Why play fury warrior instead havoc DH?

I am debating myself which class should I play. I find both classes very fun but I feel DH is better at everything:

  1. Better pvp? havoc
  2. Better pve? havoc
  3. Better mobility? havoc
  4. Better utility? havoc
  5. More tanky? havoc
  6. More surv tools? havoc
  7. Better cooldowns? havoc
  8. Better mogs? fury
  9. Better rotation? prob fury

What would be the advantage to play fury instead havoc? it seems it loses in all the departments. Please don’t answer “because it is fun” I would like a more objetive aproach

If you think Havoc is anywhere near the same plain of existence of survival that Fury has you’ve clearly not played both specs.

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The advantage of playing Fury, is that when it’s trash, like it is now in 9.1, you can go Arms!

If Havoc is trash(Like it was in 9.0), you’re just stuck as Havoc being trash.


Fury will get stronger and stronger as we reach end gear.

I would say the main problem as fury is the trap lego of sinful surge with venthyr. The lego lose value as you kill boss faster from getting more gear in raid and if you have to stop dpsing during condem window for a mech and might lose it. So you want a bad pull on the boss and you get to deal with no mechanics to pop off on single target as venthyr fury.

But another factor is to look at the class itself and not just 1 spec. Do you enjoy the other specs the class bring? Swapping around to other fun spec is nice.

Fury ain’t trash tho

So a couple things that tend to get missed;
Play-style: DHs without their cool downs are not that great. They do depend on their big abilities to really pump. While Fury is consistently pumping out lots of damage, minus single target pulls. Though if you’re pull single mobs you’re doing M+ wrong.

Damage profile - as mentioned before, DH needs cool downs, but I also absolutely hate the fact that a ton of DH’s damage is passive. Meaning there is less feeling of you actually doing something. Immo aura is just stupidly strong . 12-14% of a DH’s overall in a dungeon is usually due to them just standing next to mobs.
Fury on the other hand, you’re always doing something to get the numbers. So I guess I would call it just more engaging.
I’d love to see warriors get some uncapped AoE, which is the only thing DH has over Fury. 3 or 4 DH abilities are uncapped, which is kinda dumb.

As for mobility, have you not seen a NF warrior? Leap, intervene, charge, blink. Keep your emo double jump wanna be ninja stuff.

Survival tools, got that 80 shadowcore coming at ya? Got spell reflect? No, cool. Party getting low, Rally. 3% health every blood thrist, 30% with enraged regen. Not to mention the DR during it. I’ve taken punches to the face after the tanks death and lived, where as the DH just falls over. I will admit Arms is better for wipe recovery due to Die by the Sword.

Overall, both are good in M+ comes down to what you want to play, not what others dictate. I’ve played both DH and Warrior. I always come back to warrior no matter.

Because DH was the worst class added to the game.

In a more direct way of answering and the way I have told my friend that wants to “main” that abomination of a class, if Havoc sucks you have to tank. DH is also the most brain dead class in the game and I’m not sure it can hold someone’s attention for long unless they are watching Netflix while playing.

I hate DH if it isn’t obvious.





Nope, warrior has Rally Cry, AOE fear, intervene.

Not really, DH are super squishy

Not this either, they are about the same in terms of surviving damage they take

Fury has better CD, meta is pretty useless for a 4 min cd


true, except in aoe. Aoe fury is a snoozer

With higher haste comes more fun, so toward end of expansion fury is super fun. Fury also really good for aoe, pretty much where it can shine, and we are plate so we get better mogs :slight_smile: .

I think you are just looking at it from the perspective of not truly knowing what fury’s pros and cons are

because it’s fun :slight_smile:





Warrior is a lot of fun. Fury and arms for vastly different but fun playstyles.

If you think havoc is brain dead though you clearly haven’t played momentum/essence break. A lot of positioning and planning. It’s actually quite enjoyable.

Nah bro, Warrior mogs are of the best in the game.

But still, I think that both specs have good tools. The difference is that Havoc is boring AF to play. Most of the time you are pressing the same 2 buttons.

No one lied to me, its just using my knowledge on the spec and it was adjusted from various discussion with fellow warriors in here. Like you can get CE and do +20s just fine as fury, pvp wise, my knowledge is very limited in that section, but fury is in a better spot then it was last season and you should be able to reach Glad on that spec. The main problem from what i heard is that they just fall over faster then arm with how their survivability design work.

With the logs you link, if we just look over the general and not really go more in detail, fury does look bottom, but if we put the logs at 95th percentiles as a example in raid, where people min/max as they can on their specs, fury is looking a lot better. Now with dungeons, general does look not that great, now lets put it at lvl 20 keys and warrior does look a lot better, but i’ll be honest i never use m+ logs, raider.io would be my go to.

Maybe fury is trash in the realm of pvp, but its a good spec for pve.

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Havoc falls over in PVP as well. Neither are in a good spot for organized PVP (one shot) situations. They’ll either kill something fast, or die as fast.
Arms DbtS is better at stopping pressure than enraged regen or darkness.

Dh is quite squishy then it was back in bfa. With the meta being quite bursty, if you cant survive for long, just have to hope that you outpressure them as you said. So you would want the correct comp to apply crazy pressure, i would assume on fury that is with a udk to have rampage healing reduction on top of necrotic wounds.

Arm parry part of dbts can be insane against melees compare of enrage regen bloodthirst heals that can be counter easily. They really need to fix enrage damage reduction and ignore pain design in pvp on the spec

Ain’t darkness decent to survive a whole go from the enemy team, especially in cleave situation?

Not even. You can use that and blur at the same time and still die. Both have rng tied to them.

dam, it must be not fun to play with, you just hope you get the rng check to survive lol.

DH is broken in PvP. It’s in the same category as Arms/WW.

PVP is broken in this game regardless of class. Be it the glass cannons that are actually reinforced hardened steel, or the behemoth that can one shot people. I hate to say, but it was called at the first of the expansion. "Top players are gonna be asked how they felt about a tournament, and their reply will be Hey, I got one shot by [X] class, that’s just how it is.

Dh is not in the same league as arms or ww at their best.

A night fae dh can put up good numbers, but it’s not broken or enough to put it on equal levels. Even with the hunt, if you want to get a kill it’s again a roll of the dice with rng, but with crit.

Yeah, I don’t think you know what you are talking about in regards to PvP.

Was it the night fae part? Enlighten me. Dh isn’t bad, but it’s definitely not broken or on the level of an arms warrior or ww monk. It can put in the work, but again, not arms levels.