Why player housing won't work

you mean a game that dedicated an entire skill to it. yea come on now dont downplay what runescape did.

Who don’t want that???

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I think there is a zero percent chance that player housing will be a well received feature on launch.

They are going to need to commit to it for the life of the game and it’s going to take a long time to flesh it out into a cherished feature.

The question is does blizzard have the follow through to do that?

That’s my point… The guy is already predicting failure when there is zero info.

It wasn’t my intent to downplay RS’s housing…quite the opposite in fact. I was trying to laud them for having made it a good feature, and really hope Blizz takes that kind of solid quality to heart.

We’ve seen way too much half-a…er…half-hearted half-measures of late. The ‘new’ Gilneas, for instance.

Sort of like…transmoging. Started out coarse, has gotten much better, and has room to improve.

It won’t work because Blizzard has spent the better part of the last year trivializing content and giving everything away.

So there won’t be anything interesting to put in your house to set it apart from someone else’s.

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You nailed it. It doesn’t correlate to success or failure on Blizzard’s part though.

You people say this about every new feature…

ESO and SWTOR do it just fine


Just add an instance portal inside inns where the stairs lead to the basement. Players will have their unique basement suite while they acquire wood crests that can be turned stone crests.

Stone crests are then used to purchase a stand alone housing location. After that stone crests and be turned into leather crests for furnishings/fixtures.

The announcement showing a human male walking into a bedless shack does not say “Home” to me.
Also using the most stale and boring playable race in WoW for an announcement does not boost encouragement. They already got garrisons and three mog sets, WoD BFA and Heritage, the player base needed to see love to the more played races for housing.

As does Fallout 76 which I’ve played along with ESO. They have their quirks but for the most part one can create a decent dwelling.

Just curious, what do these have to do with WoW?

Counterpoint: Shut up

NGL… kinda hoping it costs two raid tiers and we get another cute memorial like the one in the graveyard of the garrison.

As long as it has a big yard for all my battle pets and a stall maybe for my mount - I’m good .

$90 decor themes inc

Even if they are, someone will post them in the AH for gold. Maybe someone like me.

Honestly, new world had a wonderful housing feature, and it was much more detailed than anything blizz will give us. They even implemented ways of making furniture and things into the professions. It was great.

Honestly, what ive learned over the last 20 yrs, is that whatever we think blizz might do, with any or all details and whatnot, just cut out about 80% of it.
It will be a building based on something that is already existing in game. You walk in and go to the wall and you will get a dropdown box and choose w.e. blizz allows you to put in that spot. You dont get to modify it or anything. You only get to put a predetermined amount of things on the wall based on something blizz will force you to grind.
Your not going to be able to paint, or move things around. They will probably have a fire in there but will only let you cook on it after a long questline. You might be able to transmog up in the bedroom but only after a long questline and gold and etc…
I mean, this is pretty much down the line of what to expect from blizz. You not going to get the “play interior designer” like most think.

Unfortunately I’m afraid this will be all unfun anniversary style boring grinds, and cash shop additions. I’m sure it’ll also be a one and done like garrisons.


  • they tie in blacksmithing, engineering, etc
  • make it more engaging like the warlock green fire quest
  • use barely used old zone for neighborhoods (parts of durotar, westfall, dwarf/gnome starting area, etc)
  • no crafting tables, AH, etc in the housing
  • no gathering nodes like in the garrison
  • non instanced, but sharded so that it rotates what you can see in the open world
  • won’t actually take up a ton of space on the outside, but bigger on the inside
  • things for battle pets, mounts, armor racks for transmog, whatever you fancy
  • won’t just be Orc and Human themes
  • won’t be much on the cash shop
  • themes could include classes (like the class hall), races (troll, gnome etc), zone (Durotar, Teldrassil)
  • permanently add time walking so farming for mats could include the old expansion dungeons and raids instead of grinding just Hallowfall or just the rookery (as examples of current expansion)
  • perhaps it’s own secondary profession
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