Why not give Casuals high lvl gear?

No…read the title. High lvl gear. Not Mythic-Raid, I don’t need anything-else-gear.

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Why would a casual or solo player want high ilvl gear? Seriously curious, why do you want it if the gear you’re currently able to obtain through casual content is more than enough to do whatever you want?

Looks coolish?

Honestly my own want to play this game has dropped sharply due to the grinds.


You have access to ilvl 246 gear without ever having to step into a Mythic + dungeon. What more do you want?

Because Blizzard refuses to nerf old content like Legion mythic raids.


Okay. Here we go.

I pulled my DMG off the shelf and typed in this section. From the man who invented role-playing games.

When people ask why they can’t get better rewards without having a corresponding increase in challenge required to get those rewards, this is why:

This is not a new thing.
This is not a WoW thing.
This is not a Blizzard thing.
The reason that you do not give players rewards that are out-of-kilter with the challenge to get them is because games like that do not work.


You don’t need mythic raid item level to do these raids lmao

They’re the only ones crazy enough to stick around and still call this game good.

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A fresh alt certainly can’t.

What does that matter to you?

You doomers are pathetic

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We told everyone that Blizzard would screw up the level squish and that it was a terrible idea. But there was a neverending parade of people on this forum telling us that the level squish was going to be the best thing ever.


They’re holding WoW back with this Raid-or-Die attitude.


I mean I totally can relate to that. A lot of the coolest looking gear drops from the hardest content but there is also plenty of other good looking gear that you can get outside of that.

If you can get all the best or coolest gear from doing easy content than what is the incentive to form groups/guilds and complete challenging content?

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Not having an extra 60 levels to slog through is the best thing ever

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Casual already have access to high ilvl gear tho

That should be irrelevant. All they have to do is buff player damage within Legion raids by a ridiculous amount. They just flat out refuse to do it.

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It sure is raid or die to give causals access to near heroic item level raid gear by doing braindead easy world quests and clicking on mushrooms


“we don’t want mythic gear just for logging in”

okay then. humor me. what do you want? be specific.

what ilvl gear do you think “casuals” should be able to get?

what content should reward the gear?

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Don’t even know what this means. Yeah the legion raids are still not nerfed as much as they should be but you can easily get to a high enough ilvl from casual content to clear those raids.

Also I don’t think that having old xpac content being difficult to solo is a valid reason to change the entire gearing structure of the game lmao.

Welcome to GD where everyone complains and the item level doesn’t matter lmao