Any tank would be #2 behind the healer lol.
Tell that to Warriors
They have Ignore Pain up all the time which counts as healing.
do they though? lol cause Pally and Monk are my two least faves to heal. But as for this topic, any prot pally that needs more than a light touch, and one possible huge heal if LoH is on CD… is doing it wrong.
That’s not really accurate either. We are extremely group utility dependent because our mitigation isn’t that strong. Ignore Pain is 50% while most of our CDs are about 20-30% aside from GoAK which is 5 mins. The main reason Pally is taking over is because of the damage.
Any tank should at minimum do this. Heck, beating the healer in healing is an ideal for a tank because that implies two things.
- The majority of damage was on you, meaning group damage was minimized.
- Your self healing addressed the majority of this damage.
The only people who suffer here are healers who feel like their role is devalued by the tank being so overwhelmingly valuable to the success of the group… Oh wait, we’ve been here before haven’t we lol…
Of course its not. You didn’t experience it, and if it didn’t happen to you it happened to no one.
What are you blabbering about? I am a Paladin Tank. I think I know my class.
Weird, I too have a paladin tank that I have played since Wrath. Maybe you can move on, cause I don’t need the advice, or the “well actually” stuf
Playing for x amount of time doesn’t mean anything. We all know that there are terrible players who have been subbed for 20 years.
You clearly do because you are saying some really bad takes. Every tank is going to be behind the healer because DPS don’t really heal. Like what kind of statement was that? Then you say that Paladins need the least amount of healing when we have low damage mitigation compared to other tanks.
The only reason we are getting picked up now is because of the damage because high keys need x damage within y time. We were 2nd to last in tank representation before the .0.5 patch. It’s not like we didn’t have all the interrupts before then.
Are you good bro? I just asked you to find something else to do, yet here you are, in my face again. So let me say it more clearly…
You can choose to excuse yourself, I have no obligation to ignore your bad takes.
The goal should be to keep paladins better at AOE and other tanks better at single target or off healing or something else. This hyper balance homogenization nonsense is so boring
Well then, feel free to keep talking. I am sure someone here, not me, can use your top tier Paladin gamer assistance. Have a great night.
Don’t try and pretend like you know what you are talking about in things you clearly don’t. What you tried to pass off earlier was egregious.
The goal is to make every tank viable in every Dungeon, M+, or raid. The lack of differences is what is making Prot Pallies and Resto-Shams the ONLY tank/healer combo in very high keys. I’m sure someone would rather play their BM Monk or Mistweaver and get an invite.
- Nerfing 1 is less work than buffing >1, especially if you have to buff each one by different amounts
- if content was designed to be completed by doing X throughput but one spec does significantly more throughput, buffing everyone to their level means you just trivialised the content
- some kits do better due to synergy that only exists if that other spec is also meta. If you buff every dps spec and now one spec isn’t played because another became meta, it could mean that a different meta spec is no longer meta either.
Folks, just buff the other tanks. Prot, right now, is the only tank that’s really still fun. The others should get to enjoy this as well.
And what if no one needed to be meta, everyone got buffed where they should be, and then the content was tuned to match the new meta which is the balance in all roles?
low damage mitigation compared to other tanks.
Sir. You have Guardian, Bubble, Ardent, LoH, literal armor cap from shield of the righteous, 10% less dmg from standing in consecration, and a spell bubble if you spec into it.
Compare that to brew, which has a 20% mitigation on a 6 minute cool down, a talent spec’d 20-50% mitigation on all dmg on a 2 minute cool down, and a 1.5 minute cool down on a spell tankbuster. I’m ig oring Zen Meditation because it’s a joke and celestial brew because it literally is a wasted GCD for a pitiful 1M-ish shield.
Paladin has plenty of mitigation and it certainly doesn’t have “the lowest”