Why not deal with minimal sharding?

The problem is trust. Activision (Blizzard doesn’t exist anymore) has lost the trust of the majority of its consumer base with BFA and proven they will put profits over players. They can say “We’ll only use sharding on a limited basis during initial launch” but they have proven time and again that what they say and what they do are often two different things.


I was not aware that anyone was “forced” onto any specific server. As far as I am aware, every player had the option to choose their server.

A recommended server might be shown, but to the best of my knowledge, the player had the option to choose another server.


If you want to play on words be my guest. Its fairly obvious that we got on different servers because of the queues as this happened to a lot of players. We all wanted to play on Illidan but half of us ended up on burning blade because it was easier to get into and had less of a wait to play. It still took >hour in line. This issue is documented fairly well and if you don’t remember this I highly doubt you played the game in 04.

Sounds to me like those players CHOSE Burning Blade. I doubt there was anything “forcing” the others to choose Illidan over Burning Blade.

Stormreaver was the first server on which I played and there was always a queue to log in for the first few weeks. Queues of over 1000 were the norm. Our guild could have chosen a lower population server with shorter queues, or even no queues, but we were not “forced” to play on Stormreaver. We CHOSE to do so and we accepted those queues.


Great, glad we are on the same page. We did not have a guild, we were just a group of 6 friends trying to play with all different work hours and jobs. So if we got the chance to play we did.

Not sure why this is such a big deal to you. Good for you for chosing to wait several hours to play. I wasnt “forced” directly by this, rather a way of saying access forced us to another server to play as our schedules didnt permit it otherwise. Again you can play on words to this to your hearts content to get what you want out of it but its pretty obvious what it meant.

You’re leaving out a very important question.

Was it more important to you to play with those 6 friends on the same server, or was it more important to play on a specific server?

It sounds to me as if your group of 6 friends all being on the same server was not your priority.

That is the difference between your group of 6 friends and the guild in which I was a member. It was more important to our guild (group of friends) to all be on the same server, even if our schedules did not always line up or some of us would have preferred a server with a lower population.


That important question is answered for you in that post. Sharding will also see you grouping together as you’ll all be able to log in and play instead if having half of your guild in a login queue.

I want to be able to see the members of my guild that are online without having to jump through hoops to do so.

I want a truer classic experience and you seem to want convenience.


Dude, seriously your lack of reading comprehension is mindboggling.


I just want to play. If you consider that a conveinience than so be it. Go look at the other thread with people saying they only have a few hours a night to play if that, meaning they might not play if there is no sharding. We could argue that those people will be a large portion of classics base as they are people like myself, those who played but now have real life things and can’t sink several hours a day into it.

You don’t have to jump through any hoops to play, you simply group up and you’re all put together. This is also temporary.

Having to group up IS jumping through hoops, especially if there are more than 5 of us in the same area.

Every member of the core group of our vanilla guild had families, jobs and other real life obligations during vanilla. While we are all obviously older, we still have those families, jobs and other real life obligations. Not one of us wants to see the game cancer that is sharding used in any manner, not even in a “limited” fashion. We would all rather deal with the inconvenience of queues and crashes.

We want a truer classic experience. We are not concerned only with our own convenience. We do not want to play a solo game in a multiplayer world and we do not see all those other players in an MMO as nothing but obstacles in our way or random A-holes.

We have no way of knowing if sharding will be temporary.

Sure, Blizzard has said that if sharding is used it would only be in the “starting areas” and “only for a brief time at launch”. They have refused to define “starting areas” or “brief time at launch”, though. They also have a history of saying one thing and doing the exact opposite.

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You’ll just have to wait and see.

I understand what you are saying and do appreciate your sentiments but not everyone shares your sentiments.
After leveling and playing up to the 4 week in wrath on pvp servers this time i am just going to to the easy route and enjoy the story without having to constantly look over my should. While I appreciated that style of gaming when i was younger I no longer enjoy it now.


Not quite true.

It remains to be seen if sharding will even be used. I, and others, will be here requesting that Blizzard find another means to handle the anticipated initial rush.

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I say let it be chaotic, chaos is more fun.


That is totally understandable and I get it. I’m older myself. Hell, I’m retired! So if you change your mind then feel free to join us on this epic journey. I have some amazing people I game with, and we would definitely be there for you if you decide to play on a PvP server. I can gruntee that you will walk away with gaming memories that will last a lifetime!

The big concern to alot of players isnt the opening week really. Its the continual fear it will linger. When bwl opens are they going to shard that area because to many people will try being in brm at once. Will they do it for aq opening? Will they do it for the naxx invasion event? Thats the problem. There are going to be times with more people in single areas in the future so it would seem it wont just be for launch.


As a counter argument, why not just wait a few months before playing?

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I’ll ask you the same question.

Why can those that are only concerned with their own convenience and/or want to play a solo game in a mutliplayer environment and/or who see all those other players in an MMO as nothing but obstacles in their way and random A-holes not wait a few weeks or a couple months if not having sharding is such a huge deal for them?

Why is it only the players who desire a truer Classic experience and who have, for over a decade, been requesting that Blizzard provide that truer Classic experience who should have to wait? Why should Blizzard even consider trying to cater to the very people they do not expect to play long term at the expense of those who have been, for over a decade, requesting a truer Classic experience?


Nailed it.