Why Priests Need a "Shadowless" Glyph Option

No one sent me but Mag is a regular in threads I frequent and this is just such a random thing to randomly accuse people of lol

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POV: Someone who Does quick search in the forum engine hasn’t posted for over two years accuses forum regulars of stalking them. Lol you can’t make this crap up.

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Solid point, and thank you very much for the input. No surprise I find myself agreeing with you for the hundredth time. The zooming out is what I’ve been using as my go to solution.

For the sake of explaining the issue better so Blizzard might potentially address it; part of the problem there is that I have to hard hold the mount in that position while flying or it swivels back behind the player character, which causes the issue to manifest again.

I just don’t feel like turning off Shadowform in flight when it’s a spell that should always be on is a good solution, and I honestly don’t ‘want’ Shadowform deleted persay. It does give some nice fantasy to the Priest, but what works for me; may not for others and I know this has been an asked for feature for a while.

If we could have an alternate means of showcasing it, such as the outline or maybe even the Shadow Raven effect or Shadow Orbs etc. anything besides the black cloud to the face while I fly; it would be more ideal. That’s how I see it.

And something about tumblr :sob: like I’m so confused

I’m just saying Mag is Mag and all that other commentary idk about

If I understand correctly which I think I do I agree w Mags points on the issue of the OP

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Need? No…

Maybe a glyph that dulls down some of the smoke and purple hue… but that’s it. It’s a “SHADOW” priest…

yea i have no clue about the accusations they brought up

but if the op is truly having sudden disturbances in vision playing video games maybe they should visit an eye doctor

Then if not Shadowless, at least something like say Shadow Orbs orbiting the player, or Shadow Ravens above their head; would be an ideal solution. Really, I’m open to suggestions on something simple that keeps the shadow.

But speaking from the experience, I can tell you that the eyestrain one gets from those little black blots of smoke hitting your screen and causing it to flash, is really bad.

I feel like it does need pointed out, shadowform lowers brightness and colour contrast on your character. If anything it makes you less likely to suffer from eyestrain.

If you’re legitimately having troubles with headaches it sounds more like you need to reduce the brightness on your monitor and maybe get a larger screen.

I played shadow priest… there is nothing wrong with it, yall sound like the people that want human ears for blood elves, always want to change everything that’s got no issue. It’s a shadow priest… they envelope themselves in shadow and void energies… I don’t care what the glyph does, but yall aren’t shadow priests anymore using it.

Yes, end the purple messy blob of yuck already.

Though all you offered prior was snide commentary, I’m going to afford you an honest and respectful statement. I do so because it’s a valid question and it deserves an answer.

It’s not the character that is causing it. It’s the shadow particle cast off which in flight strikes your screen repeatedly and rapidly while you fly. My ultimate concern, is that with an increase in flight speed as we’ve been told will happen with Dragon-riding; the effect will be worsened when we fly in the next Expansion.

Scuzz alludes to it right here.

Fundamentally disagree when the particle effect is causing headaches. If Blizzard can make accommodations for motion sickness, they should logically consider what happens when you have a spell effect that causes the screen to flicker repeatedly.

If it helps sure, but I just don’t see yall as shadow priests.

Again, that won’t cause eyestrain. What causes eyestrain is your eyes having to make too many small adjustments. Flashing things can cause this, bright things can cause this, focusing for long periods can cause this. A dark purple streak that follows your character will not cause you eyestrain.

If you’re having trouble with eyestrain it’s your display setup that’s causing it.

Sure give shadow priests a glyph or something. Glyph’s are cool we could use more of them.

tbf I don’t think this is about Entropic embrace. But if it is somehow my answer would be a no to it being togglable. :slight_smile:

My Shadow Priest is a female Night Elf. I have to go out of Shadowform in order to fly. The effects are a nuisance. If I leave Shadowform on, I have to move my camera so I don’t have the effects coming directly at me. It makes it difficult to see while flying. This is not a Void Elf issue. It’s a Shadow Priest issue.

post history matters

look if video games cause eyestrain see an optometrist

headaches can have multiple causes even poor diet

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I really like the first picture you posted, I would love the option to glyph into that instead. Still clearly shows a shadow priest but way less obnoxious and more importantly you can see your character

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Agreed. I was so unhappy when they changed it.

Shadowform is an instant cast spell that can be toggled while flying. Really, just turn it off while in flight.

Exhibit A: Dumbass

Do you even play a Priest? The form looks like i’m covered in cellophane wrap.

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