Why our blind still 2min cd when its only 5s?

Feel like you dont understand how DR’s work. Cheap and kidney both share the same DR as with every other stun.

Cloak is for magic and we only get the evasion if we take the pvp talent which is going away soon.

vanish and evasion are on 2m cooldowns.

step kick? kick like all other lockouts down that every class has, locks our casters a whole 3 seconds and warriors have more ways to stick on a target zugzugging over a rogue’s kick.

Rich coming from a warrior complaining about rogues when you have everything to counter them or to run away or self heal up.


I mean if you cant vanish and fully cheap the entire team that is on you bud

I understand how DRs work, im saying rogue doesnt DR with itself on two seperate stuns

Evasion and Vanish are less than 2 mins in outlaw where you get CD reduction from combo point expendature

Rogue is the only class with smoke bomb and shadowy duel, two of the most broken pvp abilities

you have step, hook, blade dash, sprint, all on very short CDs, as well as INVINCIBILITY cloak, vanish, and evasion all on very short CDs

if you can’t hack it as the most broken pvp class in the game that is on you

There is a reason there is a rogue on every AWC team, and not a warrior, git gud

So yeah BlizZard is already reducing the CD of Blind via Trickster but will probably do something similar in the other hero talent trees.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

This hasn’t been true since Legion I think? Not sure exactly when they changed it but Kidney Shot no longer has its own DR. It was true in Vanilla and for many years, though.


Clearly not. Kidney Drs with other stuns and has for a long time.


Years for sure. I started rogue in shadowlands and it’s been DRing with other stuns since then at the very least.

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They first started Kidney Shot DRing with Cheap Shot back in Cata. Since then KS DRs with all other stuns as far as I know. If I remember correctly KS would even DR with the micro stun from paralytic poison from MoP.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


The most confidently incorrect player on these forums.

You need to understand rogue DR’s, and that cloak is in no way makes you “invincible”

But you’re telling us to “git gud” lol

Correction Paralytic poison did not DR with KS at the time. You just had to be careful not use a full kidney or cheap while enough stacks built up and proc’d.

That way you maximized the most stun time. It was easier to maximize stun time back then with Sub or Combat : Paralytic stun followed by triple CS or Combat full 8 second kidney shot.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

i don’t understand why they just don’t tie the talent to vanish
leave cloak as it is baseline
make the talent apply to vanish and remove bleeds, magical effects and whatever and provide immunity for 3 seconds
cloak never needed to grant evasion


There’s a lot of things they could do to make things make more sense. But they rather leave it all on silence unfortunately, especially considering the state of the class and how so many bugs remain unfixed


Mage ice wall functions as los, warlock green portal thing “can” creatively los in an opportunistic way, evoker fire wall thing does block los and prevent help if positioned well.

Warrior shout talent breaks vanish (intended) when it roots us like shaman totem (earthengrasp?) , druids can mass root it.

Veil is going away (evasion aspect of it) in the patch as well. It doesn’t block aoe effects / stormbolt / shockwave/ dh stuns either. Warrior is gaining increased duration on shockwave by 2 seconds mirroring kidney shot or the choice in the other tree to gain a secondary stormbolt to fire off which is cool as well.

Additionally can gain second wind to heal randomly when taking damage, improved ignore pain to help, more bladestorms to goof cc and lots of other cool toys as well.

Demolish being an interesting ability also provides stun immunity while performing the ability. Warriors are shaping up nicely bubs.

Additionally, 15% damage reduction for selectable by anyone while Ccd is a new meta gem. You should be more concerned with casters at this point than us rogues.

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none of that matters when you sit instealth till 40% dampening

all of that is super interesting in a vacuum, but you cant get a rogue out of stealth if they dont want it, the eyes are useless, wasting piercing howl on a chance to get someone out of stealth is a joke

have fun sitting in stealth on your broken class :smiley: it is okay for someone to be the most pvp coddled class

just dismantle harder, or shadowy duel, or use one of your many many get out of jail free cards

i can still see and do things against a caster, rogues are just immoral

edit: yeah i meant immoral, not immortal, i know what i said

show us where the rogue touched you


I understand you may be having a difficult time against them and that’s ok (seriously, not a prod), we all work differently and we are all tuned very tightly according to developers posts throughout DF and forum discussions.

  • We don’t get to nit pick parts of classes we deem as “unfair” to us because that’s not balanced or diversifying classes. Other classes gained more CC and ways to deny others of making contact (good). Classes should be interactive and choices to be made to pick up X y z. Warriors have no say and neither do the forums on how rogues operate to fit agendas contrary to the tom foolery of certain individuals who will not be named. We also have no say on anything you guys do and I think it is really dang cool when you guys get new / creative stuff instead of limiting to only have x. Variety should be encouraged and classes are all different.

  • There are a lot of stops that work very highly that will goof over a rogue.
    A lot of rogue stuff is situational and a “it depends” and is never cut and dry. We don’t “hold W” and require planning, high awareness, and quick reactions. They gave most classes major defensives nearly every 45sec and team mates more ways to just stop shadow dance for all 3 rogues. We don’t zug, we don’t operate like other classes and nor should we. Its sort of like the outlaw kids who want to operate close to warrior while not requiring stealth or rogue based things (not going to happen and nor should it as they are of the same cloth as rogues).

  • Causing a ruckus to hopefully gain traction is not advised and nor is it grounds to be listened to. “Nerf x” posts are an exhaustive thing for people and the devs to waste time reading. Be better please, the forums need to be better as a whole. We all get ticked yeah , but its time to be better and make this place better.

Hope you seriously have a great weekend man and a strong start to the work week.

(Im trying to be better too as well, that isn’t a personal gut shot at you and neither is any of this post, its more collective thoughts )


i have amazing blind tricks.

i can use blind to escape from 10+ hord… without a vanish. and thats why blind is on a long timer. if i could do this more often, it’d be incredibly OP.

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blind should be spamable just like poly and cyclone. 1 sec (gbc) if any cd

Micro CC shouldn’t be spammable.

But Blind shouldn’t be a long CD either.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I agree, it shouldn’t be spammable, but it should along with cyclone and poly.

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The most infuriating thing is when someone does their 3 second micro stun when DR is about to reset and I’m about to land my kidney and it ruins it completely lol

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