Aside from specifically class/spec based sets, I don’t really see a reason to prevent us from transmogging whatever we want?
For example, if I see a warrior with a staff transmogged (yes, they can do that, even very mage-looking staves), I don’t think “oh, that person is using a staff, they must be a mage”. I usually go off of the class-colored bar over their head to tell me that they are a warrior or otherwise.
Another thing: Warriors throughout history are known for primarily wearing cloth, leather, and mail, with a few elites in specific circumstances wearing plate. In fact, in classic, warriors couldn’t even use plate until they were trained to at lvl 40, so they relied primarily on cloth, leather, and mail gear for upgrades (unless they got really lucky or specialized in blacksmithing).
Same with mages. The lore states that metal armor prevents arcane magic from flowing correctly, but there are multiple “cloth” sets in the game that are entirely mail or metal plates. There are also examples of NPCs who are not restricted by this at all. Also, leather doesn’t have metal, so why can’t mages transmog leather?
I’m not saying that all armor restrictions should be removed, I’m just saying that transmog wise there is no reason for TRANSMOG restrictions to exist, gameplay wise or lorewise. Especially when you have entire transmogs purchasable for real money that look like cloth, that warriors and other plate classes can transmog into.
As seen by the recent comment made at Blizzcon, Blizzard seems to think we have enough appearance options. Funny how one of the only sets that can be worn by all armor types is the $20 store tmog set, the shadowlands bonus set and the RAF set. How convenient for them.
Honestly, I want to meet the player who identifies classes / specs entirely by their armor.
I’m sure they’re out there, that one person with their UI turned off, who’s memorized the appearance of every piece in the game, and can pick out even the inconsistent, plate-looking Cloth pieces at a mere glance.
While I don’t much enjoy ESO, its transmog equivalent is easily the best part of that game. You can make some utterly baller heavy armor mogs by mixing in light and medium pieces.
I wish that were possible in WoW. I feel so creatively stifled, especially when LITERAL RESKINS can be spread across several armor classes.
yep it’s where those sets like those people running around in that slutty looking druid-like set and those stormwind/orgrimmar guard outfits come from and a couple others i can’t remember.
he uses the light, hence why paladins exist who wear plate armor.
mages on the otherhand, there are no lore characters that you ever see in plate, at the most only leather (jaina and khadgar), but majority are in cloth.
Only exception to this are battle mages who do wear plate armor, however battle mages are different than normal mages in that they can’t cast/toss spells, rather they channel magic through their weapons.
It is what I have been insisting for several threads, something more specific but recommended especially in it depending on your class and your armor class level.
In the case of plates armor class they would use all the armor that was available to them, or in the case of a leather armor class, they would only use clothe armor (sorry for they are clothe class).
That is why that system would work a lot to give more customization in the design of our characters or give a fanbase to Azeroth to characters that we know in other franchises or characters within WoW that already exist and we want to be like them.
As I already gave these examples in the case of the rogue fans of Vaalera or Vannessa or in the case of Moroes, a good use of transmog clothes armors without having to change to that level armor would be good.
And that sees Talia Fordragon with some leather and mail armor for those who are plate love class.
Not forgetting some orc grunt with the appearance of mail, plate and leather in yours armors like any orc warrior.
And let’s not forget some anime, series, cartoons and comics in the case of a mario bross warrior kultiran with that deck that kills instantly in Smash bross.
Kiritos from SAO everywhere who are already waiting for the alliance with their human warriors to use some set of Clothe or leather.
Not forgetting some characters from some JRPGs like Nina from Breath of Fire 1 or Celes wearing some leotard in plate or mail class that she has never been able to.
That is why we need more diversity in the use of transmog without having to change our level armor class that corresponds to us according to our class.
I’d love to see restrictions removed. It’s purely cosmetic and shouldn’t hurt anything. Especially since there are numerous items that don’t even match their armor type.
Priest magic isn’t arcane. Priest magic is holy, which doesn’t seem to be inhibited by metal at all (hence paladins, who use the exact same kind of magic).
That being said, yeah, my entire point was that even with that there are exceptions where people use arcane while wearing plate, which makes the entire “rule” just seem kind of pointless.
The shoulders sure look like generic ornamental plate armor.
Other than this you know that there are TONS of plate ‘dresses’ in WoW right? Think it might just be a fashion design since it’s CLEARLY not a practical one. Nobody would fight in a dress like that if they didn’t have to if they were in melee. The inhibition of movement alone should prevent that from being a standard design.
DKs are casters who wear plate as well. In the older art they can be seen wearing a mix of plated foot/leg/wrist/shoulder protection with plate looking belts. I can guarantee you that there was no chest plate for rule of cool though. Anduin is wearing a fancy set of full plate when he casts a large are of effect heal spell in the BFA cinematic. If you can channel light in plate you can channel anything else in plate too.
I’m 95% certain armor has nothing to do with how magic works in wow lore. There is absolutely ZERO lore that states that armor interferes with any kind of magic. The armor classifications are most likely designed as a game play limitation. I’m leaving that 5% open for if/when Actiblizz decides that armor classes actually mean anything.
But I understand if you want to try and disprove that because traditional RPGs have magic and armor have issues with one another.
Magic in WoW from what i gather from lore is more free form than what we get to do as players. Why else would we have so many hybrid classes existing as lore characters as well as older RTS units who did mixes of magic not seen in WoW today.
See spellbreakers. They literally have spellsteal (a wow mage spell) as an ability. the elves of quelthelas literally channel and eat arcane magic yet you still see them wearing plate and all the other armor varieties
Yeah I agree with you, this is just the justification Blizzard uses. There are more examples than just spellbreakers, which is why I think the restriction should be lifted.