Once you have level 1 conquest gear the only reason to play gear wise is to improve pve stats. At that point nothing you do improves your pvp stats. Sorry Blizz, this seems to be backwards thinking. Would anyone do the pve grinding just to get pvp increased level gear. I think the underlying structure of pvp is dead wrong. Thank you. --Lumix
Are you really complaining that pvp gear scales up? This is one of those situations where they are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
These kids nowadays! Back in my day we played video games for fun! We gathered in Ironforge just to throw snowballs at people in the auction house! We killed Mankrik AND his wife! We didn’t need a pat on the back for pwning noobs in greens, we did it for the tears!
For fun. Melee pounding on 3D polygons while numbers fly up on their screen. Range pew pew or whatever they shoot out.
Why play any games at all while everything is not just for title or achievements.
Look at china server shutdown, years of gametime just gone like that.
Nothing in a game is forever. Even saved games can be lost.
Nothing wrong with the gearing right now. Only buff would put a scale up in BGs to slightly lower than honor gear
You pvp because you like to test your skill against other players, not because you get a new piece of shiny gear that lets you ROFLSTOMP everyone lower geared than you.
Unfortunately, Blizzard never implemented any type of world pvp with territory controls that are meaningful. I always hoped they would dedicate an entire continent to pvp. Think of it as a bigger Alterac Valley but with more local control over the areas your side owns. Those areas can offer bonuses to everything from gold gains to unique auras that change the way your melee and magic attacks work.
But no… instead we get more reputation grinds for gear and boring transmogs. And let’s not forget the generic comic book type of stories most people skip through as quickly as possible or forget the next day after reading it.
Thats a nice idea to add to Wpvp. Bring back abit of BC Hellfire Peninsula vibe. Capturing area or zone for added buffs or special rare or chest spawn.
Something like The Division Dark Zone but in the open world.
PvP is the “FOR FUN” part of the game, and the more balance and fair a match is the more fun it is for all parts involved, if you only play for gear go play PvE
Ne, you are completely wrong
This would be hard to do because of sharding. Imagine winning your towers just to dip your toe in the next zone over and fly back just to find that the towers are in enemy hands.
Hard disagree. Gear is exactly in the right spot right now, logistics-wise.
Perma shard and a timer after a zone is won or conquered perhaps . Blizz can figure it out
I PvP to fight other players in the game. duh.
Gear is a means to an end of actually playing the game on par with others.
Gearing up in MMOs isn’t fun. It’s annoying.
… you can play for fun.
If you don’t enjoy PVP, why bother queuing up in the first place?
What is the OP even suggesting? Threads like this are USELESS. Did he like the trash system of rating gated gear upgrades of SL? Cause screw that.
PVP does not need the gear upgrade treadmill that pve has. Once you get conquest gear you play for FUN. You might even say that is where the game truly begins for pvpers.
I say with confidence that the majority of pvpers love the simple gearing process. Pvp logging is back and it is glorious.
You play for fun.
And begging for pvp gear ranks again is a big NO. That created a huge gear gap and made rerolling or returning to the game late in the season a bad experience.
Get your gear
See if you’re really as good as you think you are without a gear gap
why play pvp
it is fun
Have you looked into Eastern market games with some pay to win casino style gear progression? That might be what you are looking for.
It would be nice playing for fun, rather than playing for the sake of your gear.
Winning is fun.
Outgearing opponent make fun happen more easy.
Outplaying opponent much hard. No fun.
lil bit of dopamine