Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

" leveraging the chaos they glimpse within to devastating ends in battle—their greatest abilities are fueled by the “souls” they’ve harvested from their victims " - Class Overview

Straight from Wowpedia… The implication is that we aren’t using our own lifeforce as the warlocks we play compare to the rest who we are against. If this wasn’t the case, Lightforged wouldn’t be possible.

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We’ve always had soul shards, that doesn’t disprove what I said.

Go play some classic and report back. There’s some homework for ya.

Lol, Classic = Outdated lore. If that was your answer, then its a loss cause to try to be constructive.

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Surely you can provide an example that directly contradicts the fact we trade life energy for power then.

If you really want me to make you look like a fool, go for it, it’ll be fun.

My dude is trying to play classic life tap as a trump card xD


Lets be real most of the people raging about this are the same people that get mad about pretty much anything and everything else game related, they are just really angry people that get bothered by things just for the sakes of being angry.

I mean it’s not like they have to play them if they don’t want to or whatever but they surely act like it’s some type of personal attack from Blizzard or something.

poetry considering you’re arguing against moving on from outdated lore as well

Apparently, the class overview is a lore argument now.

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And telling me to go Classic is your argument too. With the abundance of information, why ignore it something that’s far more UP-TO-DATE than something that Classic eventually will catch up to? The eventuality will result in that retail covers.

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you want to talk about lore?? ok here we go. for 1: the orcs did not drink demon blood, they were infused with the fel by Gul’dan, for 2: see number one.

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Its a better reference than yours. Especially since you seem incapable of contradicting the class lore.

The only reason we don’t have life tap anymore is because mana is irrelevant for almost every dps in the game now. The only health sac ability we currently have is pact.

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Hey Weid, this is the Draenei Argument.

This was from the Warcraft Chronicles, Volume 1 - Page 52

Funny how it mentions nothing about Warlocks.

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If Sargeras pumped fel into a human, they’d probably transform into an unholy murder-chimp as well.


Lightforged and Mag’har are my issue.

If you want to be an orc warlock, just be a dam green orc warlock.

If you want to be a Draenei warlock, then be a dam Draenei warlock. I am fine with that.

They are the same models. You can even RP that you were a mag’har but after you became a warlock your skin turned green. ( Draenei same thing yellow → blue/red)

Allowing lightforged and mag’har to be warlocks kind of destroy those race’s identities.
They are just skins now, instead of a distinct racial culture.


burning rush sacrifices health too
so does health funnel

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Good catch. I was trying to think of rotational abilities when I should have just mentioned those, lol.

Seems like a lost cause either way. They seem to think my suggestion that they do research on life tap via classic was a lore argument.

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Yup, I’m all about it too :+1:

Eagerly awaiting Panda Druids, Gnome Paladins, Undead Paladins, etc etc :drooling_face:


they’ve always been just skins. don’t overthink it.

Try out? What have you never played a tauren or a warlock before? How different do you think it will be?


How many times does the mag’har thing need to be pointed out before they realize its a non issue?

Don’t drink pitlord blood, you won’t turn green.

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