Why not give Casuals high lvl gear?

So in other words, everything about the game is terrible. 'kay.

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Sounds like wow is a 17 year old game and needs to figure something out besides the same old game over and over again.

Mythic+ is just reusing dungeons over and over again, and adding timers to make it more “E-sports” friendly.

Raiding is just a bloated mess at this point, and is not engaging anymore, and PvP’s not changed… like… ever… it’s still the toxic cesspool of imbalanced teams and lack of major direction.

Wow needs something different for end-game preferably something that doesn’t require high coordination with strangers online whom are only out for themselves and have zero interest in anything outside of their own self-interests.


I said this earlier and y’all said you weren’t asking for challenging solo content. And also the forums screamed about Torghast. You guys don’t actually want difficult solo content. You want gear. That’s what this thread’s about.

I don’t care about WoW’s sub count.

WotLK’s progression system: raid, PvP w/ a dead stat for PvE, weekly valor point system.

SL’s progression system: raid, PvP, M+ with unlimited valor point system, sandbox area with full sets of gear, weekly vault, weekly quests from various activities, world bosses, solo play legendary system

You have no idea what you’re talking about so I’ll cut my reply short, lol. Subs are declining, but they’re not declining because people who refuse to participate in group content are leaving. That’s why the game has never worked the way you’re whining for it to work.

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Or people who don’t want to play WoW anymore can go do something else, rather than demand that WoW change into something completely different than it is.


I never said that. Also, I don’t know who y’all are since I am not part of some team discussion here.

I know.

I know you just made that up.

Or go back to things that worked. The game has been changing for the worse since Legion.

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So, you’re perfectly fine with the game dwindling away into mediocrity, because you cannot wrap your brain around the idea there could be more than three different end game activities?

Wow’s stagnant, but people still enjoy the world. People are well within their rights to advocate and request wow do more than just keep to the exact same tired old things for over a decade.

Glad to know you’re so easily pleased, but wow’s stagnant, and despite that plenty of people still enjoy the universe and want it to do better.

And people will continue to advocate for it to get better and do more, despite the fact you’re so easily placated.


I literally don’t understand the mentality. When I get tired of a game, whether it’s boredom or actual grievances, I go play something else. If I genuinely found everything bad about the game, why would I ever, EVER engage it any longer? And no, they don’t just “want to make the game better”, they basically want WoW to not exist at all and be an entirely different game, then get mad when it’s not. Why?

They are doing something else. Playing other games O.o. That aren’t 15 dollars a month and expect you to do chores to maintain your character, or other stuff.

Wow is a heavy investment game that punishes you if you aren’t elite in stuff like pvp. Who would want to play pvp like that in WoW unless they are into competitive pvp?

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I’m fine with the people who don’t even play the game already going away, yes. I’m perfectly fine with people who don’t want to do dungeons, don’t want to raid, don’t want to PvP, don’t want to do quests, don’t want to explore, don’t want to go through the story, etc. etc. etc. going away for good, because they will NEVER be satisfied with anything Blizzard does, yes.


People who hate everything about WoW, and everything that WoW has ever been, should go and play other games. That makes perfect sense, to me. I don’t know why they were ever playing WoW in the first place.


It is cool you support and promote the decline of WoW.

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Funny… you say that like that somehow encompasses the people that make threads.

It’s pretty clear how clueless you are, and good to know you’re not worth wasting time on.

WoW is stagnant, and needs something new. Not just some stupid system filled with borrowed power, but something for people who aren’t interested in Mythic+, Raids, or PvP can find enjoyment in the game.

People who want this still quest, they still do reputaitons, many do farm for old transmog, and many are deeply involved and wanting to know about the story… which is why they are annoyed they hit a wall and there’s nothing more for them to do.

LFR exists for raids, heroic / mythic+0 dungeons show you everythin you can ever care about for dungeons.

There’s nothing story or lore based behind pvp, so that doesn’t even matter.

It’s amazing how you seem to think just because people don’t wnat to speed run dungeons or grind mythic raids they suddenly “Dont want to do anything.”

You flat wrong about that, and it shows you aren’t worth any further time or energy.


Probably because they used to like how the game used to be and they changed it to be worse? Like I used to be a casual pvper, but ever since they took out Templates pvp has felt awful to me.

I did some heroic raiding in the past too but guilds always split and have drama, better to play solo. Raiding/group content is still nice but like Pvp is dead to me right now. And I basically I only stay to casually collect stuff. A whole game mode is like dead to me in this game. I am sure people who only stayed to pvp would have left unless they like the rated stuff.

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The same reason people enjoy Classic WoW and TBC Classic more and more than Retail at this point.

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Some players just want to keep other players down. These same players complained about people getting loot in BFA.

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This is the crux of the whole issue for me. It’s one thing to want the game to be that way, but it’s an entirely different thing to make up claims as if WoW was ever this game to begin with and they gotta get back to their roots by… doing something WoW never did. What?

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I liked Nazjatar in BFA. Felt like a good balance, I was able to farm and enjoy myself. Especially once flying was done.

BFA when grinding horrific visions was how you got visions got kinda annoying though. Horrific visions were really annoying. I cleared them all on my hunter, but my shaman (Whom I really only play as resto) struggled and it wasn’t fun.

But BFA felt alot better. Even post them removing Titanforging.

I prefered it with forging… but I totally understand the frustrations with the RNG aspect. I wish they just did something akin to MoP and let you grind valor or something to upgrade items instead of just scrapping the entire system. :\

Templates only existed in Legion, did you just not play the game prior to Legion?

Some people have invested close to two decades into the game, have people they enjoy playing with that they won’t really interact with otherwise, and want the game to become something they enjoy again, enough so that those people who have moved on that they enjoy playing with might be moved to return. You’re twisting people giving you honest opinions into something else that is easy to tear down and mock, which doesn’t really serve any purpose.