Why on earth was the decsion to lose Stgyia on death in the maw for?

So as long as the penalty for dying doesn’t affect you, it would be fine. A penalty is suppose to be bad, it’s not suppose to be something you can ignore.

Just run back to your corpse and get the stygia back.


Because it’s not that big of a deal? That and the Eye mechanic are an attempt to make an endgame zone that actually feels dangerous without just obnoxiously scaling up mob health and damage. I think it’s good game design and I hope they do more of it.


kinda a big deal when you dc in between running back to corpse or you fall off ledge and body is unreachable.


as a class with 0 self heals I UNDERSTAND

Because Dark Souls.

(You probably think I’m kidding)

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People should lose one level and at least 100k gold per death in the Maw.

just get more :rofl: :rofl:

Victory Rush!

I miss this from Everquest. Losing experience when you died. It wasn’t a lot, but if you died enough you could de-level.

The reality? Someone on the Blizz team played Dark Souls just as they started moving through the development phase of the Maw and thought it’d be a good idea. It wasn’t.

The Maw itself was a horrible idea.


Because your mom doesn’t live in The Maw. Clean up after yourself.

no its the rest of “i want it all I want it now club” as well.

They obviously never truly played the soulsborne series otherwise they wouldn’t have made a system that doesn’t work with wows controls.

Something like the maw only works in soulsborne because you have actual free control over your character, dodging, blocking, parrying, spells with no cast time except for a few seconds of waiting and poise. Spellcasters in havel armor or melee in light to no armor for quick dodging etcetera.

Blizzard couldn’t do soulsborne a justice if thier lives were on the line. They need to leave that to the professionals at From Software.

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Blizzard shouldnt have to program for people dodgy internet connections or because they play on potatoes

you people really do defend blizzard no matter what they do its super weird


I always like stuff like this though it shouldn’t be harsh. This isn’t.
Man, I remember when mmos had you lose a hour+ worth of exp if you died setting you back. Then again that was when leveling meant something.

victory rush only works if you kill something and even if you do its a very very small heal.

More the “there are better games” club.

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pLaYeR iMmErSiOn

Because classic Andy’s spent years bs’ing about how “the world doesn’t feel dangerous” in retail.

Legit, 99% of the flaws in shadowlands are a direct result of blizzard actually listening to classic Andy’s.


I have 30000 stygia why do you all keep dying?

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