Why Priests Need a "Shadowless" Glyph Option

So I came back for a month, and figure I’ll post this here. The reason for this request is because I believe Priests need a glyph that completely shuts off Shadowform. Why do I feel that way? Primarily due to a visual problem which has become an issue ever since the redesigning of the Shadowform effect.

When you are riding in Shadowform or Flying, it can cause extreme eye strain when you use it. How? It’s because the particle effects and puffs Shadowform gives off will rapidly fly into your screen again and again creating a quasi strobe effect.

To restate what I’ve said in other threads so other posters get what I mean…

I’ve tried other methods of dealing with this. Sadly even if one tries to fly in first person mode, this is an issue. Shadowform quite literally is the cause of major headaches, both in game and out of game.

It is for that reason I feel it needs to be removed and it’s effect folded into Shadow Priest, or a Glyph that completely disables it needs to be added as quickly as possible. Telling Shadow Priests to fly outside of Shadowform doesn’t really solve the issue, as it’s a core part of the spec’s kit, and also this is not something other classes have to deal with.


Going to have to agree, much to my own surprise. The Fleshcrafting shield does a similar thing, making it (to me) an utter nuisance to have up when moving at any speed faster than on foot.

We get that you like particles, Blizz, but feeling like there’s an endless rain of bugs splatting against my windshield as I play isn’t welcome.


Yep. Fleshcrafting does it too. I should of mentioned that.

I think it’s partially because Shadowform is black and purple it’s really really obnoxious. I just know it makes my eyes water something fierce and has been a major reason I changed Lac from Priest a couple of times over the years.

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I definitely agree with this, even though for me it would primarily just be so I could actually see my TMOG for once.


Same reason I won’t fly on ashes, fire hawk and others. The particle effects are horrendous.


For a brief time the glyph that made Shadowform less obtrusive made you look like this:

And to me, that was awesome.

Then they changed it and made you look like this:

And I was sad. This is the glyphed version. The default version is even harder to see your character.


everyone knows what this is really about. at least post on a horde low level alt or something next time. this is way too transparent


I’m not sure why they changed it to be darker. The whole point was to make our transmog stand out.


Remove the affect just make our shadow extremely detailed only works in the light. :joy:

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Shadowform serves no gameplay purpouse, bake its effects in as a passive and add a glyph if people wanna be shadowy they can. I feel like most people would rather see their characters


I agree that for many reasons they should have this option; they should also have an ‘Elune Priestess/priest’ option. I believe warlocks should also have options for fey inspired as well and necromancer minions (why do hunters get all the new shiny choices?). I also feel that Demon Hunters should have a ‘cleansed by Elune’ arcane option with either starry or invisible wing choices and a laying-on-it’s-side moon forehead replacement for horns and a new ‘dragon-born’ option to help cleanse and tame the corruption much as Alexstrasza did for Bolvar, but in a less panicked way… more loaning power than blasting elemental breath (meaning between lore for a split faction among demon hunters (already exists) and new power sources, we could have other races join demon hunters). Blood knights should never have visuals of ‘the Light’. There are many optional reskins players should have by now, and reskins take very little effort.

I will say, not to belittle your point, but have you tried turning your visual effects down? It does help, although is a sucky option, because you should not need to live a lesser experience because of a preference when it’s easily solved with a glyph or choice at the barber shop. This is a topic I could go on about forever, but there are MANY (hundreds) of forum posts popping up about this recently though… so I will leave it at this for now.


By all means, do tell the rest of us what this is ‘really’ about. As for the rest of your nonsense, I’ve been Lacryma on WRA for 12+ years, and I’ll be that for another 12 likely; whether or not you like it.

So really, why don’t we skip the agenda and get to the brass tacks of this matter. Explain what this is ‘really about’. We’re all waiting with bated breath. Or you can stop trying to create drama with veiled statements and claims.


the only people asking for anything related to the void aesthetic to be ‘lightened’ up are void elves. always. its all about incrementalism

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It’s actually about not having garbage effects forced on us when we don’t want it, ruins everything from immersion to transmog, and its hilariously not even about the void elf effect that lasts all of 3 seconds of anyone’s attention during a fight.

I can’t imagine how many nights sleep you antis lose thinking about Alliance elf players, its astonishing really, maybe concentrate more on your own aesthetic, cause the mogs coming out of that discord are lacking. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Please do not rest your eyeballs directly on your monitor.

While I can see the point here, I don’t think “Shadowless” is the way to go, but rather, to provide a glyph which uses the old shadow form – like Vanilla status.

In the same breath, I would also offer a solution in the form of zooming out more. If you zoom out more thoroughly, you’ll have an easier time with this kind of situation.

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Sure. Except if you read what I said I was arguing for the Void Elves to remain Void Elves instead of becoming High Elves 2.0. My issue here is about an eye issue being caused.

My issue would be resolved if the black ‘puff’ trails were removed from the Shadowform in flight. That should be done as quick as a hotfix can allow to be frank. Alternative visuals would be a nice thing also.

Ergo as a real solution in Dragonflight, I propose the following so everyone gets to have options. Big believer in player choice and all. Additionally this was not an issue with the original Shadowform, and so it’s a real and valid concern.

Sadly, because I know and you know who you really are, and what your entire purpose even coming to this thread was which is to say… An attempt to bait me into saying something you then could doctor up and repost on your social media tumblr.

I could offer a solution to a major world problem and you would still fight it. Not because the idea was bad, but simply because you could not bear that it was me that proposed it.

I base this only on what ever has mattered to me when I judge people. That being your conduct and my refusal to tolerate it. But hey, props to you. That conduct was just reinforced for the rest of the forums to see, since you’ve once again showcased again your proclivity to feverishly comb through my post history for ‘gotchas’.

You were making better progress when you were faking the screenshots. For someone who claims to speak truths, you really are doing a smashingly poor job at it as the years get on.

I continue to hope for your sake that perhaps someday you will get a real job besides harassing people over slights perceived and that occurred 12+ years ago.

I say that only since time and again, the payoff hasn’t been good for you. Your efforts always have tended to blow up in your face like a cut-rate Acme product. Anyways, give the others in your little collective my best. We’re done and your back on ignore.

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What in the world lol

I feel like you’re way off basis and this is literally so… I don’t even know what to say.

But just because someone disagrees w you doesn’t mean all this

A prolific stalker. Thinks she’s clever when she posts on alts, even though her naming conventions and other things at my disposal allow me to cut through the nonsense.

Frankly it wouldn’t surprise me likewise if you were sent to post on her behalf now, and trot out the whole nonsense spiel. That’s because the goal was simply thread derailment and gaslighting. That’s all it ever has been from that collective.

You folks really need a new hobby.

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you were for void elves getting blood elf skin tones idc about anything after that. i recall you making regular appearances to voice that opinion

its funny cause no one complained about void visuals until void elves. weird

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