good luck with that. Pathfinder for housing, anyone?
Nothing you said has anything to do with if it will work or not
Doom and gloom is lame
Wah wah wah complain moan complain wah wah wah doomsday Bliz can’t do anything right wah wah wah complain btich and moan wah wah wah
Monkey paw’s wish granted. Your mecha themed house is now locked behind getting Cutting Edge of one of the raid tier’s in a future expansion. Have fun!
Player housing could work, they just need to MAKE SURE they learned their lessons from garrisons, you CAN NOT have to much convince or else everyone will just stay in their house all day “o the irony lol”
Literally all blizz has to do is copy FF14 player housing except the limited houses causing yours to be auctioned
The Horde garrison had no bedroom for the commander to sleep in. And a bunch of supervisors wandering around to give us assignments. How is that player housing?
There’s a big gap between how the players are vs how the “community” (these forums) are. Im sure housing will disappoint the “community,” but overall it will probably be decent enough to please a majority of the player base
True ill be raging if i cant have a dalaran esque themed home
I’m here to defend your right to wah wah moan about their doomsday wah wahs!
Seems like this could be put to music…
Its crap in FFXIV. Its limited commodity and forced demolition if you dont log in every month ruins it.
WoW has the opportunity to learn from that mistake and make it available for everyone due to them having better instance technology.
Hopefully it’s an optional feature like pet battling and not a core part of the game. I don’t want or need player housing.
If they build it, they do not have to like it, they will buy it. I am Sure it is going to be a huge gold sink with almost no utility. This is just me going by the direction they been going.
Keeping my expectations low so they have the chance to surprise me.
Same can be said for any feature. Azeroth keeps spinning.
They gotta start somewhere - so having something that works and can be improved and expanded over time is better than nothing.
Of course that assumes the launch iteration works and isn’t full of bugs, or that they don’t try to over-monetize housing, either of which could turn off a lot of players.
The same thing could be said about any system in the game or even the game itself.
They should take it wholesale from Wildstar. They ain’t using it.
And yeah, no Mecha themed houses- what are we even doing here?
The thing is, Player Housing is likely going to be an interesting possibility because it’ll be coming in Midnight and in all likelihood, Azeroth is going to have a massive World Revamp to finally bring Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor out of Cataclysm; including a Revamp for both the Azuremyst Isles and Quel’thalas in order for people to be able to properly use their Flying Mounts in those Zones at long last. It wouldn’t be that considerably difficult for Blizzard to create a few “Plots” where Players can build their Houses at in many of these idyllic and iconic Zones and use Phasing for the Players to be able tp travel to them. Also, there’s a large catalogue of Instances that Blizzard can pull from that if spun the right way can allow these once time-gated instances like the Losr Isles from the Goblin Starting Zone or the Island Expedition Islands to become repurposed as Privately-owned Island Homes for us to setup our Houses on.
Also, it’s not like creating static interactable assets that can be moved around by the players will be that difficult to implement, since Blizzard was able to do it in the Seasonal Holiday Event camps and locations every single year, and with the Garrison System with the various Buildings that you can create and place down in the many zones, along with experimenting with that same feature in Torghast with “The Scroll of Elchaver”: an actual powerup that allows for players to use Arcane Damaging attacks when killing an enemy to transform them into an inanimate object: including turning them into chairs and furniture.
It may have taken Blizzard nearly two Decades to give us Player Housing, but with how robust the Game Engine and fheir Asset Library has become now, along with how the Custom WoW servers made by Fans have shown that Player Housing is indeed doable; Blizzard can now fire on all four cylinders to give us Murder-Hobos the chance to finally at long last build a goddanged house of our very own.