Why not just lift all transmog restrictions entirely?

I would love a full life of transmog restrictions on armor and weapons.

Its absurd at this point considering you can be a pajama clad warrior wielding fish as weapons but all the purists will cry till Wow shuts down that having the freedom of mogging whatever gear you have unlocked is absurd in a fantasy game.

Plenty of games allow this and the sky didnt fall.

In addition, many prominent characters in Wow dont even follow the rules; mixing various armor types to accomplish the character look THAT BLIZZARD wants. Its ridiculous that NPC’s can accomplish this but no not the players.


once again. NOT ARCANE. NOT A MAGE.

geeze you really struggle to admit when you are wrong. Warlocks and Priests are not Mages, nuff said.

Well pointless to continue to reply to you.


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seeing as at least half of Pally “plate” sets are cloth robes I support this.

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Comparing Fel Fire to Arcane Fire is an insult to Warlocks everywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m curious how hunter’s arcane shot works. Do they enchant each shot as it’s being fired, or are they just carrying a ton of pre enchanted ammo? Also, wouldn’t arcane torrent be arcane magic? My pally uses that a lot.

I just want to be able to use leather as a hunter :’) I dislike most mail sets.
Being able to transmog one tier below (and for cloth, one tier up for leather) would be great. It would still limit things a bit but allow more variation and make transmog farming easier.

Also let us hide pants!

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I believe it’s pre-enchanted ammo.
yes, BElf have a natural affinity for arcane Magic, it’s literally in their blood.

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I don’t even think Blizz knows, tbh. Most of what we are able to do is simply video game mechanics.


Relax everything.

Although I’ve given up hope that we’ll get any type of decent mog change. Lots of cloth armor looks like it’s made from metal. Plate armor looks like a robe.

Why bother with restrictions anymore.

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Warlock fire isn’t arcane, it’s either shadowflame or fel.

You seriously need to give up.

we really don’t know for certain and that is straight speculation. There are literally warlocks by lore that were mages that turned to darker magic for more power. You think the guy who wanted more power and better servants wouldn’t use every scrap of knowledge he has? Also, trying to say that standard warlock fire is different feels strange to me when you get to go on a quest to make all your fire ‘fel(green) fire’

ravens is literally just a contrarian who bounces between posts like this and trolls around.

completely pointless even bothering with them

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I returned to the game after a long absence. I was thrilled to see we can transmog crossbows and guns to a bow.


I think the WoD ones are now by armor type as well, outside of the Org/SW guard sets.

I think My DK back in WoD was in a full shadowmoon set with spooky scythe back then, but now I believe it’s cloth only.

People who are against this are just buzz kills.

Tbh I 100% agree I’d love to see a class use whatever. If it makes the player happy so be it.

Honestly seeing a shaman in leather gear with dual glaives isn’t that strange. The abilities make it very clear it’s a shaman and not a rogue or demon hunters.

Open all restrictions and weapon mobs and let people mog what they want!!!

With the cloth necrolord “heritage” armor u can get pretty close to necromancer dks all you need now is for dks to be able to mog staffs


It’s okay for plate classes to wear cloth though?

Can plate classes tmog cloth.

They should remove transmog so we can identify how geared people are by what they are wearing again

Delete tmog

There are quite clearly cloth appearing plate sets for paladins complete with robes. There are also RAF and paid sets like the one you’re wearing as a leather wearer. Hell there are mail sets that are exact copies of plate sets even into this expansion.

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