In an m+ group, what does warrior actually bring to the table?
Group buff? Only if its a melee comp.
Battle rez? Nop.
Lust? Nop.
Like, if i see a list of applicants like hunter, shaman, paladin mage, warlock and warrior… why pick warrior?
In an m+ group, what does warrior actually bring to the table?
Group buff? Only if its a melee comp.
Battle rez? Nop.
Lust? Nop.
Like, if i see a list of applicants like hunter, shaman, paladin mage, warlock and warrior… why pick warrior?
One of my buddies is a warrior main, and he’s a good warrior, but you’re not telling lies here. They have some things rough, especially the survival part sometimes, at least for Fury it seems.
Being tanky isn’t an issue for Fury, Arms can be considered a little more squishy but only due to not having as much passive healing.
Good damage, attack power buff, 10% overhealth every 3 mins. Reflect can also be a game changer for some dungeons, but not a massive difference.
That being said, Warrior is in the same position it’s been for many expansions. We lack group utility.
Composition wise?
Warriors fit into groups that are primarily Attack power based scaling wise with their attack % buff.
They’re also a decent choice that brings along some extra stops/interrupt that a group comp may be missing.
If you don’t need any extra utility that you’re missing (dispel/purge/etc) and they’re the best person who’ve queued up?
Definitely worth inviting good players over bad players playing ‘meta specs’.
Although on that last part, I wouldn’t exactly say warrior’s have the best pug rep due to there being quite a few bad ones out there, maybe I’m looking a little too deep into it but I do personally get complements on being ‘cracked’ in keys compared to what people have played with previously.
i’ve certainly seen some good warriors out there but damage is not everything. Ele and Ret bring damage. They also bring an obscene amounts of other stuff that can’t be ignored.
Back in the old days (classic) when warriors were the only tanks or absolute gods at dps, this argument could be made. Now? It just doesn’t work anymore unfortunately. I don’t see why anyone would pick a warrior over any other class of similar rating / ilvl. Unless you are a tank of course.
You’ve been given the reasons, because it fits in the comp, because they can cheese things with spell reflect and that they’re the best candidate for pool of players queuing up at the time when you don’t need any additional utility for the key.
Not everyone needs to bring bres/lust in a key usually 1 lust is enough and bres isn’t even needed at all with jumper cables which everyone can bring.
I know when I’m making my own groups as a warrior I look for complementary utility and cohesion within the group covering what’s needed for the key itself, be it a purge, dispel etc, then the final dps slot goes to a filler spot which could be anything that queues up that looks better than other options in at the time.
Not everyone is going to wait for the ‘perfect meta comp’, sometimes it’s just get what’s good enough and get on with the key.
fair enough.
Also not that strong, but Rallying Cry can help a party survive spikes of dmg, mainly when used beforehand, for example the third boss of CoT, or the Duo boss from SV.
Ive even saved people using that, allowing them to survive with like 5% HP cause of it.
First boss of city of threads the debuff circle is deflectable (spell reflect, but it doesn’t go back on the target) if one of the debuffs target the warrior, spell reflect is up for every single one of them. Prevents one entire set of orbs from going out and makes it only require one dispell.
There are a ton of other things that can be reflected too, but that one stands out.
People only pick me up because i have IO and ilvl. Other than that you need to parse at 99 to be close in damage of a lesser skilled meta. It’s frustrating that enhanced, retardin, survival etc have cooldowns every pack and if i use all my cds when they do, still get blown out the water. This xpack has been by far the worst ive felt as a warrior and being forced to prot hasnt been fun either. Ive been parsing in the 90s as fury but feels like im pulling teeth. Maybe arms has some hidden tech i havent unlocked but i dunno.
Short cooldowns, solid burst, solid ST.
Big bonks for days as Colossus.
I love your optimism on the forums, been following what youve been promoting so i’ll keep at it. I tried colossus but havent gotten it down. I do like that roar is up alot, with colossus smashed in between, with bleeds on everything…worth a shot. But again you’re a 99 parser, 80-90 might not have analogous results…
Everyone starts somewhere dude, the more you branch out and learn what specs are capable of in the classes you play, the more you’ll be able to have the same or better performance.
Best ways to learn are from doing or from breaking down why others are doing what they’re doing.
I picked warrior because I like yelling.
With warrior you get to :
Yell at stuff until it DIE
Yell at FRIEN until ALIVE MORE
Yell at FRIEN so BIG BONK.
Yell at bad guy so SMALL BONK.
Yell at bad guy so it legs dont work so good.
Because it’s there? Look buddy, I know this is a old post now but… Lets be real, 90% of people who ask these questions are never going to be playing at a level that it will matter, and those that do play at those levels are more concerned with how good their game knowledge is, rather than the class they picked.
Generally speaking, people are going to look at ilvl before anything else. No one is going to pick the ilvl 590 shaman over the 620 warrior, lust be damned. If you are having trouble getting picked, then be the one picking. Make your own groups.
Spell Reflect, Shockwave, Strombolt, Rally, Attack Power Buff, etc. Sounds to me like you use Icy Veins too much. Warriors have been nerfed into the ground and just keep coming out stronger. Their scaling is almost unmatched. Their tool kit speaks volumes. If you quit generalizing ALL Warriors, youll have a better understanding of what they offer up.
Well, hate to break it to you, but when you do get to 15s you will feel the meta pain. If I don’t run my own key, I’m not going to get a group. The shaman, Ret, DK, they certainly will. It’s stupid, but it’s how it goes.
Warriors do not scale any better than any class. That concept hasn’t been a thing since Legion.
While annoying they’re definitely bullets dodged. Sure it’s a little pain to always be making your own groups, but you’ll at least be in control and be able to pick who you want in your groups that don’t always have to conform to the meta.
While you’re right, you’re also ever so slightly wrong as we technically do still “scale” as an expansion goes on… With Aura Buffs
Pugs hedge their bets, doesn’t change the fact that even at 15’s most players are mediocre and think they are the best. The best don’t have to hedge their bets and don’t tend to pug. Make friends, join guilds, you’ll get picked when people know you as a good player, no matter what class you are on.
Ain’t that the sad truth. lol.
I think you missed my point. At 15s, it is extremely hard for a non meta class to get picked up for that last one or two spots of a group. It’s beyond frustrating for anyone. I have pretty well all 14s timed but can’t get an invite to anything that isn’t my own key. I’ve watched group finder, and I can see who they invite 100% of the time it’s a meta spec or a Ret paladin.