Why other classes complain about dh?

While they complain that we are amazing class (every class complain about another is a normal thing). We have leach means to get hp we need to be in combat, we get 1 sec dodge every now and then while dance blade, but we don’t have a self heal, a button to heal mid fight or resting we need to be attacking to get something back, and that is be nerf drastically in shadow lands,
We don’t have shield/bubble, well… Blur is kinda, and same as rogues we need to stand in place, compare to a rogue staying in the cloud , make sense rogue kill in their spot while target is stun, dh is mobile I hardly been in the cloud, mostly leave it for party members that 90% of the time are not smart to get in since the think is aoe :frowning: what do you guys think?


People take issue with a class that is so tanky, provides so much utility, does so much damage; and has so much sustain.

All while hitting



Sure. DH is a lot of fun to play. It’s not very fun to play against.


Because PVP is a thing and its ruining PVE for all of us who never ever PVP, since when a class get nerf its almost always because of PVP.


First, they complained about warriors. Then we got Shamans and they complained about them. Then hunters began being retarded and so the hunter was complained about. Then we got death knights and there was much crying and complaining.
It’s nothing new that people cry about the new class. “Oh you’re a 5 button class!” Ya, well who isn’t?
Those that cry about Dh think they’re new and edgey when they just look like complete re-runs of dumb people from the past.




5 buttons. DB, CS, BD, Eyebeam, and Imo Aura

Plus utility buttons. Ya know, pvp involves more than just a dps rotation right?


Same we can say about a rogue, sap, sap and and half of your HP is gone,
Paladin same, Buble good damage self healing…
I can go mentioning other classes also have to do with the player behind the class, I have seen terrible DHS and some that I wish was me playing


because their stealth detection range is insane, they basically ignore the stealth and its impossible to run away from them once they detected you, which no other class can do
nerf the spectral sight ability to affect only demons, and large portion of the problem goes away, until that ‘I see everything’ bs is fixed, I refuse to purchase any latest expansion pack or even get a subscription for that matter because it shows the blatant disregard for a lot of long established play styles revolving around stealth

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Oh no the rogue is complaining about something not being fair in pvp. Sucks to be a rogue because the new conduit lets you stay in spectral sight for a few seconds even if you are damaged.


You couldn’t even make an effort to defend DH from a non-DH character. I think this is how it felt when people complained about every other fotm over the course of many expansions. DH has just taken it to a whole new level, but they’re just another fotm enjoying being disgusting, albeit stronger and ridiculously longer lasting than we’ve seen before, which is concerning.
And jokes on you, every time I cancel my subscription I specify a DH spectral sight as a reason :wink:
No class evades the nerfbat forever son.

Look DH needed some tuning from bfa in certain aspects. I think most being honest could say that. However they disproportionately gained power from borrowed power more than most or any other class.

Spec sight? You must be new. Hunters use to mark across the damn map. That’s such a stupid thing to complain about lol.

Furthermore DH has been nerfed quite heavily. At least they bring MS for 3s plus mana burn so I’m sure they’ll still have a place but I don’t see the logic in their 4min cd that’s lost dodge mechanic, leech, and reduced uptime on meta in general.

But DH was always just the fun alt to play for me. But the fact people still wanna talk like they’re op is just pathetic at this point lol. But then again everyone use to cry about rogues wanting them to be free kills too so I guess I’m more rational about all of this.

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Everything was op at some stage back in the day, one thing or another, but that’s why we have came a long way from those times to the currently supposedly balanced game. Far from it clearly. DH are the new hunters.

Thats not about freekills, which for the record rogues can not get against a DH with spectral sight or without. Its about being able to run away if the cover is blown, which it is impossible because of spectral sight, and that seemingly innocent ability alone makes DH overpowered as hell. But people keep downplaying it and it remains a problem that won’t go away by itself until community wakes up and kicks up a fuss just like they did against all other fotm, as DH madness has gone on long enough for it to quality as foty now, which is just shocking.

Its called a counter. Also hunters are getting the mark back. So if not having a free escape makes you ragequit you may want to avoid SL.


LOL the game is the most unbalanced in PvP it has ever been. If you think DH “overpower as hell” it clearly shows you only do WPvP and are stuck under 1800 in arenas. My suggestion is get better at the game before complaining about another class.

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Yea I remember those days. I didn’t know they’re getting it back. Thanks for the heads up. It definitely is surprising news and not in a good way.

If devs can’t balance something as simple as just plain WPvP, I can confidently say I will not invest time into a serious gaming such as rated PvP. I can easily recall more imbalanced times though, but if SL is not only fixing the stupid existing anti-escape mechanics but also coming with an extra anti-stealth fotms, then I may do just what Spongy advised. Have fun double jumping on though!

They don’t balance around WPvP. Never have. They balance around 3v3 arena. WPvP is probably the hardest to balance. You don’t know how many players are going to be fighting. There is limitless terrain. There are the pve mobs that can be around you have to account for. I really can’t tell if you are serious or trolling at this point with your comments.


World pvp was never used to be a balance stick. From BC on arena has been used for balance and if my memory is correct by wotlk balance was largely focused around 3v3 once they realized you cant even balance 2v2 without unbalancing 3v3.

1v1 is not a balanve metric and has never been. It creates unbalanced as all forms of competition is some form of group play. Duels are not a balancing metric. Never have been.

But hey if simple detection makes you not wanna play that’s your choice. Just don’t expect any sympathy for such a reason.

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WPvP is just an example. The same applies to battlegrounds. You can’t run away from a DH that detected you, and you will die, full stop. So yes, if refusing to fix a simple detection imbalance is too much to ask, I think I have my mind made up. Not expecting any sympathy either. Just getting amused at the majority hating on stealth classes so much they don’t see any issue with stealth being devalued into the abyss. If shattering throw for example was buffed to a 100 yd range and made an instant cast, I’m sure there would be an immediate ensuing s**tstorm from pallys, and the change would have been rolled back the same day. But when it comes to stealthies, noone seems to notice, noone seems to care. Good for them I guess. But not good enough for me.

Put a bleed or poison or anything that does ticking damage on the DH it breaks them out instantly until the conduit in Shadowlands. Or CC them before you vanish. I don’t play rogue, but I feel like blind vanish would let you get away.

Serrated Bone Spike: Embed a bone spike in the target, dealing (60% of Attack power) Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die. Deals (60% of Attack power) damage and generates 1 Combo Point per active bone spike. Refunds 1 charge when target dies or is healed to full. Awards 1 combo point. 3 Charges. 30 second recharge.

That’s the necrolord covenant ability. I think it’s still the best option as well for rogue. Puts a permanent bleed on someone. Permanent bleed should stop spectral sight pretty well even with the new spectral sight conduit.

Priests can already mass dispel bubble.


Not all stealth specs have dots, sadly. And blind gets immediately trinked, then spectral sight, and rogue is as good as dead. And if this conduit you’re talking about will cause DH not to lose spec sight on damage, then it is just a final nail in the head to all stealthies everywhere.

Hah well that probably could help. But is it available before the max level? I know spectral sight is.

Yea, I guess that is comparable, huge range over 30yd as well. But the casting time is long enough for a pally to get out of. And only removes bubbles once, while stealth detection last for eternal 10 seconds. If mass dispel continuously dispelled bubbles for 10 seconds would be a closer analogy to what spectral sight does to stealth.

It’s available when you quest in the new zone Maldraxxus for like 3-4 levels and then at max when you choose your covenant. If you aren’t doing max level pvp you don’t have to worry about the spectral sight conduit as it is only available at max level and will take a little bit before people are even using it then.