Why Play Alliance

Yes, because the only thing restraining more horde from going to horde dominated servers was q time. Literally, that was it.

And very few spend every hour of the day in BG’s.

Why wouldn’t they just buy a boost?

GOSH! These websites say it’s 50:50! Even though the Horde queue times for BGs are well over an hour that isn’t evidence of a clearly biased PvP community being setup! What’s that!? The Horde are dominating in PvE raiding too?! That’s just a coincidence! My gosh dang ironforge pro told me it’s balanced!

I find PvE is just cringe, boring, and full of massive amounts of loot drama and gambling. It literally puts me to sleep. All I have to do is ruin my talent tree, then read a manual about different boss fights, and there we go. Literally anyone can do it.

For me PvE is just a step towards the fun stuff (PvP), and many others feel this way too. After all, WoW is the only MMO that offers decent PvP both competitively and out in the world.

I don’t mean to insult people who PvE. I mean people literally have fun playing tractor simulators, watching paint dry, and hell even working a day job. Power to them and whatever drives them to be that way. But if you’re gonna act like PvP “isn’t the actual game” I figure I’ll provide my 2 cents too.

Because you like the Alliance faction more?

Is gaem, play and do what you want in it.

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WHO CARES HAHA? We don’t need u anymore we got ourselves baby!!!

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The statistics from Ironforge.pro are numbers from logged raids in Warcraft Logs and do not accurately reflect the % of ali/horde.

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Um, that site clearly states that it only counts those seen on Warcraft Logs.

How many of the playerbase do you suppose uses that?

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I don’t know why you play alliance. Why do people play Horde? You made this decision back when you created your character. How does today’s patch change your view of your faction? You liked that no Horde could run battlegrounds? Is that what kept you logging in and playing the game? You don’t like that Horde can now enjoy some PvP content?

What about TBC PVP is competitive?

Paladins represent 4.67% of the ladder
Shamans represent 6.79% of the ladder

…Rogues represent 17.93% of the ladder

TBC PVP is awful when it comes to being “competitive”, it’s just a straight up unbalanced mess. Now If your talking wrath and onwards, then I’d agree

But most people are playing TBC for it’s pve because it’s actually really good

I think Wrath had far more balance issues than TBC. DK’s and rets were imbalanced as hell, and I remember just laughing as rogues died to Thorns alone in a duel.

Overall I prefer retail WoW best, but there’s no world PvP or personal same-server open world personal touch to it. TBC is therefore second place for me.

PVP in general here, as poor as it may be, is better than other games I’ve found, at least if you want a war-like feeling in an open world, defending against so and so, rivals, and so forth, as opposed to the same Counter Strike game over and over again. The chat and social element add a nice touch to it as well that you can’t really find in an FPS. When I talk about competitive PVP, I mean relevant to its genre and what’s comparable

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