Why not make PVP vault separate from PVE?

You’ve made PVP gear borderline useless in PVE, why not separate the vault letting us choose a PVP vault item AND m+/raid.

Also, please for the love of god UP the amount of conquest we get per win in arena.


just make honor gear pvp relevant


You are not allowed to excel in more than one area of the game. It’s kinda like covenants making it so that you can’t play different specs or PvP and PvE.


for real man.

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Yeah it’s actually so disgusting. And they keep giving that garbage “meaningful choice” crap. A choice is only good if it actually made us stronger in some way without hard inting in another.


This is why:


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What does this have to do with the vault exactly?

I agree the PvP and PvE vault should be separated since they did separate PvP and PvE gear, but it was created with “PvP gear being good in PvE” mindset.

I doubt this has anything to do with that, and only an oversight on blizzards part.

I’m sure if players come together and ask for it to be changed, then it will.

How do you still have any hope left that anything will be changed or fixed?

Blizzard do fix stuff when it is needed. It might not be at a pace that we would like it to be, but they do fix it.

WoD style PvP gear in 9.1 is a good example.

Time gated gear so that you still cannot get gear to be on an even playing ground with people who were rival or duelist last season?

There is a thread about PvP gearing (created in April) that has over 700 likes and like 1200 comments yet has been ignored for going on 4 months.

I’ll hope for 10.0 maybe but I have 0 faith left in Slands.

How is the gear time gated exactly? You can get the same amount of conquest as everyone else?

As for the gear differences in IL, and if you played last season there shouldn’t be much of a gap at all.

Care to link the thread? I’d like to read it.

Either way, blizzard did change the way gearing worked in 9.1, so saying they are ignoring feedback is false.

There was already good changes going into 9.1 though?

Dear god that was soul crushing to read through


for pveers? yes because pvp gear is less relevant in pve now
for pvpers? no because nothing has changed
pvp gear in comparison to last season is exactly the same, it just has the lower ilvl in pve → less boosties in arena(no)


Don’t forget the thread by Venruki in BFA which seemed like it had 70,000 comments on and the completely ignored it.


All they did was push back the relevance of pvp gear in pve by 1 rsting bracket.

Instead of heroic raid lvl loot being 1600 now its 1800. Hardly “pvp gear useless in pve”

There is a reason World first guilds spent upwards of 10 million gold on pvp carries this tier alone

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Yeah it’s rough trying to do all the content on one toon.

This season I have two “mains”, a pvp and a pve one. And holy hell has it made it sooo much better. I highly reccomend those who want to both raid and pvp to do this. It makes it so much smoother. Just take your pve vault option on your pve toon and the pvp option on your pvp toon. And also you don’t have to try and unlock all 9 options on one character. Just do keys/raid on pve toon and get your rated’s done on pvp toon, then you’re done with the vault for the week. Also you don’t have to try and pick a covenant that works for both, and you don’t have to make 6 leggos on your main for each type of content.

Last season I did it all on one toon and it suuuucked. Having to be sub-optimal in one part of the game due to covenants, having to farm like crazy to get enough leggos, having to choose each week in the vault which part of the game I want to get stronger in. Having so much more fun this time around separating the two with different characters. Highly reccomend.

If you’re reading this scroll back up and flag filthron for trolling


What for, might I ask?

I personally believe that blizzard did help fix gearing going into 9.1, and also believe there should be separate vault options?

Or are you doing what that other forum post was saying to do and spam reporting on alts because of the level of my character (which is against the TOS)?

Renoun 59 required to get PvP gear that scales to 216 ilvl (last season 220-227 was common, this season 235+ is common), so competing capped at 216 is a problem.

Sure 9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD - #1188 by Flithron-elune

I don’t think the 9.1 changes were good, I think they addressed a problem no body wanted. What we want is a MoP style, someone pointed out yesterday that with current ilvl the difference of honor and conquest gear would be 3 ilvl. I would be okay with 5 or even 10 but starting the range at 190 and taking it all the way to the 250’s is crazy.

Yes you need to gear for PvP but the honor gear should still be able to compete against conquest gear, there should not be 7 levels of each causing a huge spread, that is just padding for Blizzard metrics in my eyes, which yes shows we are doing “bg’s” but we have 40+ ilvl less than some players even with a full set of starter honor gear.

The system had potential, they brought back vendors and made PvP gear BiS BUT the implementation and maintenance to actually make the system logical for PvPers has gone poorly. Not only do we have to do tons of questing for renoun and stuff (not the kind of end game I enjoy), but we have to grind tons of useless honor and struggle bus fighting poeple that completely out gear you (even after you have put in your time.) It’s silly, I don’t know what else to say.

How would you like blizzard to fix this?

Make honor gear easier to obtain and start at a higher IL?

The gap between rival and duelist gear is already very small, and rival is pretty easily obtainable, even in honor gear.

Blizzard is trying to make PvP gear still viable in PvE, so I think what you are asking with the current system and the way the game works is just impossible.

I agree, it is daunting to see all you have to go through to get the the end result, but a lot of it comes naturally from playing the game.

There is tons of PvE gearing options as well to help you ignore the honor grind.

You can upgrade korthia gear to heroic IL, which is better than base conquest gear.