Why people are still playing vanilla?

I still enjoy it? Also now that it is dead it provides a new unique atmosphere to the game. I’m probably going to be alone most quests. Can I do them? Or will I have to abandon/outlevel them?

I’m also leveling a race/class combo on classic and retail to see how different it is. And boy it is nuts so far.


early tbc is nutso grindy tbh


still havent killed KT.

got to P3 a few times though.

I just love naxx atmosphere, ngl. and want to finish 9/9 T3.


I prefer it over TBC, don’t hate TBC and don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to play that instead, but I’ve been waiting a long time to get classic vanilla, even if it’s dead, I’d still rather be here.
Vanilla’s still home to me, even if it’s a bit more empty.


my TBC experience so far has been great :smiley:

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“muh slippery slope to retail!”

yeah, blizz is gonna add LFR and cross-realm zones and homogenized classes to tbc


l m a o


because classic was the answer for the badwill generated by shutting down nostalrius. bc was never the intention, the bc crowd [quote=“Oldetimer-pagle, post:17, topic:1004093”]
I’ll wait until people have their share time of TBC then they come back to classic era. I’m not saying all will come back but there will be enough to run stuff again anways

i doubt there’s even going to be enough coming back to run stuff. unfortunately the classic era versions will be one and done, and when there done, this game probably is too


The pvp cluster west, alliance side, is doing very well. We have weekly completed MC,BWL,ONY,ZG,AQ20,World Bosses, and alternating AQ40/Naxx since they are taking a few days to complete. We are close to fielding a full 40 man roster, the only down side at the current moment is hardly any pvp and not alot of AH activity. But as a community we help eachother with consumes and we help our lower level players, some new people if you can believe it, level up so that they can join the ranks in raiding. Chat may not be booming 24/7 like before but you better believe we are keeping it alive. Come on over and join the real WoW classic community and experience.


this guys is the reason why i have trust issues

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LOL did you read what they said? They said they did it when it was current. How exactly are they missing out on a lot?

I feel the same as them as I did it all back when it was current. And yep, was in a pretty hard core raid guild (US 250 range) and I am not missing out on a lot at all. Been there done that. Get over the fact not everyone cares about BC and BC is going to drop hard like Classic Vanilla did.

LMAO you keep replying to people like you think Classic BC is actually current content. Both factions have shamans in Wrath, Cata, MoP, etc. You act like this is something new.


People still play the original Mario or Tetris. I even sometimes go to the local barcade to play Tetris on the old machines. Plus, some people will return.


Who cares why he does not like it? We all have our own opinions. It sounds like you just want to antagonize which is why you created this thread.

I like Vanilla Classic more as well. Everything about it is just better for me. I for one still play Vanilla Classic and am going to keep playing it even if I am literally the only one on the server doing so.


People play classic because it is a good ROl game, doing quests, traveling from place to place every 5 levels, making dungeons with other people and socializing. They love reliving that experience over and over again.

If classic-wow had more end-game it could keep an audience interested for years. But with its current end game it is too short and limited. They get bored and leave


The time and the server you logged in can make a big difference. The herd is on TBC right now but it won’t last. If you think Vanilla is dead now, imagine TBC in a year. Have fun.


My problem with TBC is the world feels like it serves the players instead of the players serving the world.

Azeroth feels like a real living world in terms of gameplay where BC just feels more like a series of quest hubs. BC is also far too small and compact and you have flying to make it even smaller.

Theres just something to Azeroth that BC definitely lacks and while I have been leveling to stimulate that lizard part of my brain that thinks oh look numbers goes up… I doubt i’ll even bother with more then one or two kara runs. I unfortunately didn’t get to kill Kel’thuzad but I had a lot of fun up to Naxx. The raiding in BC could be good but for some reason everything building up to that potential all just falls flat to me.


Agreed. This is my problem back then and now with TBC.

Blizzard decided to throw away a whole world for a few new zones. And this is has been the model for game for last 15 years.

Oh well. I was foolishly hoping for them to build on the original game, but I was wrong.


Because its still fun. And its the only version of the game with an actual RP realm.

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I’ve got my warrior here almost full prebis, max BS and almost all heroic keys, I also have a belf pally who’s almost Outland ready, and so far (it’s still early) I am seriously missing Vanilla. For one thing, tbc feels a lot less casual friendly than classic is to play the end game at its most basic level with some degree of competency; longer attunements, massive cost for levelling professions to max, badges of justice and primal nether… it all feels like everyone is in a dungeon for the same things; primal nethers and badges of justice. In classic, you went for and got excited over items that were good for some people and not good for others.
Outland is much smaller than Azeroth and yet it becomes “the hub.” Even though the world has in fact grown, it never felt smaller; you only go back to Azeroth for errands (the auction house) or when you head to Kara.
Add to this the fact that it’s taken so many players away from classic, I just don’t see TBC as a positive thing, it feels in many ways like a step in the wrong direction, an all too familiar one.
While it may not be wise to put all of your eggs in one basket, I fear Blizzard will spread this playerbase too thin especially after release of Sunwell. Wotlk servers will assuredly do what tbc did to classic, and is anyone really happy about spending 2 years in vanilla, having two-three months to play your character at their most powerful in phase 6 gear, and then just throw it away?? Does the thought of starting vanilla fresh every year or every other year appeal? Truly??? To me, it does not satisfy.


Why would people ever come back? Once you get bored of TBC you start raid-logging, go to retail or just quit, what could bring a person back to Naxx? TBC hype will absolutely fall off, and much faster than Vanilla since the leveling is much quicker, but going back to the old game (which requires you paying for a clone) offers nothing. At least in TBC you can fritter your time away making gold or farming nether eggs, etc., the Classic era realms have no way of bringing back the people who already left.

They’ll both be mostly dead as time goes on, the real question is why anyone would jump from TBC back to Vanilla instead of TBC to FF/BDO/NW or otherwise.

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Well no, that’s not the ‘real’ question. That just a question you ask because you don’t understand why many of us continue to enjoy what Vanilla Azeroth offers us in terms of role play, immersion, old style battlegrounds and ranking, reputation . . . .