Why people are still playing vanilla?

It’s amazing people in the TBC crowd don’t understand this; “me no like game, how could anyone else like game?”
In every aspect outside of raid mechanics (which isn’t insignificant) Classic is harder than TBC, there, I said it. Getting rank 14 is harder than getting glad (if you push rank 14, you WILL, without doubt, play against the best pvpers in the game multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day, so don’t say crap about tbc arena offering more challenging fights, it doesn’t, it’s entirely different) getting gear isn’t just “okay everyone make sure to pick up your badges of justice so we can all go buy our gear without needing a specific item to drop or to win it/be awarded it GUHEHEHEH,” like people say TBC is the best of vanilla but on steroids, to me it’s the worst aspects of vanilla on steroids and all the good ones GONE; namely, the old raid content is now completely irrelevant, and this is the problem with the “expansion pack” as an idea. Instead of releasing a new raid for classic, on an upwards/sideways difficulty up from Naxx, with gear on par, and some BETTER, than the previous tier. This keeps all the gear fresh, it keeps the players getting stronger, and it doesn’t render old content USELESS. Oh but what’s that, they can’t put a patch in a box and sell it for 40 bucks at retail? True. This is why we got TBC in the first place. This is the start of the greed, it’s the start of the vision for the game dying.
Also if you thought botting/gold buying was bad in classic, Oh brother, are you in for a good time in TBC; gold buying is rampant. Everyone is buying gold. People openly discuss it in general chat and in parties/guilds. Bots are rampant (thanks level 58 boost!!)


My guild still does weekly raids from everything pre Naxx. It’s a little dead but we’re having fun

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For the same reason people came back after 14 years I guess


lol yeah the thousands of rank 14 trashcans walking around are all very skilled players, I’m sure

Thousands of glad and former glad are dumpsters what’s your point


big oof. TBC was created to address the issues in classic so I’m surprised there’s even 1 online tbh.

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I understand completely why someone would prefer Vanilla. The person I quoted was suggesting people would come back to Vanilla after leaving, and in that case my question is completely relevant. If someone has left Vanilla for TBC, and didn’t immediately return, they probably enjoy TBC enough or don’t value Vanilla enough to come back to the era servers.

Those people came back and are here, or have left and moved on. Why would a person, who came back for Classic then transitioned to TBC, come back to Vanilla after spending months in TBC? TBC is where the progression is, TBC is where the playerbase is, TBC has much of the “vanilla experience”, which is why I ask why a person who has moved on from Classic come back? Considering that their server will be 1/10th of how they left it, all their friends moved on, it’s hard to see this as anything more than wishful coping.

Glad isn’t necessarily that hard, but there is actually some skill check - you can just farm Rank 14 in a premade w/o any real competition at any point. BGs don’t scale up with more competent enemies when you rank, a rank 2 is fighting the same teams a rank 14 is, just less often. You can literally afk to rank 14 (as many of the banned for afking rankers can attest to), you need to at least look at the screen to get glad.

Classic is in a class of its own. TBC and Wrath are more similar to each other than either of them are to Classic. Its a standalone title whereas the other two are built on the foundation that is Classic. Its a completely unique experience whereas the others share too many other similarities.

When Blizz is done pushing out all the cars on the classic train and all the hysteria dies down the one that will stand out the most is the original. That doesnt mean most or half of the people will come back and play the crap out of it. It just means it will reach a stage where people who tend to favorite it will be able to enjoy it in its full capacity.

So to answer the question why would people come back its because they can.


Lol good luck with that

Rank 14 in Classic wasn’t hard. Just had to find a premade and no life it for months. Little skill involved. I won’t bother getting into Classic raids.

They literally aren’t playing. Your entire post proves that.

No one wants museum servers.

YAY FRESH! :slight_smile:

It was more a wink to the fact that people already came back to Vanilla because it was the greatest game of Blizzard. No one really cared about TBC or other expansions.

Yeah I don’t think all the herd will came back on Vanilla since they like empty progression. But many will come back cause Vanilla is just better and History proves it.


Fresh servers will definitely spur some interest back for a bit, but the existing Vanilla servers don’t have much to appeal to you if you aren’t already here committed to them. A guarantee of no further content is a pretty strong dissuasion, where TBC always has some potential content to do, even if it isn’t your preferred content, which is why the current era servers probably will never have much of a resurgence. Further merges would be the only help that can be given.

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Still a free country. I think.

Speaking for myself here, I dont invest in a character just to abandon it. Same goes for the server Im on. Starting fresh for me would be like starting a new account. Im not interested. I want to play my current crop of toons and Id like any new toons to benefit from the time Ive already put in on the others.

Fresh start people remind me of the rabid altoholics in retail and that I was guilded with for part of classic. These guys treat WoW like a barrens simulator and its like an extra comfy blanket for them if no one on the server has a fortune and Naxx experience because their playstyle dictates that they will never be that invested in any one toon so as to climb that mountain so to speak. Whole servers are just throwaway alts for them too.

Now of course there is rumors (thanks to the survey) that Blizz is preparing to cater to the soft underbelly of wannabes yet again and give them fresh servers which just about negates the time Ive put into my characters and everything associated with them.

You cant make up how bad a combo this playerbase and developer are. What a joke.


Vanilla is just more fun, that’s why i’d rather have classic plus than tbc.

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Because its a better game. I have play tbc for a month complete heroics pvp in bgs an arena an my conclusion is it is not fun.


LOL what? .

Yeah, I’m in a similar boat to others. I was pretty hyped for tbc then I logged in and I literally haven’t been able to finish hellfire (I’m 63) and by the constant guild chatter from the guys reminding me of daily dungeons; daily quests etc it just started to remind me way too much of retail

which country