I think you’ll find a lot of support for making the game more like it used to be. But threads like this are wanting it to be something radically different than it ever was.
There’s a difference between these people and the ones who get on the forums literally every day and say how the entire game is unplayable and bad while still playing it. I’m not tearing down people with reasonable grievances with the game. I’m talking about people who spend hours on the forums every single day and demand gear from content they won’t engage in, a thing that WoW has NEVER done.
Have you never met the wow pug community? This is like saying you’d like to think the lion pride would take in that antelope with the sprained ankle and nurse him back to health.
The premise of the thread was just wanting an avenue for casuals to get better gear (and not the best gear, despite an apparent eagerness for people to argue against that).
I been playing since wotlk I have…
Casually done heroic dungeon spams for badges to get raid gear
Done the recent heroic dungeons like the icc dungeons and cata new dungeons for catch up gear and pug raids. Even did heroic raiding back then in Cata for a tier. Casually pvped was nice.
MoP I enjoyed just pugging heroics, doing lfr for tier sets and then timeless isle. Casually pvped on most classes. Casually pvped with a friend in arena was nice for a bit.
Legion I enjoyed world content stuff and got all 36 mage tower stuff with mostly solo gameplay. The challenges were tuned around having raid gear so I had to wait a tier to have the intended ilvl but got most of them done. Casually farmed legendaries at the end of the expansion and that was nice. The crafted gear could also be upgraded to a decent lvl so I did engange in those systems as well as the world content gear in Argus which was nice and the chance for titanforging occasionally got me a decent piece which was nice. I casually pvped after getting all my artifact appearances but was focused on that since they were all going to be fomo.
BFA I played mostly solo. Solo qued into island expeditions. Did the world quest content for gear mostly. Mostly did Visions of N’zoth for cloak and solo gear and that was nice but a bit too repititive. I did enjoy the solo path to heroic gear though. Sad torgast didn’t give any loot besides legendary mats. I unlocked allied races and had fun casually with the solo world quests. Mechagon and Nazjatar were decent zones. The invasions were nice, liked the rares that dropped pets and mounts, still got to farm a few of those now.
Shadowlands basically got the covenant sets on all my alts. That’s it. Then Korthia you had to farm a whole rep just to get decent gear. The best gear you had to farm to exalted… that takes months each character. And… pvp is horrible unless you got arena gear. Recent change may help a bit but pvp is dead to me since it locks you out of pvp upgrades unless you do arena rating/rbg. You must play competitive to enjoy being successful in casual modes that is stupid.
Same with the new mythic 5 mans score… you are blocked from upgrading gear unless you farm the rating on each character. You are locked out of gear that you may need to progress by rating which fundamentally is questionable. Gear is nerfing the content you do so locking that behind rating is only allowing skilled players this privelage? Weird when new players probably need the gear more as a crutch.
They should also let valor be uncapped way earlier. And not tie rating. Just give higher keys more valor that’s it.
Torgast should have given a solo mode that gave competitive gear in the great vault for solo players like Visions of N’zoth. And that would have fixed a bunch of issues. Instead of legendary mats that are timegated weekly and still need to pay a ton of $ in the auction house for the big legendary equipement. But I guess it is clear they would rather focus on boosting wow tokens sales at the cost of making this game feel not so good to play.
I hope 9.2 changes things.
I would like…
Timewalking to be weekly. Alternating expansions weekly. Allowing us to play former dungeons any time we want, allowing weekly quest for normal raid gear, and levelers to enjoy another leveling queue while farming timewarped badges. The weekly quest would be a nice nod to wotlk where we can just farm heroic for raid gear/ transmogs and decent ilvl.
Mythic plus weekly quest to do 4 dungeons for something like 1250 valor. Something so players at least want to do low keys all the time.
Uncap the valor early after mythic world firsts are done. Suddenly more people would care about mythic world firsts if it means they can get something out of it. Uncapped valor would be a nice thing to have. And cheering mythic players so they can get it would be a nice thing.
Let the new torgast mode reward vault loot for solo players.
Let you buy transmog sets with valor, probably tier pieces from former tiers. They could also let old raids drop valor too.
Let your first heroic dungeon drop a decent chunk of valor.
World quests drop valor (like 15-30 each)).
Let any pve gear be upgraded by valor.
Remove the rating from upgrading to max ilvl loot that mythic plus players enjoy.
Have harder content drop more valor.
That’s because this thread sprouted from another that was about the gear gap between quest gear in 9.2 vs raid gear off of Mythic Jailer.
(Hence post #13.)
The… the what?
Supporting people actually playing what they enjoy is a good thing. If wow needs to become smaller and more focused to be a better game for the people that enjoy it, so be it.
The system they decided to put in that you have to clear all dungeons at set numbers to be able to actually use Valor or it’s worthless? Eventually you have to get KSM on every single character if you want to get the max upgrades. Despite just the patch before it was just one one character. Not exactly a score, but it sort of is.
I’m surprised you seem to have no idea what it is?
Typo fixed.
He was pointing out my typo. I didn’t proofread
Seemed like they had absolutely no clue what you were stating… but if it’s just a typo, then it’s just a typo.
It’s not like you need ksm to get any upgrades at all. As you progress through the levels you get the rating to upgrade your gear.
I do agree that it shouldn’t be per character though.
That rating I think and the way stuff is designed right now just encourages buying carries. In rpgs you can also choose to overlevel your character before trying to attempt challenges. Right now you do that by buying carries! And many people do that already.
They took away the account-wide almost certainly because KSM is easier than it’s ever been to get. You don’t even have to time the keys, anymore.
I think this whole conspiracy theory that Blizzard’s entire business model revolves around their players being so bad at the game that they have to pay other players to play it for them… is absurd.
It would be nice to think it’s a consipiracy theory but I have noticed a bunch of bottlenecking into content that is carry-able. Blizz does allow players to buy gold, and there is definetly a pay to win element through it with buying carries. At the same time not everyone is interested in raid content or mythic plus. I know I always buy the fomo mount carries because I just like making gold in this game and playing solo for the most part. And If I really cared about gear that much I would probably pay for carries if I can’t do it solo. But I just focus on collecting cosmetics as of now.
Gear is a crutch in most cases. It’s a form of progression yes, but the best players can make the most out of there gear. Mythic raiders after all do the raids with the lowest ilvl. The mark of skill is how much value you can bring with your gear. And new players probably need the gear more then veteran players who can do more with less.
Paid carries have been in the game since vanilla.
It’s not nearly as low as people think; the world first Sylvanas kill had a raid-wide ilvl of 241 for example. Nobody’s clearing Mythic in Heroic gear.
Depends on the tier. First raid tiers for example have blues and stuff. Blizzard adjusts difficulty depending on what mythic raiders have. Sometimes you see them buff encounters if they are pulling ahead as expected.
It feels like, for a while, apart from a glimmer of effort in Legion, WoW’s development is more interested in minimal effort systems to maximize player time spent in a hamster wheel. I think the weight of old systems with several coats of paint is catching up with them now and a growing number of customers are looking for something more innovative than something that worked well in 2013. Some of that might be down to engine limitations and not enough manpower to enact fundamental changes.
Can’t understate the power of good storytelling, too. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the worst story beats of the game’s history are coinciding with some of the worst received expansions.