Why PVE sucks bad

PvP hasn’t changed in years.

Alterac Valley plays exactly the same way now that it did in 2013.

How do people stick to a game mode that never evolves ?


The same could be said about every content in the game and what the person enjoys or does not enjoy doing. I’m sure there is someone out there that only do pet battles and they say it’s the best thing ever and everything else is just bad. What? Are you going to argue with that person? Yeah, no thank you. Just like I used to enjoy PvP but it was long, long ago. Then it turned into a circus, a clown fiesta.

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because they gate content to milk $ for subs.

you can do heroic/mythic raid if you want i assume you don’t want to. But i believe FF14 unloads all the expac upfront? then people don’t have content to do later on so it’s either one or the other in that aspect. biggest issue imo is leveling alts it’s not for everyone and to me does get boring.

PvP is different everytime, sometimes you have 4 AFK teammates other times only 3.

Once a guy went left instead of right at the start it was a total mind blow when he did that!

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MMO pvp in general is pretty terrible and wows might be one of the worst. If I want good pvp I’ll play a fighting game

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Lol no. Ff14 timegate puts wow to shame. DF release has more content than ff14 has released including their 3rd patch coming this month and endwalker has been out over a year

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came here to say something along these lines.
raid/m+ isn’t fun because of the content itself.
its fun because its something collaborative to do while hanging out with friend in voice.

I honestly suspect that the -real- issue with a lot of these ‘pve is bad for xyz reasons’ posts, is that they aren’t having fun with the people they are playing with.

and i get that, i’ve dipped from a few guilds cuz I just wasn’t vibing with the people, but these people don’t seem to -want- to socialize, and so they wind up missing the entire point.


Yeah no, it all comes down to skill for unpredictability then.

You play against enough crappy PVP’ers and you see them all play the same predictable manner. Popping defensives early, blowing their cooldowns the moment they see you etc. It isn’t “DifFerENT ExPeRIENce!” each time, perhaps in the harder brackets with people who know what they’re actually doing. Still doesn’t detract from the fact PVP has been the same crap since the game launched, barely any new dungeons or arenas.

Meanwhile PVE you have a new dungeon pool every season causing you to learn new mechanics as well as adapt to the ever-changing atmosphere of weekly affixes and seasonal and player compositions along with the different player experience. There’s no argument that mythic plus has way more variety, plus the rising key system that causes you to play differently due to a damage threshold waaaay more punishing than PVP could ever replicate (unless you’re getting one-shot with no gear).

Only time I felt PVP was exciting and unpredictable in recent years was World PVP. Otherwise it’s the same crap “Lumbermill…” blah blah blah, same strats. If it’s casual players they aren’t that unpredictable. I personally have way more varied experiences in mythic plus.

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i thought they unloaded their entire expac up front though is what im saying instead of like how WoW time gates their expac into bigger patches and slowly releases the content?

Yes WoW has more content but that wasn’t what i was talking about.

arnt all RPG games just doing the same thing over and over to see bigger numbers when you reach the end game?

Unless you are playing a single-player game and not touching it anymore after the story in most situations you are going to be on a repetitive grind just to get slightly better items to do slightly harder things.

Yes, you can not predict what people are going to do vs programmed mechanics.
Players are not NPC’s.

If you personally don’t like PVP that’s fine, but lets not pretend facing a player is the same as facing a computer.

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Yeah but affixes are not programmed to run the same way every time. Thundering etc can happen at completely random moments that dramatically change the circumstance you’re in. So you have unpredictable mechanics incorporated with scripted bosses with extremely already punishing mechanics with again a damage threshold waaaay higher than anything you’ll find in PVP. So no, still way more varied and unpredictable than same crappy paladins spamming JB and their bubble early.

Really? Because it just feels like Havoc DHs and Fury Warriors around every corner

It has a lot to do with balance and niche.

You can’t play a fantasy when fairness is strictly enforced.

Dono what to tell ya mate, im just not buying NPC’s can be programmed more unpredictably then people.

Unpredictably bad is not better though. I maye be misunderstanding the point.

Well, its not really about better or worse which I guess I should have been more clear about

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That’s fair.

Think of it this way… PvE encounters are designed to be challenging but overcome. PvP encounters are designed to be as one-sided as possible.

If the same principles were applied to PvE as PvP, people would quit outright because it would be, and I’m quoting a certain game director here, “mathematically impossible”.

Because wow/mmo pvp is so much more in depth and harder to balance than other types of pvp games (Think League of Legends, with 20 abilities per character). The skill floor and ceiling is enormous. Players get discouraged when they get stomped 10x in a row in arenas. Then they never come back.

The mmr in arenas is very unforgiving, theres little to no rewards for the low ratings.

Most people that dont fully understand each class and spec are oblivious what is going on in pvp. You can’t install an addon that tells you where to stand, and what is about to happen to you at a scripted time.

Majority of mmo players are casual, or have guidance from a guild or raid leader, pvp you must know how to make plays on your own.

This list could go on and on, but long story short, wow Arena is very unforgiving, and years of experience is required for high rating.

Pve you’re cooperating with players to defeat a common enemy which never changes, pvp you’re facing a constantly changing enemy. Even if the class is the same, the enemy dynamic is never the same

It’s not for everyone and that’s fine, but pvp definitely has more innate replayability due to the human adversary element. More players spam pvp games like CoD/LoL/valorant etc even though its the same map (league’s rift hasnt changed since 2010 except in winter it gets a snowy reskin) than replay the same single player campaign 20 times. I think the most i’ve done is complete FF13 on new game+ 6 times and then i was tired of it, meanwhile i’ve done upwards of 8000 bgs since tbc? :joy:

Edit: correction, most i’ve done is an ungodly amount of diablo 3’s campaign before exploration was automatically unlocked but that was definitely not done because i wanted to

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