Why PVE sucks bad

After I beat normal Vault I honestly feel I got nothing left to do in PVE. Mythic+ just a waste of time to play the same content with bigger numbers. PVP players get geared and every time they run content they have a different experience. PVE players? Every run is the same. If it goes well it feels identical to every run before it and if it goes badly it’s just a negative experience. PVE ain’t worth it.


Wait… how is it a different experience everytime for a PVP player? Unless you’re suggesting just because you’re playing against different players it means it’s a different experience? If that’s the case every dungeon with a different player is a different experience. Also, affixes trigger randomly in mythic plus so one could say they actually create more diverse scenarios in dungeons compared to PVP. PVP class playstyles primarily revolve around meta and playing a class a certain way as well, so there’s a certain level of predictability to be found there. Not to mention they’ve been playing the same BG’s for like the last decade pretty much. I find it boring.


PVP match is different every time precisely cause you playing different people. A match of WSG is almost never the same and always exciting. It’s precisely the same reason online shooters can’t be played for 1000s of hours and not get old.


How does this train of thought make any sense and not also apply to PVE where many people are also constantly playing with different people, thus creating different experiences? I feel like your point about shooters and pouring in thousands of hours also isn’t universally true. I find mythic plus more exciting than a match of CoD because I find it actually more unpredictable and fun. Most shooters to me play roughly the same, choosing the most meta weapons and depending on the game you play, CoD for example, being some camper racking up killstreaks.


PvP has more variety. Sure, there’s a limited amount of good strategies, but which one gets employed varies on the team, and there’s a lot more individual freedom to experiment than in a dungeon where one false move equals a vote kick.

So don’t do it! In the days of old it was all about being with friends and hanging out for the night.


The key word here is “playing WITH people” as apposed to in PVP where you are playing AGAINST and with people.

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why is it so much more popular than pvp then


Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic Keystones are there waiting for you.

They are still running the same Battlegrounds and Arenas… If you want to say it’s a “different experience” for PvPers, then the same is true of PvE players.

Did they delete Heroic and Mythic Vault?


Why do pvp players always feel the need to tell what is actually the majority of the playerbase as pve players, that it shouldn’t be as popular as it is lol.

Pvp has been on nothing but a decline over the years, there’s a reason for it


Pretty sure this is a difficult question to answer. PvP games aren’t inherently less popular. If anything the opposite, people love PvP. Shooters, Mobas, etc.

What makes it different in wow? is it psychological? is it character death? Is it seeing “you” the hero, die? dunno. Mmorpgs generally have a higher pve playerbase though afaik.

Maybe people just enjoy slaying dragons as a team more.

Take a break from the game and come back in a month lol

It’s not hard to figure out why pvp isn’t as popular lol.

What’s easier for a new player to come into the game and start playing? PVE is the clear choice as they are going to do nothing but get slaughtered in pvp and not have a good time sitting in Stunlocks for eternity until they die.

So as new players come in and the majority gravitate towards pve, where it’s scripted encounters that they can learn a lot quicker, that means less of a playerbase for pvp

On top of that, it is a social game and it’s a lot easier to be social in pve settings than it is in pvp. Both pve and pvp are toxic as hell for sure, but pvp is definitely hands down far worse in that regard

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I feel the same way about PvP. I don’t like it and so I don’t do it. You like PvP? Cool I don’t mind lol

PvP hasn’t changed in years.

Alterac Valley plays exactly the same way now that it did in 2013.

How do people stick to a game mode that never evolves ?


The same could be said about every content in the game and what the person enjoys or does not enjoy doing. I’m sure there is someone out there that only do pet battles and they say it’s the best thing ever and everything else is just bad. What? Are you going to argue with that person? Yeah, no thank you. Just like I used to enjoy PvP but it was long, long ago. Then it turned into a circus, a clown fiesta.

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because they gate content to milk $ for subs.

you can do heroic/mythic raid if you want i assume you don’t want to. But i believe FF14 unloads all the expac upfront? then people don’t have content to do later on so it’s either one or the other in that aspect. biggest issue imo is leveling alts it’s not for everyone and to me does get boring.

PvP is different everytime, sometimes you have 4 AFK teammates other times only 3.

Once a guy went left instead of right at the start it was a total mind blow when he did that!

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MMO pvp in general is pretty terrible and wows might be one of the worst. If I want good pvp I’ll play a fighting game

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