategy to win the match. Whether they play with heirloom gears or not, i don’t blame them. That’s their choice. many players playing with low ilvl in skirmishes and so many mythic geared sub rogue in skirmishes in prepatch. In other pvp games i played, they gave you a MUTE button in pvp instances. So i can play without getting annoyed in pvp. You can see some players even trash talking in random battlegrounds.

I wouldn’t say that it’s a glad specific problem. Some people are just pure scum, straight up. You’ll find them anywhere and everywhere tbh



Anyhow , PVP seriously needs all mute button in pvp instances. So annoying people trash talking constantly.

I find it funny when I get people to rage at me after I beat them. In a way they are telling you how good a job you did. It’s like a compliment.


Dude i’m not talking about gladiators, talking about people who are toxic. I’ve seen so many nice attitude gladiators in game. They’re willing to help you learn pvp too. WOW has the less toxic pvp players than the other pvp games i’ve played. I don’t get why i’ve seen many since prepatch.

That’s 95% of BfA glads in a nutshell and it’s not limited to destro locks, don’t forget to add rogues, mages and hpals to the list - they are more common than other classes/specs because every player with a room temperature IQ wanted their Glad achiev/mount, so chances are you will end up finding one of these toxic primates on the other side of the arena.


just make whispers go to their own tabs and don’t open whispers from people you just qd into if that’s your goal

I love rage whispers. I use to be pretty diverse in my responses but now I have a script I follow where my mom is yelling and I will brb. Then I say nvm shes just saying dinner will be ready soon and I have about 20 more minutes to play.

This sets them off because they realize they lost to a child.

Then I try to talk them into grouping up with me and playing more games before I have to quit for dinner.


You are a naughty boy! :joy:


My grin only got larger the more I kept reading. That’s good stuff :joy:


“Are you one of them?”

arent we all?

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I pride myself on being non-toxic. I always believed that I have to be the change in the world that I want to see, which is why I decided to be a positive pillar for the PVP community. I don’t want to be a hero or a symbol, I just want to help foster a safe, fun, and prosperous community for PVPers. We’re all just gamers at the end of the day.

Really ? Compared to pvers who won’t take you on a mythic 5 key because your raider io hasn’t slain enuf dragons and youtube told them the talent you’re running isn’t bis even though they click their spells and sims will never be relevant to them?

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