Why not void elf DH?

By that logic, neither is demon hunter void elves. They are STILL “blessed by the light” after being raised, which is definitely a contradiction. They aren’t “blessed by the light” though, they infuse their bodies with the light. Even if they die, their bodies would still be infused, since if they weren’t, they would no longer be lightforged.

As I stated earlier, according to lore ALL races can be demon hunters.

Who is to say the will of the void elves, being tempered by the void, would not be even more resilient to demonic energies?

It’s funny that you use this logic then say

because you could make exactly that argument before the whole “bolvar lich king” excuse was used for the new DKs. I was never suggesting to make nightborne or void elves a part of the illidari, but rather other organizations which existed by following illidan’s example.

The problem with the void (according to the lore) isn’t struggling to withstand the magical energies, its withstanding the corruption and maintaining sanity. I like how you cherrypicked pieces of my reply though, ignoring the possibility of other demon hunters, which is in canon lore; there’s even an entire DH organization outside the illidari.

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Yes, the race that had to isolate for 10000 years due to the Burning Legions invasion before falling under the legions control would’nt harbor the slightest ill will. I can’t see a single one showing interest in joining the illidari.

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But it’s not. Forsaken priests have existed since classic. Accessing the light is still possible through undeath. It’s just incredibly painful for the being to perform.

Dodgy choice of words on my part. Yes they are infused with the light. But a death knight channels their necromantic power from the runes on their blades, which are powered by carnage and stolen souls. This isn’t the same thing as infusing the powers of Death into your body and having it live in tandem with the light inside your body.

This is why the comparison is kinda like apples to oranges. But please understand that I’d be saying the same thing that I am now about void elves if someone had asked “Why can’t Lightforged Draenei become demon hunters?”. Because demon hunter does infuse fel into their bodies - in a truly chaotic and potentially suicidal way. That individual would have to be capable of holding those two forces inside of their body in a state of equilibrium.

And as I stated earlier, the problem isn’t that it’s impossible. It’s that it’s so big of a stretch that it devalues existing lore. What I was calling flat out false is you saying that there’s really no reason not to allow both races access to the class. Because there are several good reasons.

Without the Legion, there is simply not an appropriate catalyst anymore for trying to become a demon hunter. Most people who try to do it die.

Also nobody is ignoring the possibility of other demon hunters. I’ve stated in posts outside of this one that Zandalari Demoniacs are basically the same thing as a demon hunter. This post is primarily about void elves.

Organizations outside of the Illidari did kinda exist. But any that were elven, I’d argue, were assimilated into the Illidari save for maybe a few renegades. Human DH concept art exists. Human DH’s weren’t added to the game. Why? Because Blizzard made a conscious choice about ownership of the class. Excluding Illidan obviously, walking the Demon Hunter path has always required someone else to show you how. Why would any existing demon hunters do it now that the Legion is defeated? Especially with the death rate so high?

So… you have a void elf demon hunter. Someone who hears voices in their head from two separate major fundamental magical forces all the time. And they don’t ever succumb. Even though dragons and titans, creatures far stronger than the player character have succumbed to just one of these forces on their own. We’re really gonna pretend there’s nothing godmode about that?

Obviously it’s possible to create headcannon about a void elf who did make the cut and who can do all that. That doesn’t mean it’s a healthy choice for the lore of the game.

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I hate it when people say “Fel and Void don’t mix”. Some of DH abilities have shadow/voidish things like Netherwalk, Darkness, and Demon Blades. Also when you fight Illidan at BT he does additional shadow abilities while in his meta form. Though it can be a little different he does shadow abilies at NH Mythic Guldan fight. So don’t tell me “feL aNd sHaDow DoNt MiX”. Clearly it does. Also Warlocks are just caster version of DH and they control fel, shadow/void, and chaos

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As has already been clearly stated, there is a difference between utilizing different spells of magic vs incorporating them into your very essence.

Casting shadow bolt does not make you an entity of the void. It simply means you’re casting shadow bolt.

Casting chaos bolt does not make you a demon. It simply means you’re casting chaos bolt.


Just give me my Orc DH and I’ll be happy.

They don’t. This has been addressed multiple times in lore, to include in game where Gul’dan infuses a powerful void creature with fel energy and it begins to tear it apart because the two magics are not meant to have a relationship.

Casting spells does not require a relationship between the two energies that is anything more than temporary, it is temporarily pulling magic from the respective force and manipulating it for that moment.

A void elf is a being infused with void, a demon hunter is infused with fel…think about it like compounds that mix and the reaction causes them to explode. As separate substances they are stable, but once they mix…not so stable anymore. They would be at risk of self destruction at any moment.

Though I suppose to say fel and void energies are stable is more than a bit off the mark.

If you can point me in the direction of something I have missed, maybe, that states that there is a being in lore made of both energies, then I will change my tune.

Additionally, why would a void elf want to be a demon hunter? The legion is gone first off…though demons still do exist, plenty of them…it is not enough to warrant the training of new demon hunters…not only would a void elf have to be willing to go through the extremely arduous process of becoming a demon hunter, which in itself has a low success rate, but after all that they must contend with the magics that their bodies contained constantly trying to rip them down to the atom, something that to my knowledge no mortal in lore has ever done. Doesn’t seem worth it.


How? It’s not a stretch at all, the existing lore states the existence of other demon hunters of other races already. One would think that an elf willing to dabble in void energy would also be willing to channel demon essence, already being outcasts of their own kind.

Now you’re just inventing stuff to fit your view of the lore.

The fel energies in demon hunters do not affect their personality or allegiance.

The void lords attempted to corrupt titans but they were immune… Titans are only corrupted by old gods, which isn’t the same as the void. They aren’t corrupted in their completed form, but only when they are still world souls. Sargeras wasn’t corrupted, he was simply doing what he thought was right. Speaking of sargeras, he originally came into contact with the beings behind the veil of the void through demons who wielded the power of the void. Void is also called shadow, and is already one of the energies wielded by demon hunters.

Deathwing, on the other hand, was also corrupted by the old gods, not the void. Those are two different things. The void is simply the counterpart to the light.

Void elves existed before the fall of the burning legion. In fact, the burning legion still exists, but that is another matter. Alleria’s initial exposure to the void came on a burning legion world, so it could be said that void elves and demons and the burning legion are inherently linked existences. Void elves are simply high or blood elves that are infected with the void, although the void elves in game are nearly all former blood elves.

I can potentially see demon soul infusion act as a cure to void infusion. The raw fel energy could burn away the void completely, assuming the void elf would survive (very unlikely). Either way, the result would just be a blood elf demon hunter anyway.

Old gods are manifestations of the void. They literally are the void. For someone seemingly interested in using lore to support your point of view, it seems like you don’t know much about the lore

Yes… they absolutely do… we literally saw a demon hunter betray us in the legion quest line because she was tempted by power. That demon whispering in her ear affected her allegiance. You don’t think having a malevolent being constantly prodding at your mind has any effect on your personality? Come on

What is the actual point of this conversation?
Void elf dh makes no sense. They are infused with the void. They don’t need to be infused with fel. They are two opposing energies. There is no catalyst at present that would necessitate the training of new demon hunters, and if there was, there are more feasible race options than void elves.

You can have your own head canon as much as you like, but there’s literally zero benefit to these conversations


Really? Give me one in-game elven DH organization outside of the Illidari. It has been specifically stated that night elves who made their way to the black temple weren’t just the novices who wanted to walk the path. Experienced demon hunters found their way to Illidan’s army as well.

And I know the lore states that other DH races exist. But tell me something. Why do you think they weren’t added into the game? Also nowhere has void elf been mentioned as one of these other races.

… you actually said that. Are you kidding?? They absolutely do. This has been confirmed from a number of different sources both in-game and outside of it.

It devalues the existing lore because of the reasons why someone would choose to become a demon hunter. These are people who have lost everything so they went and devoted themselves to a path that streamlines the use of the most destructive force in the universe. The tradeoff being that most people who try to do this die.

For someone to be able to now, years after the events of BC and Legion, go and just pick up the demon hunter path cause they think it’s cool devalues the entire reason why someone picks up the path. Like I said. The Legion is already defeated. It devalues the DH slogan of “I sacrificed everything” if someone else can just willy nilly pick up the class.

I mean when exactly do you see your void elf picking up the demon hunter path chronologically? Before or after the events of Legion? Cause it would have to be after the events of Legion in order to make sense at all.

Yes obviously the legion is not destroyed, but they are defeated. Like I’ve said, I see Blizzard at some point in the future doing something more with the burning legion so that they can open up the class to to other races. But before that happens, like I said, the appropriate catalyst is missing.

Class/race combinations have to be substantiated with more than just people saying “I wanna”. They need to be a result of the game’s lore. Lore is important to an RPG. Technically anyone can become a druid. Humans, dwarves, and gnomes could all be druids if someone taught them how. Does this mean we should open up the druid class to them? I know the answer to this question ultimately depends on who you ask, but personally I don’t think we should just open up every race/class combo. Restrictions on class/race combos help to shape and enrich the surrounding lore of those combinations. Exclusivity gives something greater value than it would have otherwise.

And the biggest thing that it devalues, the thing you’re ultimately failing to realize or give proper appreciation to, is that the combination you’re asking for devalues the importance of magic in WoW having consequences.

Both void and fel energies have specifically been described as madness inducing. It’s not just limited to Sargeras and Deathwing. Those were merely two examples. Many creatures in WoW have fallen victim to madness through the use of just one of these types of magics. And you’re asking to be able to play a character that can just manage them both like “meh no big deal”, when the overwhelming majority of beings who’ve tried to manage just one of these forces have either died or fallen to madness. And this is without us even getting into the specifics of whether or not you can truly mix an infusion of fel and void into one mortal being and have them be able to manage it.

Like I said, you could create a headcannon where you have a void elf who can do all of that. But this is not a healthy choice for the lore of the game. If 80% of the people who try to become demon hunters without already having to deal with the effects of the void’s infusion die, then please tell me: what exactly do you think the death rate should be for a group of void elves who try this???

Impressive. There is a minimum level of trauma that must be experienced to become Illidari. No one joins the Illidari.
Are Demon Hunters and Illidari the same group? No. Certainly every Illidari is also a Demon Hunter, yet there are Demon Hunters that are not, and never will be, Illidari.

Not only is it possible lore-wise (much more so than a Lightforged DK), but this is something that needs to be tackled by Blizzard for gameplay as well. Lore aside, think about what this means for DH characters. If DH’s can’t be anything except these two races, then what does that mean for every future expansion, or allied race to ever be encountered. I play a DH as main, but I also enjoy an evolving gameplay, and I like to experience new races and stories without having to start a new character each time.

The answer shouldn’t be: “Well, if you want to have more than 2 specs, or play any allied race now or ever in the future, then you really shouldn’t play that class.” At the end of the day, this is a game, and if Blizzard wants to hold to their pledge for player agency, then they need to start giving us the options to see that through.

So you are saying that spinning lore or disregarding it entirely is acceptable? That the lore of the game matters less than the fact that it is a game, and because it is a game players should just be able to do whatever?

If that is not what your saying, correct me, not trying to sound rude. Genuine question, just how I read that.

Because if by that you mean ‘All they have to do is write it’ then in that regard anything can become lore, and all lore means nothing.

In the same line of thought all races should be druids. They could be trained to be so, so why not?

Imo, it takes away entirely from class uniqueness, among other things.

Explain how. Cite an example where a being made of the void (or fel) has had their literal essence mixed with fel (or void) and it has been successful. To my knowledge, which I definitely don’t know it all so could be wrong, but to my knowledge this has not happened, and every instance of it happening has resulted in the destruction of said being.

I have to disagree here. Death is not unique to a race. Any race can die, and any race can be risen as a death knight if it has a capable vessel. The requirements for being risen from the dead are significantly less than binding your soul with a demon and being infused with fel.

I agree that more races should be able to be Demon Hunters, Void Elf is not one of those races. In fact if there is any race on the list that should not be able to be a DH, it is void elf 110%.


some of you guys don’t remember xhul’horac from HFC and it shows


A… highly unstable raid boss… meaning a bad guy.


Is this to counter the idea that fel and void mix, or support it? I’m assuming it’s to counter it

Blizzard introduces a character that contains both void and fel.

Void Elf DHs are now justified.

You guys talk like Void Elf Demon Hunters are as impossible as breathing in space in real life. It’s a game, it’s a fantasy story, and new lore can be created to justify better gameplay or character customization.

The question isn’t ‘can’ they create lore, it is ‘should’ they. The answer, by any lore respecting person, is no. The game also needs limits, just because it is a fantasy story shouldn’t mean everything is possible no matter what.

Tauren, Gnome, Mechagnome, Lighforged, Vupera, they should allow them all to be DH’s then, and druids, shamans, paladins, warlocks. That is literally the exact argument.

Class fantasy should be stripped and whittled down to “it’s a game, do what you want”.

You might think that sounds extreme in comparison, but it isn’t. The concept of a Void Elf demon hunter is actually that outlandish. Justifying one is the same as justifying the above combinations.

I have a distinct feeling that people want this simply because it is an elf and elf=demon hunter because two of the other sub species can do it. If the race was a Void Dranei instead there would be no discussion here.

There are justifiable reasons for some of the other races. Those should be explored for sure, but ‘creating’ a reason for void elf simply because it is an elf is silly.

More customization should come in the form of additional/expanded cosmetic options, not gutting lore because ‘why not?’.


It’s not ‘gutting lore’.

It’s new lore. :slight_smile:

Also, I agree - all races should be able to play all classes. The races have all intermingled to the point where any playable race should have had enough time to learn how to be any class.

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I truly hope that nobody who has any hand in lore creation or character class design ever has that outlook.