Your entire idea of what’s broken is one shot potential. DH isnt busted because of the hunt my man.
That wasn’t what I was referring to… at least not intentionally. My main point which was my first sentence was about them in general and that they’re not broken. My second point was mainly towards what’s mostly seen in pvp and what a demon has that can put them up there with being good, but still pointing out how even then with their best they’re still not broken or on the level of an arms warrior.
Take all of that up with Auzz who was trying to make dh seem like it’s broken, not me. I was stating otherwise.
Sorry if my bad wording came off that way.
Also, they’re not broken if that wasn’t clear enough. And no, my idea was not that one shotting is what broken is and it was never stated to be that at all. And the hunt is in reference to what dh have as their best, but still far off from broken.
Auzz is that way
Nothing like an objective, well reasoned reply to help clarify things.
Oh, wait…
You’re misunderstanding. DH is quite powerful. But not because of the hunt. The class is stupid strong. Not saying warrior isnt, but dh is very close to warr in power.
I wasn’t misunderstanding anything. I never said it was powerful because of the hunt. I said that with its best its still not broken as Auzz kept saying or on the level, I repeat ON THE LEVEL of arms.
I’ve even gone out of my way to say that it is still good, but hey, I guess that everything that I said means nothing, right?
Simple and objective awnser to your question
You keep replying to me as if I’m the one putting out misinformation when you have someone else stating something that’s not even true at all. All I did was respond with a point that you repeated from my previous points to me instead of Auzz.
Dh is busted absolutely. Its yoked. Giga cranked. You havent played any games this season. Where are you getting this from.
More experienced players than me and their rankings and tips on where things are in arena. Dh is good, but not busted to where you’re making it seem like it is.
If what they say is and me being an observer of their experience with certain classes is wrong then I’m not afraid to admit I’m wrong, but… they’re more experienced than I am. So how am I supposed to disagree with them on that?
Says the Kyrian Arms warrior.
Yeah arms is whack. But if you think purple somersault warrior isnt cracked you’re joking
Bad DH think class isn’t broken. What a shock.
It’s not lol. It’s the squishiest class in arena and can be outplayed. I play rogue, the Hunt is nullified by cloak. Eye beam? Kick it. Wow, that’s 90% of their dmg gone. Darkness has to be sat in to even have that 1/5 chance to nullify dmg, their leech was nerfed, blur was nerfed, you have to spec into netherwalk to have an immunity in which you can’t even attack and if you do you don’t have any significant leech.
Warrior on the other hand can handle any situation: can intervene a go, can have 100% parry and 30% DR, can give it’s teammates more health, has an aoe fear, can break fear, can shattering throw, can execute crit for 30k, can throw a kyrian spear and pin the entire team for what 8s? The list goes on, it’s not even comparable how broken an arms warrior is compared to a DH.
Any team that that isn’t RMP/Jungle has one. I think I saw one DH in AWC this past week, and it got MURKED in the first 10s by… oh an Arms warrior.
Now I’m not defending Arms warrior in PVP, but the massive Execute crits and Kyrian spear are not on the same warrior. Venthyr can snap some big executes, but Kyrian, you’re more and likely gonna get wrecked by Mortal Strike.
Idk as necro I hit 40k executes.
That’s Necro with banner. lol
So I play both these classes in my off hours and the reason you would play Warrior over havoc atleast for me is fairly simple. Havoc gets boring. Weather your playing the slightly obnoxious Momentum builds, a cookie cutter Demons Blade build, a mix of both or the Demonics Build this spec has the danger of boring you. If all you care about is pure performance then I would suggest finding a spec and committing it to it whole heartedly. Havoc may have some better talent balance but by god are some of them just beyond basic. Fury Warrior while fairly straight forward still has some moment to moment decision making. Havoc is entirely straight forward with Momentum being the only “deep” spec due to the fact that you need to manage your surroundings and positioning.
With that in mind both can be attractive for a completely different set of reasons. Demon Hunters also bring different utility and buffs to the group. DH gives magic debuff, Warriors bring AP.
DH bring darkness, Warriors have Rally.
Warriors have very controlled and precise mobility, DH needs spatial awareness to achieve precision.
The problem with everyone playing DH is you only get so much use out of the same kit. Thing about what you want to bring to a group other then just damage. Any class can walk in to raid or M+ and do damage but the smarter players bring the utility that comes with there class and the knowledge of when and where to use it.
dh wasnt trash in 9.0 in pvp anyway
I said Havoc, Havoc was trash in 9.0. Trash DPS in mythic raids, weakest melee in arena in 3s/2s(No The Hunt gimmick did not make up for all of the weaknesses), moderate to ok performance in M+.
Ah yes, the DH’s checking other classes’ forums ready to defend the state Havoc and Demon Hunter’s entirely broken state when it comes to burst. Demon Hunters Burst. That’s it. That’s their gimmick and it’s broken at that due to the hunt. The fact that The Hunt can be fake casted also adds to the issue of them being broken. Yet people cry and say “HAVOC ISN’T BROKEN WAAHHH” are just burying their head in the sand trying to justify why they play an on paper simplistic class. Yes it is broken, nerf the hunt and DH’s can achieve balance for their damage profile. I would much rather play a warrior in pvp compared to a DH because if you don’t one shot someone, you will get one shot. Warrior’s bring good utility and defensives in a meta where one shot potential is what everyone is playing around.