Why not limit premades to 5 man groups?

Thats what my premade runs the helms on.

Because they are the most in position to be face tanking complete focus fire.

The rest of the team doesnt wear it because we sweep for our flank and we have the ability to rotate out.

The warrior and druid do not have that ability.

Thats why i said that. i do not literally mean the 8 other classes wont take damage. They have the capability to rotate out/away and be peeled. The warrior and druid dying are far more devastating than 1 dps for us

Perhaps we can call a truce as i believe I have been misinterpreted.

The only real issue with BGs is the imbalance of healers. If you go against a premade but have a couple of priest, your odds of winning go up a lot. The advantage premades have is guaranteeing healers. The thing that will decide, almost every time, if you win or not, is who has the most healers. The only issue is queue times go up a lot if they want to fix this problem.

This is a good point.

And priests are kinda the only classes healing rn. You dont really see druids or shamans healing right now except an odd 1 or 2 because they got dps runes now

Pretty good. Just got some decent gear. Pugging and FC’ing in WSG just like I did on ERA. The way I prefer it. Premades don’t bother me.

And your experience?

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Beating 10man premades as a 3man group is one of my favorite wow things, keep the 10man wheelchairmades coming.

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