Why, of all the items in the game, did my favorite weapon get a horrible visual change?

You know the 2h arena sword from wrath? furious gladiators claymore

It went from being a toothy badass zabuza lookin sword and now it’s a literal stick with a weird texture clunkily pasted on? Am I tripping? I’m going to picket over this if I have to??? fix my sword bro

They lost the original art file in the pre-patch chaos, had no backups so one of their office interns whipped something up with MS-paint, they did a solid job for not having an art degree :upside_down_face:

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I was going through transmogs because I couldn’t find that sword and it’s as the other comment says, they messed up and had to come up with some ugly placeholder. It doesn’t even look remotely the same.

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