Why pick warrior for m+ group?

I think you missed MY point. Make friends, join a guild. There is always going to be classes that are considered “meta” and pugs will always hedge their bets by only picking them up. No matter what they do to warriors for utility it will fall out of meta at some point. Make friends, join a guild. Once you have a rep with the guild or server for being good, people want to pick you up, regardless of the class you choose to play.

Cool, so while the group I usually run with are off on vacation I get to do nothing? Sounds great. Meanwhile, other classes don’t have that problem. You get the picture? It doesn’t matter if your 2k or 3k. This shouldn’t be such a road block for non-meta. AKA - Balance issues.

Then you make new friends, join a new guild. There is nothing the devs can do to fix this forever. Some class somewhere will fall out of the meta and sit there for a while. Outside of making everyone the same, which is a wholly unpopular move, there is nothing.

Would it be nice to get some new utility tools? Yeah of course. Should warriors get future reworks and balance changes? Of course, and hopefully they will be fun. But even when they do that. warrior will still fall off the meta again. Your problem is the community here, and nothing the devs can do for warrior will change that. You want to play your favorite class at the highest level? Guilds and friends is the only consistent answer, because the meta will shift.

BS - sure there will always be some classes that do better, but this gap is unacceptable.

I don’t think Thorgrund is saying it was totally acceptable.
There were certainly a number of classes that were just too powerful, and too bloated with utility for the game’s health. Ret Paladin, Shaman, and DK. All have either a battle rez or lust, group defensives, or just good utility in multiple ways. All that on insanely good dps that is extremely easy to min/max.

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The more i study warriot, the less i understand its viability. While its not the worst class gameplay wise, its the absolute bottom of the barrel for utility.

Seems like next patch they will be down bad as a tank too.

Is it playable in lower keys 2-11? Yeah. Will it be absolute last pick for any pug? Absolutely.

You cant have classes like shaman and paladin compete with class like warrior. Even having a warrior myself, id never pick me over other classes.

If Blizz refuses to give this class utility then it needs to be absolute god mode in dps / tankiness. You cant have a mid tier dps class also have nothing it brungs to the group.


Everything is playable at those levels. Even up to 12s everything is fine. Especially next season. 12s are not hard. 15s is where the meta almost completely takes over.

This is something the warrior community has been requesting ever since they did away with the hybrid tax. Some want more utility over the god mode dps, and others want the god mode dps.
Problem is, they can’t do that because it would completely screw over the PVP side of things. I don’t honestly care about PVP myself, and think it should be a break off game at this point. Think Plunderstorm, but it’s just PVP stuff. This would allow them to actually work more class balance for raid and M+ without PVP concerns.

yes. Balancing PVP against PVE is just not possible anymore. especially not when everyone demands to be on an equal playing field in PVP.

I really wanted to main my warrior, but spending hours trying to find 1 M+ group is just nuts!


Yeah it’s bad man. Wouldn’t be hard to throw us lust or something at least, but Blizz just refuses.

My buddy wants to do the M+ elite mount next season. I normally sleep on PVE but I might join him. If I do, I’ll be on a ret. More damage, pseudo ranged, less effort, and infinite utility, brez, and immunes. It’s not even remotely fair.

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Pvp and pve already have different modifiers on skills “many abilities do 20% less damage in pvp etc”, so there is no reason that pve changes would have any effect on pvp, when they are already tuned differently between the game modes.

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There is still not enough separation to allow a rework that Warrior could really use.

One can argue that Season of Discovery could lead to potential Hero classes in Retail that will allow other classes to become tanks, healers, etc. But if you look at SoD now, warriors still do not have a single different thing they can do.

I started as warrior but these days I play death knight