All they have to do is EQ2, or Rift style housing and most of us would be perfectly happy. I don’t think thats too unreasonable to hope for.
Apparently lol
There’s gonna be that one guy who chooses the increased acceleration option and the rest of us are going to drift around him. Beep beep!
Why would they tease player housing for retail wow with a clip that shows a player in all end game ERA gear. I dont think its player housing at all and people are making crazy assumptions.
I’m glad that you are not on the design team, we’d never even go to the room.
It is not about what we want so much as what they’ll give us, that is where the excitement comes from.
I have long since learned to temper my expectations with Blizzard. We’ll get what we get… the big question for me is: Will Blizzard continue to carry this feature over the years or just push it out and never touch it again… like Garrisons.
I think if WoW does housing like Elder Scrolls Online, then they will make so much money bc housing in ESO is next level.
It’s confirmed on their media channels, champ.
It souls be more than grinding out cool decorations. It should be true housing. Non instanced. Where other players can see. Where you can build pretty much wherever you want (not on quest objectives). Where it actually changes the landscape.
Maybe you could have players work toward a sentry. And he can be kind of like a little raid boss. The higher you grind him the better gear he drops.
Having a place to hearth to and grind decorations is meh.
I want to be able to destroy other people’s house.
I’ll make a Worgen just to “mark” territory in their walls and doors.
Same here, I had a mansion in DAoC with a tree growing in it. I miss that awesome house, but I think the OP and other doomsayers are just looking for something to be all doomy on.
It’s going to be instanced. Some way. It will be instanced. Even if you go into an instance of multiple people’s homes it will still be instanced off some how.
Rebranded garrison
May very well be. I would not be surprised.
I don’t have a vision for player housing, I honestly couldn’t care less. But I don’t see it trumping Fallout 76, I’m sorry.
Player housing is the only thing Fallout 76 does right.
If you don’t know, you can plop your house literally anywhere on the map in 76, you also get an instanced bunker that other people can go into, so you basically get 2 houses.
That’s obviously ridiculous if you put three seconds of thought into it.
No, that’s also an awful idea. Housing should be completely separate from any kind of player power. If you don’t like it then you should be able to safely ignore it.
Just because it won’t be perfect doesn’t mean it won’t work.
My guess is some form of instancing will need to happen - but definitely not like the garrison where each player got a separate instance which was a recipe for social isolation. Maybe they could set up a number of instanced towns or rural communities where you could buy a plot / land and build your house - and these were reached by portals and could be visited by any player. I also hope it is an optional feature - if you dont want a house then you can choose not to have one.
It might be easier to say what I think player housing WON’T be:
- Definitely aren’t letting people house up anywhere on the map.
- Definitely is going to be instanced.
I don’t have a problem with either of those tbh. In Path of Exile you get a player home too and I frickin love that thing, I have so much pride in that, I’ve gotten compliments on that and that’s PoE where people literally NEVER speak.
Shut up you are on each housing post spouting nonsense.