For the 1000th time:
Without transmog you can visually see what items people are wearing which gives more incentive to earn better gear. It also takes away the ability to evaluate your opponent from a distance in pvp which affects decision making.
As for transmog transferring to retail it incentivizes bad behaviors such as ninja looting or having a guild help with a really hard quest then quitting once you get the transmog item you want.
I’m fine either way, but I think a reasonable compromise might be to introduce a restricted transmog system, where the only items that can be transmogged are greens and blues and epic appearances can’t be used.
Basically, only leveling and undergeared characters could transmog and the only thing they could use it for would be achieving visual coherence with appearances from greens and blues. Anybody equipped with epics would look like they’re using epics.
I gotta admit I wish I could mog over AQ stuff though, holy hell those items are ugly.
I don’t mind your idea of the gear we get on classic to be added to our retail inventory. Seems harmless besides angering the very few people that actually kept the original Naxx gear for 15 years.
However, I would not want transmog in classic. Most people being random adventurers running around in rags makes the others that actually work for their tier pieces stand out and mean something.
IMO, if you put like little effort into the game, you should look like you put little effort into the game. Not even mooch off the gear your main acquired on your alts.
Its sad that so many people want to play dress up but they cant just hold onto the pieces of gear they want to wear and put them on when they want to look pretty
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want transmog play retail
Orc warrior see’s a human warrior in worse gear than him.
“Oh cool, that guys only got greens on, easy HK for me~”
That same human warrior maniacally rubbing his hands together.
“That fool… he doesn’t realize I’m in FULL TIER 2”
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As I said I don’t care either way, but I admit that it’s nice to be able to fight while looking the way you want. It sucks when an ugly-as-sin massive upgrade that you’re pretty much forced to take drops and takes your look from reasonable to totally goofy.
[Robes of Insight] anybody?
Search function : Transmog
There’s a million threads already about this.
Changes PvP in a huge way
Changes why people roll on gear (to play dress up)
Absolutely wrecks the economy for low level items (Greens going for absurd amounts)
Most importantly : It wasn’t in Vanilla.
What would you actually transmog? Classic servers will not have your other toons gear on them seeing as how they’re fresh servers? Not one to call people stupid, however this post speaks for itself.
I feel like in Vanilla this was largely a problem for RPers only. Since the clown suit problem didn’t become a thing until BC turned all armor a mish mash of bright colors.
Going to suck having to devote a bag to my RP set(s) but it’s Classic.
One exception: AQ caster sets are pretty atrocious.
No to transmog. There is no reason whatsoever to compromise. Transmog was not in vanilla, it must not be in Classic.
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I agree, transmog would be awesome, Although it could change the items people seek, I don’t see a problem with it.
But it won’t happen, but it would be cool rather than running around looking like a hobo in multicolored armor haha.
Yeah not in Classic proper, but if they ever introduce Classic+ servers or something like that. No need to go into frothing #nochanges mode.
so you already gave up to get tiers on 60
That’s probably the biggest reason not to add Transmog. It’ll blow up the gear market.
In my day we leveled in a tight leather vest, boxer briefs, a green cowboy hat and bunny slippers and we were THANKFUL
Mostly because the majority of players don’t want xmogs in classic so there won’t be, some have reasons, some don’t. Nobody needs a reason, the answer is no and blizzard met the fans on this aspect and agreed to not include xmog. Try in a few years.
I remember using the wardrobe add-on in the past, so living without Transmog wouldn’t bother me at all. Ugly still had better gameplay and it felt meaningful when you got upgrades.
I remember seeing my first bannasuit dwarf when I was treasure hunting in winterspring. That was pretty eipc, he killed everything and seemed like he had endless HP.
I’d be fine for it on a RP server, but only an RP server.
Normal and PvP have gameplay potentially affected by it since it is somewhat important to be able to size up your opponents by look.
But on an RP server it’s really just more about what fits your RP, and not being held back by blizzard’s poor itemization denying you any pieces that fit your aesthetic but don’t have the stats you need to function properly.