Why PVE sucks bad

I’d much rather defeat a human adversary playing Battleship or Trouble than beat the master difficulty in Solitaire :stuck_out_tongue: i can play Battleship against AI but it’s not the same

Winning provides more joy when someone else has lost :joy:

I take tik tac toe very seriously if i don’t get along with the person i’m facing

Monopoly is the one game i can’t play because i’m too much of a sore loser with it

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Try doing higher m+. This couldn’t be farther from truth. Every run is extremely different, because a lot of PUG people are clowns and always something goes wrong.

Clean runs are one in ten at best.

I’m sorry to hear that.

I also think a lot that AI could realistically beat human opponents disproportionately. The “skill gap” is a big factor for success in PvP, and it’s an opportunity to express mechanical mastery against a direct opponent. Unfortunately, PvP often becomes a question of current knowledge of interactions and exploiting (used loosely) awkward quirks that arise from otherwise normal situations.

It’s still great to see someone who poured their heart into practice, but I don’t think the virtue of playing perfectly in either content type is holier than the other. The question really is about perspective, not measurable differences.

A win taken is a win lost, but a win shared is a win multiplied. I will always feel this way instead.

Oh definitely and i’m mostly speaking in general, not specifically wow pvp vs wow m+. I think m+ was a good thing to add

Just pvp games will always see players playing the same maps on repeat without ever tiring of the scenery, whereas non pvp games generally don’t see more than a handful of newgame+ playthroughs on the hardest difficulties

I’ve never heard someone say they’ve completed the Halo 3 campaign over 100 times with randoms through coop

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But it’s not the case with every PvP game, hence the tic tac toe thought. If a game isn’t complex enough or popular enough, it won’t see this magic replayability.

The question is for every Call of Duty with a unique Campaign, how many gain relevance?

I have a feeling that story is powerful. I quit buying Halo after the sequel because the campaigns got shorter and shorter. How many other players moved to free models like Fortnite because a lack of emphasis was placed on story from the established developers?

I’m sure an absolute disgusting number of people have played Baldurs Gate 3, despite not actually being launched yet. And I have an inkling that the fantasy is what people play it for…

One last thought.

WoW PvP isn’t an “ongoing, continuous” thing. The same is true for a game like League now. It’s somewhat different from early RTS games. The seasonal paradigm seems to have created a mental shift in what we accept as PvP. Without seasonality, does replayability diminish?

It does for players who arent as passionate for the content and are primarily interested in the seasonal goodies, either because of an ingrained need to collect or as a cosmetic to use in another content they enjoy more, which is true for every type of game

For those who do content because they enjoy the content, season rewards are a bonus for doing something they’d be doing anyway even without the promise of cosmetics- which is why a lot of pvpers continue to pvp after achieving the reward milestones and after being bis geared

I personally like seasonal rewards, but even if pvp didn’t award anything i’d still do it everyday, which is what i did from cata until wod as a non max levelled character until the gear squish :slightly_frowning_face: i miss having a bis set of gear that never changed from patch to patch

But back on topic i do think M+ was the right thing to add to make pve more replayable, but overall pvp is by nature more replayable by design
Parsing in raids/dungeons is a form of pvp and will probably cause some players to replay an encounter to get the best score, but that’s probably a different type of dopamine as getting a killing blow after 16 minutes of gruelling back and forth combat and seeing that +14

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Because they didn’t invest in open world content. 80-90% of content is instanced based. If players think what we got for Dragonflight is open world… I fell bad for those players. That is noting compared to what GW2 has in terms of open world content. Once they fix open world, I think we would be in a better place. But, until then, we are stuck with instanced based content.

Gear based pvp is a meme.


I agree with this. It’s why I’ve been so critical of their absolute neglect towards low level class design and pvp over the years. Starting with cataclysm classes simply stop making sense at low levels & it’s very unintuitive. Not to mention the spellbook redesign giving classes head start over others.

This has ofc changed over the years and its shuffled here and there with what stands out more than others. But my point is that the minute they moved away from their classic template that they used for Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK, what could jokingly be called balance just broke at the seams and it’s been chaos since.

Obviously, when they designed the original game. 1-60, a lot of thought was put into each and every class and how they progress & feel, as players spent A LOT of time at low level. As they’ve expedited this process over the years, the attention to player experience has suffered.

I’d actually say dragonflight is the first expansion to do anything to attempt to fix this. With the new talent point system classes have had their first major leveling overhaul since the early 2010s. I’m not sure if the design is for better or for worse thoguh- it’s so fast that I don’t think if I was a new player I’d understand my class by the time I hit 60 and started doing current content.

So yeah. Jumping right into pvp from the starting line isn’t friendly to new players. But it doesn’t have to be like this. It wasn’t always like this. At least, not from my expereince.

Maybe i’m just biased, though. And my anecdotal experience doesn’t count. But for me, in the past, when I first started playing. BGs was were I learned the most about the game and found the most enjoyment even as a new player.

While I agree it’s easier generally to be social in pvE, i’ve found that at the end of the line the toxicity is equal if not worse in pve itself.

why did you feel the need to post this ?