Why not just play retail at this point?

It’s super cool Radalpho, it’s basically a time limited mode their doing till the next expansion launches.

It’s a new mode called remix and only new characters are allowed in the game mode. You make a new character and their confine to a expansions and it’s location (Panadria) and you do all the content in MoP with unique Gems that grant you spells ( kinda like SoD runes) Your characters level faster, you can do MoP raids as you level (kinda like SoD) you have dragon flying from the get go. You get unique transmog and mounts from it. It’s alot of fun, there’s a lot more details but those are the most important.


You can make a new character in retail and level in Outland and Northrend and they are intact, because the Cata rework didn’t touch them. So using that logic TBC classic and Wrath classier weren’t necessary.


I feel like Wrath and Cata are closer to retail than they are vanilla.

Getting to replay them Wrath was definitely the turning point to retail.


“Unique characters” yet we are unable to track whether toons are alts or not via ironforge . pro.

all you have to do is take one look at the overall graph to see that there has been a consistent decline for like 10 months… and the drop off at the end was definitely noteworthy

I do play and that is exactly why I care so much. This is just a forum posting toon. My main is my shaman. You’re the one who doesnt play. It takes you several months just to get up to the current tier of gear and by the time you do, you end up sitting there for a couple months until new content drops. Talk about someone who doesn’t play…

You pretty much have the habit of playing a lot for a few days in a row, then staying silent for a few months at a time.

My post vs yours kinda proves that it is I who plays and YOU who does not. You not understanding what I was talking about when comparing Classic Cata vs regular goes to show that I do play now and played back then. And it seems as if you did not play then or now anymore as you did not seem to get the majority of what I listed there.

Only someone who plays often would know what I know and know it as well as I do.

I actually have. And I put a huge list of differences between regular Cata and Classic Cata. What’s your retail armoury look like? Did you even play it yourself?

What I listed there proves that I do. The fact that you don’t pick up on all that stuff to be changes and think that I was talking about content proves that you don’t.

Im glad I was able to list you’re the one who doesn’t play if you think that list was a discussion about content. And that toon just recently got guild kicked a couple weeks ago for inactivity. Your guild had others doing a lot more than you did. So VII just want it for you. And the fact that you constantly feel the need to prove yourself to a level 12 bank alt toon shows how desperate you are to prove yourself.

And again. My list was changes to Classic that were not there the first time around. I never once sated that list as a content change list. You thought that was a content change list…cuz you don’t play the game.

You can assign thresholds at plenty of different expansions.

Vanilla to Tbc. Tbc starting the trend of every expansion being relegated to a half dozen zones all contained neatly in its own section and functionally replaces everything before it. In that sense I could put classic as vanilla and nothing past.

I would say marking cata as the line is nonsense. Wrath through wod is just a constant streamlining of the game each patch. Rfd, lfr, cross server sharding, cross server groups, personal loot, no more instance saving, flex raiding.

Personally I would point to Legion as 100% what retail is now. The combat pacing changes with the floating combat text changes makes it really easy to to notice just how different playing your class feels. Every class is numbers puke where you cant discern your hits anymore. Your class feels like dooky because everyone is designed around that hero moment of pressing your cooldown. Also lest we forget legion was the rise of the chorelist and ‘monthly active users’ and ‘engagement metrics’

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Yes I have played it, even rocking my plunderstorm stuff :3

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Yah. Play in the barrens as it originally was. And not play barrens as it originally was in vanilla era. Because vanilla era sucks. And wrath classic era was the best. End of story.

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It’s funny to me. The only real thing I hear other people say is that, permanent wrath classic servers won’t make money. That is the only real argument.

And, even then. It’s really not that good of an argument. While blizzard hasn’t responded yet, that doesn’t mean that permanent wrath classic won’t happen either. Sick of hearing that to. As if people are prophets.

Blizzard stated, on wowhead after blizzcon. That they weren’t doing wrath classic servers currently. But were listening to feedback. But that’s it. I mean, I will let blizzard decide whether it would make money or not. I am not just assuming that it won’t happen yet, when we don’t even know, because they haven’t said anything about whether they would make wrath classic servers or not. It’s basically at a maybe.

I think that is the thing that is the most annoying. The transparency. I wish they would answer us already.

At the same time, it’s funny how buggy cata classic is right now. Don’t plan on playing atm. If ever.


It gives cool mount in Cata Classic too.

I ignored your question because the question you kept spam asking originally was “How does this effect game play” I answered how.

You did not like that I answered so now you are asking a different question that you never asked the first time around and are pretending that that is the question you originally asked that I refused to answer. I answered the question you asked and you never replied to it. Don’t turn around and start asking a completely different question that isn’t even slightly related and pretend that was what you were asking all along.

You asked “how does that affect gameplay.”

I answered.

Now you keep asking how does it affect your spells and rotation. And are asking that now and pretending that is the thing I refused to answer, when the thing I answered was how does that affect gameplay.

Don’t say I didn’t answer you. I did. Don’t turn around and change the question to something else and pretend as though that is what I refused to answer when in fact, I did not refuse to answer your original question.

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The biggest changes came with MOP with the whole mindset of, “bring the player, not the class.” Also, with the lesser version of talents.

Legion just nailed the coffin with world level scaling and even item level scaling which defeated the whole purpose of getting better gear.

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I think pretty much says it.

Cata is just a better wotlk


When you add p2win token and announce that player characters will transfer to cata, people quit.


There is literally months of quotes of you screaming that you weren’t going to play, and all these people are “trying to convince you to play” but you won’t.

Now you are?

The schizo went back to their compulsive lying again. Never change aovona, we always need a clown in these forums.


I tried Retail and I didn’t like it. This is good with me.

Hey guess what there? I did unsub,. I did quit playing for a while. Id did get bored of the game but then game back because I changed my mind. Must be hard for you and that super low IQ of your’s to grasp, but…people change their minds sometimes. You are still so fixated on trying to do anything and everything in your power to insult me.

You have issues. You literally go around the forums looking for certain people such as myself to try and troll and you jump on the opportunity. That is exactly what someone who has a far below than average IQ and who has the condition known as APATHY does to people. It is a health condition. Now get out of here with your double digit IQ.

That is part of the reason why you have never once been able to change up your insults that you keep throwing around at me. You literally are incapable of finding any other form of communication to talk to me other than to say the exact same thing to me over and over and over again. By this point, you don’t even seem to realize that you are doing it.

Those with apathy as bas as you have it are unable to change their activity pattern, have too low of motivation to do so and therefore will get upset and insult others who do so.

You literally begin to rage and jump to insults when you notice ANY change in my behaviors here.

I did not lie. I did unsub. I give you permission at this point. Since you like to stalk me so damn much, you can ask Blizzard if I did indeed unsub, quit playing for a while and then decided to come back…you even noticed when I was gone during that time period as you lied to everyone here and said that I had been banned from the forums and just got back from a forum ban.

Your apathy that YOU have is what caused you to be at the exact same progress on that toon for months on end even though you were still playing the game. Just too low of an IQ to figure out what to do in the game. Your guild got sick of having a low IQ invalid so they guild kicked you.

You just recently lied about how you were going to get back into a guild. But no. You cant ever stay in a guild. No one likes you. Thats why you have to keep guild hopping.

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I don’t believe you. You ranted that you would unsub because you thought it would make your case for wrath era stronger. But like Blizzard was counting on almost no one was willing to unsub if there was no wrath era. Most never intended to unsub and those that did just took a break and soon resubbed. It’s just like Abombshield. Claimed he was unsubbed, disappeared from the forum for a month, and now he’s back.