Why play pvp

I play all the time without need of gear. Because its fun

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Loses 7 games in a row

“Guys I think I’m over PvP. It’s just not fun anymore”

Wins the 8th game by completely dominating the enemy team

“I will chase this high for the rest of my life”

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i want it to go both ways

pvp gear scales up in pve, and

pve gear scales down in pvp

This is so me, every day.

Hate PVP to “I’m now a pvp main”

EDIT: Op, you shouldn’t be playing PVP for the gear. It should be for the
 wait for it


I mean why get the PvP gear if not to PvP with it anyways right?

this is awesome. you’re awesome


It’d probably be hard to do that now.

With cross-realming and people going to servers/instances where their side is winning, it would be difficult to maintain 50/50. One faction would dominate and the other side would give up.

Just look at faction balance on the PvP realms. And the premade raid shenanigans in Nazjatar.

Doubt they will do that but who knows.

Because I enjoy PvP, specifically BGs.



To enjoy the game and to get transmog, including elite sets and whatever you can get by soloing old raids in upgraded conquest gear

It’s probably easier to get high item level PvE gear by doing M+ but I just don’t want to


There’s this game called Foxhole, they use sharding in different way, it is a honeycomb map where each section can allow 150 players from each faction. The map is huge so it allows to fight in multiple front. If a players tries to go in an over populated section they get queued until a player leave that area.

They could do something similar in WoW. The difference is that in Foxhole, the players in the backline bring resources to the front-lines (could be weapon, armor repair kit, bandages). So you would need players everywhere in the map. Incentive to be in the backlines, helping instead of just waiting to fight on the front-line zug zug style.


Who doesn’t love killing people?

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OP, if you’re serious, your ‘underlying structure’ for why to PvP is dead wrong.

I believe that he is complaining that once you get Conquest you cant upgrade it unless you do rated content. I tend to agree a wee bit.

Warhammer Online did this best, IMO. Each zone had a “pvp lake” in it that was fairly large and had pvp objectives (castles/keeps for larger fights, but also small point control objectives that were also important to hold) in it that gave faction wide buffs. It was up to you whether you entered those areas or not.

The problem with War Mode is that people are too spread out, the lakes forced confrontation without it just being zerging over a supply crate.


Just have fun with it. This is a game after all, and games should be challenging and fun to play. The huge gear gaps in pvp during the last several expansions is what made pvp horribly displeasing.

The idea mentiond back a few posts regarding a pvp continent is outstanding. Send that idea into blizz asafp.

Actually, that isn’t true for a good chunk of the PVP player base. They DO play to ROFLSTOMP people that can’t win.

and use your points to gear an alt.

Didn’t we have some PvP rank back then? At least that was an incentive to pl3h.

Before Dragonflights version of putting out gear I found PvP to be a nuisance. If Im not sweating my face off to earn 1800-2400+ I couldnt even do casual Bgs since full elite set dude bros would just rofl stomp anyone.

Atleast now gear is somewhat equal. An the disparity isnt so massive. If I lose its now a get gud moment. Not a well the guy is 3k an has 600 more verse an 300k more hp. Fighting a already losing battle