Why our blind still 2min cd when its only 5s?

Every major CC like clone,sheep, fear got reduce to 6s but our blind reduced from 8 to 5 and its still on 2 min cd. It should be 1 min cd to be fair. Also, why is our kick being the longest 5s down to 3s while other class still at 4s and mage at 5s. Now you dont even see many rogue in Bg anymore, why play a class with less damage than other class and keep getting gut in CC more and more each patch.


because #RoguesCantHaveNiceThings


Rogue CC is relatively fine as outlaw you would be blinding all over the place with CDR and sub is all about control they can control 3 players at any given time mut rogue is the only one I can see having issues with CC but our CC is the last thing we have to complain about tbf.

Because rogues have enough cc


Restless Blades doesn’t give CDR to any CC ability

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True bearing does though or at least it used to?

Never has.

True Bearing used to reduce CD on BTE stun and CloS in Legion.

Rogue has the least effective CC of all modern retail classes. Only thing Rogues have left that other classes do not have is Cheap Shot and people are crying to have it removed or nerfed to the ground.

We warned people that nerfing Kidney Shot and Blind would be a mistake because now Cheap Shot received a buff because of that. And Cheap Shot is the only CC that makes sense to use for Rogues now.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


I will test it when I have the chance not saying you’re wrong just I’ve been out of PvP since legion, I played a bit in shadowlands but nothing competitive I just returned like a month ago however I do not agree with rogues not having enough effective CC we have blind, kidney shot, cheap shot, gouge and sap both outlaw and sub can control the entire tempo of a match and that’s just by ourselves mix that in with our strongest comp rmp and it’s an absolute nightmare for CC that’s why even when rogues were absolutely horrible damage wise (looking at you mop) we were still good.

Because it exists within the rogue kit alongside gouge, shadowy duel, smoke bomb, and more stuns than anyone could dream of.

I thank blizzard for this bountiful comment of nonsense to fuel jokes for my friends.

Yeah Rogues are slowly disappearing in all forms of PVP. They are still good in arenas but that will not last long based on “hero talents”.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

rogues literally have all the nice things

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You, my friend, are doing one of the following:

a. playing a different game.
b. not playing your class correctly.
c. confusing rogue and rouge.


because blind is a hard reset skill.

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I mean that is pretty rich considering I looked up this rogue and it seems you don’t even play the game

there is a reason there was a rogue in almost every team on AWC, they are historically the most coddled pvp class since the inception of WoW

As I said, I have played this character since I first started during original WoW, some time around 2004 - 2005. I have tried all aspect of content that has been offered over the years. There is some I simply don’t enjoy. Others I don’t have time for. I assure you, I have played many many hours.

This comment tells me you really have no idea what you’re talking about. “Coddled” is probably one of the last words I’d use to describe rogues.

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Yo you are a green avatar now.

Almost a sign that the emerald dream is consuming the warrior ethos.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


PvP. that’s the reason

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Well in PVP everyone else is running around with a shorter cool down on their version of Blind.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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probably because other classes dont get 3x cheapshots, a non DR stun from cheap in the form of Kidney shot, gouge, blind, step kick, garrote, invicibility cloak, evasion and vanish on short cds

but yeah lets give the strongest control class, a class that is in every AWC comp, another better CC?

lol if youre a rogue and complaining about PVP you just need to git gud, literally the best class in the game at it and have been since the inception of WoW.