Why other classes complain about dh?

I’ve never heard anyone complain about spectral sight outside of a world pvp context, and you have to be a very, very casual player to believe balancing in world pvp is remotely important.
In arena, simply chill behind a pillar and let one of your two teammates hit the dh.

Spectral sight is absurdly easy to counter.


The fact that you think 5 buttons is acceptable as well is mystifying to me. Additionally, while there are other classes with very few buttons, most of them have interactions with their spells. WW, for example, doesnt have many buttons (like 10-12) but they cannot be used two times in a row. This includes their spenders and single generator so you have to plan each move otherwise you’ll cap resources. Frost mage also has few buttons but they need to ensure they shatter

all you do is just slam DH spenders when they pop up and slam generators as fast as possible. it takes 0 focus away from the mechanics of the fight

You know, people arent just mad at DH. People get mad at whatever is overpowered. That’s normal, and an OK. WW was broken in antorus especially in pvp and people complained.

The big difference is when the spec that is OP is so easy to play. It allows for people reroll and just play what is broken and makes others feel bad about NOT rerolling. No class should be as easy to play DH. It’s insulting to the integrity of the game.


Except for the part where DH is nothing resembling OP. It’s weak in PvP, it’s mediocre in raids, and despite people claiming otherwise, the logs clearly show that it’s not even sitting at the top in M+. Failing to outperform a DH in any situation other than heavy AoE is a git gud problem, not a balance issue.

Also, I’ve never once seen a DH player say they have any special attachment to the lack of complexity. If anything, the consensus amongst its players seems to be that it needs greater complexity. Most of the people playing the class enjoy its fast-paced style and high (although easily negated) mobility, not the fact that they have so few buttons to press.


Demon hunters are the ONLY class that has an anti stealth capability that is actually useful, Flare is laughable at best since you can actually sit outside it’s range and still CC someone standing dead center into it.

Rogues have the advantage and upper hand against every class, There has to be a time when you don’t.


There has to be a balance and synergy in a team, is not possible to let the rogue sneak into all the classes sap and take 50% of the HP before starting a real fight. Now sounds just like an empty complain because a player detected you. And didn’t let you get away with what you wanted.


You have 20s cd stun. Watch pikaboo on youtube he usually can delete 2 DHs while doing carry.
It is just rogue has higher skills cap. They have tool to counter every classes in pvp

It most certainly not if you are stuck in the open. Easier said than done to hide behind a column. If rogues had some ability like Transendance, that would have been a different story, but they don’t.

Its more than useful, it cancels out any stealth within a huge radius, as some abilities of demon hunters have insane range, so all a DH gotta do is spec sight > do that autistic double jump of his which is basically unlimited rocket jump speed-wise > throw his thing at stealthed character, which then becomes a dead meat.

Really? Camo huntards say hi. And just about any plate class that is tanky as heck (including dh!) want to have a word with you too. The only advantage rogues have is stealth. Which gets chewed up by spec sight in all its shapes. Even vanish doesn’t help! Also its more than just about rogues. I believe druids also detest that “I see everything” bs.

I didn’t want to get away with what I wanted. I just wanted to get away but couldn’t. And my, what a funny coincidence that this is coming from a class that is getting even more OP stealth detection in SL. Can’t even hide your excitement, can you?

So you’re definitely speaking from the perspective of world pvp, which is just hilarious.
I mean really. I do enjoy world pvp heroes complaining about class balance, as if you can’t sign up in the lfg tool for a group to 5v1 players who are just trying to do their daily quests.

Define “insane range”. Throw glaive? 30 yds?
Metamorphosis? A 4 minute cooldown?

There is literally no conduit progression system that would encourage us to take this ability.
Unless we can freely change conduits around before an arena, which we presently can’t do, the spectral sight conduit won’t see the light of day.

You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

Word of advice, considering the calibre of pvp you obviously participate in:
Use the LFG tool. World pvp isn’t competitive and it doesn’t matter.


Your complaining about being disadvantaged in the open against one class, You cannot have an advantage against everyone that’s not how balance works there has to be negatives to your class this is one of that’s your first point refuted.

Second point ties into the first, Demon hunters are the ONLY ONES that hard counter out stealth and it’s on a cooldown a very long one when it comes to PVP again you can just vanish and bail if you need be or Blind/Gouge/KS and sprint away, This is your second point done.

Stealth is an inherent advantage against everyone, You get to pick when, where, why and how the fight starts, Demon hunters do not have spectral sight active 100% of the time so unless you’ve done something so foolish that a DH has decided to go and hit that keybind they won’t know your there, This gives you an upper hand against every class that’s this point dealt with.

You aren’t always going to get away that is the nature of world PVP, If you think demon hunters are bad because they nullify your stealth wait until you play literally any other melee class against a frost mage.

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I only do 1v1, and I don’t even remember how to use lfg tool, but what I do and the way I play is definitely not limited to people who do their daily quests.

For a melee class that’s insane. I would be happy if all the melee class range abilities got reduced to no more than 15yd (heroic throw range), especially those with stealth detection as it already negates the above mentioned advantage of stealth completely, and stealth classes without stealth is just a warrior wearing a leather. Please make a warrior and have a play in full leather gear and post your results, I’d be interested to see those.

Cheat death, 6 minute cooldown, your point?

I was quoting the hunter and the mark ability they are getting. You should read more carefully, unless reading between the lines is your thing of course, which being a DH I would understand.

There is zero reason for me to even concern myself with some calibre you’re referring to. LFG tool is what killed world pvp in the first place so it can promptly go die right back. And world pvp is very, very competitive, and matters just like all the other aspects that you can do in game. In fact this is how PvP started, so you saying it doesn’t matter clearly shows you haven’t been around long enough to make these calls. And once again, you’re a DH. Just by you being defensive of your own imbalance, you are proving my point further and further that I’m on the right track of calling your bugger all detection out.

I do not seek advantage against any class. But I do think that escape mechanics are a number one importance for a stealth class. I’m not an assassin who won’t even attempt to run after a successful mission. If I can’t escape after I made a kill, to me that defeats the whole purpose of doing the kill, so when I know for sure I can’t escape when a DH is near, I end up not going for the kill at all! Which brings up a question that I may as well not be playing at all?

Since you’re posting from a DH, I’m going to cautiously assume that you don’t have a rogue, even a low level one. In that case, I’ve got a quick update: you can’t. If you haven’t wasted DH trinket with sap, DH will trinket the blind. Vanish will not help. I will repeat this again. Vanish will not help. Spectral sight sees the rogue through vanish. You cannot spring away from a double jumping DH, unless you’re using rocket boots, which DH can also get. Perhaps if double jumping speed was nerfed, or even better, limited to a same spot, that could make some difference. However I’m sure that most DH would pick their double jump over spectral sight anyday.

As soon as DH knows you’re there, you cannot escape and will die. No other class can do this. Some DHs also bind this ability to a frequently used macro so they have a solid uptime. But even if they don’t, once they know your approximate location, you’re as good as dead, and spectral sight is what makes it possible.

Hah yea, its probably similar to DH vs stealth indeed, but this is why I play a melee class with stealth, and I can easily run away from a frost mage, but not from a DH, and I’ve even did all the hard work of narrowing down the 80%+ of the problem to a single ability which doesn’t even affect how DHs stack against any other non-stealth classes, which are an overwhelming majority. I have no problem with million of other things that are a tad op with DHs, so long as I can just run away from them, I’m not even asking for a kill at this stage, but by looking at all the other DHs here clinging to and ferociously defending such a minor utility it seems that I am asking too much? Must I jump on an anti-DH complain bandwagon and cause all the other really important abilities to take a heat? I’m known for increasing the heat to the necessary levels and maintaining it until something gets done. Is that something DHs would prefer? As I would definitely not, as I’d rather spend time actually playing the game instead of yacking about it, but the thing is that I can’t, and that’s chiefly because of spectral sight.

What your complaining about is not being able to use stealth against one class, And yes i have infact played a rogue, I was at the top of the game during mists of Pandaria waaay back when there was no stopping rogues because of cheap moves, And because there was no viable anti stealth, I’m sorry you don’t get to have an advantage against every class.

Vanish does work against a demon hunter let me describe how since you havn’t wrapped your brain around using it properly, First bait the trinket with literally anything, THEN CC them again so they can’t trinket, THEN VANISH AND RUN, Hard to use spectral sight when i’m CC’d also FYI you can actually outrun double jumping demon hunters as it’s not a static movement increase but rather short hops that has to be triggered over and over again.

Were defending this because to this date the only thing that counters stealth directly is a single ability, You get to pick when where why and how the fight starts against every class in the game, We ensure you can’t easily run away from us, one… single… class…

that uses one… single… cooldown…
That breaks on any action or damage taken.

Sorry but you need a counter, This is it. play around it like every other rogue has learned to do so or suffer your choice.


Oh, but I already do. I can even tell you what it is. Its called not attacking a DH or anyone near a DH. Works 100% of the time for me. However the fact that I can attack and kill anyone near any other class, no matter how many of them there are, shows that there is something deeply imbalanced with that one specific class and namely one specific ability. I can gank and kill anyone surrounded by 20 warriors or 20 druids or 20 whatever, run away and live. But a single DH just makes me stay the hell away from that area 40yd or further away. If this is not imbalance, then I don’t know what is.

Or it shows how deeply inbalanced rogues are because being able to kill someone dead center of a group without having them be able to do something against you to prevent it outside of hard cooldown usage clearly shows something is off.


Yea, like toggling the warmode on before max level perhaps? Or as it was also known in Pre-DH days, asking for it

So your complaining about not being able to use a broken scaling system against a single class?


Right, so you’re a casual. Because literally no competitive player ever says “I only do 1v1”.

Once again, this is coming from the perspective of a world pvp’er. The game will never be balanced around this style of gameplay. Wanna know why? Because it takes no skill. The environment isn’t controlled.
Play a rogue in the arena. You have no reason to complain.
The fact you’re a rogue in a wow forum complaining about world pvp speaks to the embarrassingly little amount of actual competitive pvp experience you have.

I was discussing ranged capabilities. This is entirely irrelevant.

That hunter is an alt of a dh who speaks very commonly on these forums. You wouldn’t know that because it appears you’ve only very recently decided to troll the demon hunter forums.
Your side comment about being a demon hunter doesn’t make you clever. It makes you more boring than you already are. A world pvp hero who’s trying to be snide. Yikes.

Hahaha. This has been fun. Thanks for playing. Either you’re a troll or legitimately this bad at the game.
Gonna call it a day on this conversation.
By whatever rationality you want to tell yourself you’re engaging in competition, have at it. You aren’t, however. Not at all. Good luck earning those sweet titles, mounts, and transmog gear that’s awarded for that competitive world pvp scene lul


Wait what? Scaling system is broken? Last time I checked I can’t 1 shot anyone who is as little as 10 levels below me. I’m sure there were many times in previous expansions when that was easily possible, all the way to classic where there was no scaling at all. So the scaling system is what actually a big help to cocky lowbies who think they can just toggle the warmode on and walk around like they’re saurfang. And that single class is exactly what is re-enforcing this erroneous belief, which is a huge misservice to a lowbies all over azeroth, and it keeps defending itself as balanced. The only reason why it still hasn’t been nerfed is that stealth players are a minority, and if it affected anywhere near the number of the non-stealth majority or a whole faction, it would have already been nerfed into a PvE only ability, think how exorcism haven’t dealt bonus holy damage to a forsaken players and then was outright removed anyway.

Yeah this is a troll anyone who engages in world pvp especially now knows that the scaling system is completely broken that’s why you can 1 shot someone while naked.

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You can throw around whatever labels you’re please and divide the playerbase into what you see convenient. This will have absolutely no effect at changing the fact that I am also a player, paying a real money, and I’m deeply inconvenienced by the minor ability that your class have that is changing the way I play in a major way to the point of ruining the game I play.

At first I was just going to pretend I ignored this blatantly false statement, but since I actually still care I’ll try to break through your delusion once.
World PvP takes all and every skill you can muster. It is all that you have, a completely unrestrained, anything goes, ultimate test of how you actually stack up against other players out there. The world PvP is how WoW PvP started, and how it ends every expansion. WPvP is the alpha and the omega of PvP, and the ultimate end goal of the game field to dominate. You can be a quintuple gladiator or a high warlord, and that means absolutely nothing to me until I actually see you in open world action, taking on multiple people at once by using all the gear and skills you’ve acquired and perfected from the high end instances, and then cheerfully resurrecting me and blowing kiss to the wind because I’m just that quick to stealth after you resurrect me to start with, but of course getting hugged and gazed longingly at in a couple of seconds before I fade into wilderness again.

Once again, I will be playing what I please, which may or may not be arena, but I have every right to complain about a gamebreaking ability, especially because it is such a ridiculously minor utility a lot of DHs don’t even have on their action bars! But those who do, just cause me not to take any action while they’re in visible proximity at all, which brings up a question why should I play in the first place?

And once again, you are missing my point completely, as you keep trying to tailor the right to complain to this ‘competitive pvp’ you keep brining up. You don’t understand the simple fact that there is absolutely nothing for me to be embarrassed about, as I do not have that correlation that you are referring to as any factor, let alone determining one. But what I do have is a valid feedback about one particular ability that affects my gameplay in such a way that no other class and no other ability does, which I have no counter for, and which can be used twice a minute for the whole 10 seconds, which I’m sure a player who is into ‘competitive PvP’ like yourself would know that in PvP terms where the outcome is often decided in a first couple of seconds, 10 seconds of any action or inaction is just an astronomically huge amount of time, which means 10 seconds with a vanish on cd in the open is a death sentence regardless of your skill and gear. Something tells me if mass dispel removed all metamorphosis consistently every second for 10 seconds in a 30 yd duration and had a 30 seconds cooldown you would be the first one to whinge and complain with no end. But somehow seeing through a 2 minute cooldown vanish ability and pressing 2 buttons to effortlessly catch up to a sprinting away character is fine.

This is as relevant as it can get, as meta turns a melee class into a ranged class, which is basically like if a warrior attacks got the hunter’s range for a limited duration. If anything, cheat death should have a matched up cd of 4 minutes to make up for that, but it would still not solve the root cause that whether it is a melee or a ranged class, seeing through stealth at a huge radius is a massively overlooked issue and its just disgusting at how persistent the same class that is abusing it are defending it.

This is completely irrelevant to me who their alt is. I’m always in the present to a character who I am responding to. And if you are thinking I am trolling after all the effort I have already done to narrow down a problem and propose a couple of possible solutions already, I may actually stop bothering responding to you, as you clearly haven’t bother to request me to elaborate on the actual solutions I proposed, and instead resort to calling out completely irrelevant factors like my involvement into rated scene, and so on. The only thing I’ve noticed from you so far is being really defensive of a really minor ability instead of trying to understand the legitimate concerns your fellow players have, who are actually trying to get their point across, and blaming them for their way of playing, which already speaks volumes in itself to those who know what kind of behaviour this is.

I don’t know where you got the impression I was trying to be clever or otherwise. If I am boring you, perhaps you should leave it be and allow me to express my points, as the points I’m trying to make are whatever is the opposite of boring to me. As for the hero bit, my humble thanks, but I never aimed to be one, all I wanted to do was a little WPvP here and there without being seen from 40yd away and chased down 100yd away until death by a single class using a single ability, and I still don’t understand how much clearer do I need to be about spectral sight attributing to stopping me from doing exactly that, which is enjoying the game I did for so long.

Thank you for that. I have long realised where the true validation comes from (and its not from any things you’ve listed above). Perhaps one day you will figure it out too, but I won’t spoil this for you, as I’ve already said too much. Peace :smiley:

I can’t one shot characters who are 30 levels below me even when wearing BiS at my level. It takes me a good 5-10 seconds to down them. Assuming you’re not confusing the classic with retail, can you show me how can I 1 shot someone while naked please? As I haven’t quite found a way of doing that, not that I was looking for it anyway, just playing along really.

I’m deeply inconvenienced by rogues having stealth on a lot of my other classes. Maybe rogues having stealth is the real issue here. If we remove stealth from rogues we also solve the problem. Seems good to me.