Why player housing won't work

Damn, blizzards already doing damage control in the forums.

guaranteed to have cash shop items.
i would not be surprised if there were partnerships with places like Ikea or Home Depot or something for some things.

which is fine by me.

are you kirk hammet?

Garrisons weren’t housing. Garrison’s were quest and crafting hub with a couple of bare bones choice options. Nothing more.


yeah it was

As long as I can completely ignore it like delves and I’ll be happy :+1:

I’d rather them spend the time and effort fixing/adding anything else in this game than add player housing.

Not really, just copy ffxiv and call it a day, that’s what 90% of people are asking for.

you mean garrisons? we already did that.

I’ll take something over nothing

Even placing a tent down in the world that phases you out but lets you see things around you like in a pet battle

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

While FFXIVs housing system is serviceable if you ignore the limited availability I’d rather see something along the lines of the ESO or Fallout 76 housing systems.

I don’t want it at all. They need to spend their resources on new story & lore content not trying to cater to several thousand subscribers that have their own take on what housing should look like.

Not to mention with housing likely being phased, it won’t even feel a part of the world, thus breaking immersion. But if housing is not phased, there will be too many player houses and their alts scattered around the world–World of Warcraft is actually very small in comparison to real world cities and land areas. Unreal Engine 5 could do it, but that would mean transforming the entire Warcraft III kernel world into a new engine–not possible.

Not sure how they are going to do this, and make it feel immersive at the same time.

None of those games launched with housing though, or had any major mention of housing at launch.

SWTOR introduced housing when it went F2P

ESO Launched housing a year after it went F2P and GW2 just recently got housing and its been 12 years for that. While Im skeptical of it for Blizzard, I dont think its as doomsayer as people think.

I dunno about swtor. Elder Scrolls has had houses for a while in single player games and if it didn’t in online, it’s cause it wasn’t ready. Same thing for FF14, came out like 3 months after realm reborn. Point is, none of those are on a 20 years spaghetti code.

It’s going to be closer to FF14’s system than anyone wants and not in positive ways. This is going to be a massive gold sink that is targetting players living off their gold capped mission table toons and it will effectively price out the average player.

Runescape doesn’t have WoW’s histrionic community.

A combination of Daoc and FF 14 housing and im happy.
They should learn from that.

Not limited housing lots but more+ more zones like living quarters which they can add easily. So not only rich people can get a lot :slight_smile:

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all of those housing systems are lackluster.

we need wildstar housing.

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If we could set our hearth there and unlock a mailbox, repair, AH, transmog and various crafting tables (profession dependant per character) as well as a portal system to every major city…

I’d probably poop my pants at how amazing that one stop shop could be!

Daydreams continue and drool ensues

I am worried about WoW’s aging engine. I don’t think they can just bolt it on. That’s what they did with garrison.

People are worry about the world being dead with housing. If Blizz does an ESO and put plans in treasure chest throughout the world. The world will be more alive. Depending on professions. I can see a lot of players cutting down trees throughout the world.

If I was Blizz I would asked for help from Zenimax. They did a good job of housing.